parallel world.

Kyoto, Pyeongchang line.

Turn left from Jinhe Station of the subway, and walk a short distance to Baisha Village, the Holy Land of Beipiao. Most of the folk houses here have been converted into apartments, and the coffins are as square as square ones, and one after another, the North drifters are stuffed into it to live a life without seeing the sky.

This distance is 1,895 steps, and Jiang Yang struggles with every step.

He lost his job.

Unemployment is justified.

He was just in the first year of high school before the time travel, and he was in the third year after the time travel. He studied civil engineering and didn't like it. After graduation, he changed to a copywriter, and his job was to operate a social media account for a travel website. He grasped copywriting and planning, and posted twelve articles a day. After three months of busy work, he finally became a regular, and then he worked overtime and overtime. He worked overtime for a month without touching his wife for a month.

Today the company still fired him on the grounds of lack of ability.

A total of four months of work.

Jiang Yang remembered that he had said boldly in front of Li Qingning that he would give her happiness, but now he could only sigh.

It's so hard to make money.

Drawing on his experience before time travel, he came up with many ideas. But these ideas either have substitutes, or lack funds, platforms and capabilities. He later thought that he likes watching movies, so he wrote a few scripts for popular film and television to try his luck.

However, he was a high school student before time travel. He was not a professional, so he couldn’t pull the film. He memorized the frames and lines. He could only rely on the memory of watching it once or twice to write. He couldn’t copy it as it was. After marriage, when he inadvertently encountered plots similar to film and television dramas in his life, some fragments of memories became clearer.

Jiang Yang lives on the second floor of Xincheng Apartment.

He went upstairs along the dark stairs, and met Wang Gang in the corridor, who was looking for Jiang Yang.

Wang Gang is Jiang Yang's high school classmate in this world.

It's his birthday today, so he asked Jiang Yang to go downstairs for a barbecue.

Jiang Yang responded, went back to the room, and put down the cardboard box. Li Qingning hadn't come back yet, so he put the things away, told Li Qingning on the phone that Wang Gang invited him to dinner, and went down.

The barbecue stand is just downstairs from the apartment.

Including Jiang Yang, there were five people sitting around the barbecue stand, four men and one woman. They were classmates in high school. Wang Gang and the female classmate were lovers. They hooked up in high school.

Jiang Yang told them at the dinner table that he resigned today.

He was embarrassed to say that he was dismissed.

"Naked words."

Wang Gang gave Jiang Yang a thumbs up, brave enough.

They come from a broken county. They have either three degrees or a college degree. They have always been selected by their jobs, not by them. They are all unsatisfactory jobs. It's not easy anymore.

Jiang Yang smiled bitterly.

They drank a lot of beer, and after paying the bill, they went to the KTV at the entrance of the village to sing. Jiang Yang didn't like singing, and the song didn't like him either. The songs sung from his mouth were as if the words were green with his tongue, and the tune was as ugly as fighting with his tongue.

Of course, there is no song that Jiang Yang can sing here.

This is a parallel world, everyone understands it, and if you don't explain it, even "Bravely Say No" doesn't have it.

Halfway through the singing, Li Qingning came.

Li Qingning and Da Jiangyang are three years old.

Not long after Jiang Yang crossed over, the music school next door celebrated its 60th anniversary, and many graduated stars would return to the school to perform. Jiang Yang's classmates wanted to see the stars, so they dragged him over the wall and slipped into the music scene. When they wandered around the campus, Jiang Yang saw Li Qingning who followed him all the way.

She carries a cello on her back, wears plain clothes, wears big black-rimmed glasses, and has strange bangs that can block her eyebrows.

Li Qingning said that she fell in love with Jiang Yang at first sight and asked for Jiang Yang's contact information.

It was the first time that Jiang Yang let the girl chase after him, and in a daze, he gave the contact information to this big sister with a good figure.

Later, Li Qingning often appeared in the life of Jiangyang University.

She asked Jiang Yang to climb mountains, watch movies, listen to concerts, eat cafeteria with him, read books in the library, and go to the school grove. When Jiang Yang graduated, Li Qingning took a photo of the household registration book in front of him at the school gate, and Jiang Yang received three certificates a day.

Li Qingning still wears those black-rimmed glasses and thick bangs that cover her eyebrows.

Seeing Jiang Yang's expression was wrong, Li Qingning sat next to him. Just as he was about to speak, a song came to his mind, "Reject pornography, refuse gambling, refuse pornography, gambling and drugs..."

Li Qingning's face flashed strangely, and he couldn't help poking Jiang Yang with his finger.

She is a little man.

She pressed her ear and asked, "What's wrong with you?"

Li Qingning has a delicate fragrance on her body, which is elegant and fragrant, which makes people feel at ease, and the tone of her voice warms her ears when she speaks.


Jiang Yang was full of apologies, "I'm sorry."

Li Qingning smiled, she thought something was wrong, this man was in Baoshan without knowing it, she couldn't help messing up his adult-looking hair, "It's okay, I will support you. "

"Okay, okay."

Jiang Yang gave up struggling for a moment and wanted to eat soft food. The adult world is too difficult.

Li Qingning frowned. In the past, Jiang Yang was a machismo and rarely said such words. It seems that this time he was hit hard.

She is distressed.


The female classmate greeted Li Qingning, "Sister Ning, don't show your affection, come and sing."

She handed over the microphone.

It happened to cut to a song "I'm Here to Love You", which was sung by a singer named Li Yu. A MV appeared on the screen, a beautiful woman sitting in front of the piano, pressing a button, like a stone falling into the water, the music rippling, "I love you here. In the dark pine forest, the wind Free, day after day, chasing each other...I love you here, and the horizon hides you in vain..."

As soon as Li Qingning spoke, the whole box fell silent.

Jiang Yang was shocked.

This was the first time Li Qingning came to KTV with them, and it was the first time to hear her singing, just like the original singer.


Her voice is mellow, even better than the original singing, just the difference between the radio and the scene. Li Qingning is immersed in singing, Jiang Yang has never seen her so focused, her emotions fluctuate with the lyrics, telling a story, and pulling the audience to immerse themselves in a period of time.

Sing a song.


The female classmate took the lead in applauding, "Sister Ning sings so beautifully."

She said that Li Qingning not only looks like Li Yu, but also sings more like Li Yu.

Li Qingning smiled modestly.

Jiang Yang saw her eyes shining, he liked it very much, and reached out to hold her hand.

She looked back at Jiang Yang during the singing, and smiled very charmingly.

Li Qingning sang a few more songs after that, and they sang very beautifully, which attracted people outside the box to look sideways, and from time to time someone would poke their heads to look. Li Qingning was immersed in the singing for a long time between cutting songs, and his eyes were full of memories and nostalgia. When he looked up and saw such a big commotion, he handed over the microphone to the female students and let them play here. She and Jiang The sun goes out to get some air.

At this time, it was twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, there were far fewer people on the street, the air became cooler, and there was still floating dust. In the past few years, it was the time when the smog in Kyoto was the worst. Li Qingning put on a mask and walked along the dim street lights. He took Jiang Yang's arm and walked back.

Jiang Yang said, "You sing really well."

"like or not?"

"Like, you just stunned them all."

Wang Gang and the others celebrate their birthdays by eating and singing. Jiang Yang's broken voice just wanted to yell a few words, and they were all kicked off the stage. They had always been on the sidelines, and now Jiang Yang was able to win back.

Li Qingning hugged his arm tightly, this little man is so cute.

They waited at the traffic light at the intersection. On the side of the street was Baisha Village, and on the opposite side of the street was a high-end community. The lights of thousands of houses in the community had nothing to do with them. Jiang Yang couldn't even afford to rent a house here, let alone buy it.

Jiang Yang remembered that he was unemployed again.

For a moment, he wanted to escape from the city, but he had a family, so he couldn't escape if he wanted to.

Green light.

Li Qingning pulled him, and they crossed the intersection and turned to Baisha Village. There were many people in the village, and many overtime dogs just got out of the subway from the last train, and they were outside to deal with it.

Jiang Yang had come back so late before, but now Jiang Yang looked at their exhausted looks, and was a little envious.

Go back to the apartment, turn on the TV, and turn the volume up to the max.

The walls of this apartment are not well insulated from sound, so you have to turn up the volume of the TV to do business. A music variety show was playing on the TV. A middle-aged music critic suddenly stood up: "I apologize here today. I apologize to the king of heaven. Apologies, although your albums are not as good as the next one, but at least you are trying to break through yourself."

"I also apologize to Li Yu. I criticized Li Yu's last album. I called it a rotten meal served to fool people, but it was made by a Michelin chef! I never imagined that After she leaves, someone will bring shit up for me to comment on, I'm disgusting, disgusting!"

He slammed his headset and left, leaving behind an uproar.

Li Qingning was startled.

Jiang Yang asked her what happened.

Li Qingning shook his head.

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