Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 221 Joining the Family

"So that's how it is!"

Zhou Fangwu was extremely surprised.

This is something he doesn't know, and he hasn't talked about it with the [silver-haired old man].

No, it should be that the [silver-haired old man] thought that Zhou Fangwu would definitely join the family, so he didn't tell him.

And after seeing Zhou Fangwu's excellent potential, he gave him blessings and asked him to take care of his grandson.

Speaking of grandchildren...

Zhou Fangwu looked at Hestia.

"What, what's the matter, do you want to join the family?"

Hestia was a little puzzled by being stared at, but she still said to the boy in front of her: "Actually, joining the Familia will be of great benefit to you. Because of your uniqueness, I think all the Familia of Orario will welcome you to join."

"Really." Zhou Fangwu was noncommittal.

He knows how popular he is, even if it's not because of potential, just because of strength will make those family members fall in love with him.

It is no exaggeration to say that the entire Orari family is at the discretion of Zhou Fangwu, even [Loki's family] and [Freya's family] are no exception!

"Do you have a family you want to join?"

Hestia tugged on Zhou Fangwu's cloak, and said to the young man in front of him who liked him very much: "If there is, I can introduce you as my Lord God, and I believe you can get more benefits from the beginning of joining the family. Good care."

Little did she know how difficult it was for her to say those words.

Mature, stable, polite, and potential.

Such an excellent child slipped away from her, and she was suffering a lot in her heart.

But she knew that she couldn't keep the boy in front of her.

No, it should be that she can't stay!

In terms of the strength of his own family, forcing Zhou Fangwu to stay will only delay his development.

The young man in front of him just now was still trying his best to advise him, how could he do such a disgraceful thing?

This is against the character of man... [God].

Therefore, she asked the boy if he had a favorite family member, and wanted to rely on her relationship in the heavens to help him, which was considered a reward.

"Boldly speaking, I still have a lot of god friends in Olali. I can help you no matter which family it is. You can choose whatever you want."

"Really, either one will do?"


Seeing Hestia's broad-minded and proud face in front of him, Zhou Fangwu couldn't help but twitched the corners of his mouth, and said an answer that surprised her.

"Then, can I join [Hestia Familia]?"

"No problem! I'll help you ask...eh?"

Only then did Hestia realize that the name spoken by the young man in front of him was his family member?

"Why, why?"

"Why... I don't know."

Zhou Fangwu smiled, and said: "If you insist on finding a reason, it should be that God Hestia invited me."


Hestia was stunned, but she reacted immediately, and then said loudly: "No! You can't join my family!"

"Why, didn't God Hestia invite me from the beginning?"

"That time was that time, it was different from now!"

Hestia shook his head, and his twin tails swayed left and right, "At that time, I didn't know that you had such great potential. My family is very weak. If you join my family, it will delay your development!"

She rejected Zhou Fangwu, not because she was afraid of disturbing her and Bell's two-person world, but because she simply thought that her family would drag Zhou Fangwu down.

"It doesn't matter, I actually prefer challenging things."

Zhou Fangwu looked at the sky with bright colors in his eyes, "From the weakest family to the strongest family step by step, doesn't God Hestia think this idea is wonderful?"

"Not at all!"

Hestia refuted him loudly without thinking.

"But God Hestia said just now that I can choose whatever I want, no matter which family it is, I can join it smoothly. Why didn't God Hestia admit it just after talking about it?"

"This, this..."

Hestia murmured speechlessly.

Seeing her extremely entangled, Zhou Fangwu said again: "Well, in fact, I also have selfish intentions in joining the family of God of Hestia."


"Well, I have a secret, a secret that I don't want others to know."


Hestia looked up suspiciously.

"Actually... no, nothing."

Zhou Fangwu thought for a while, but still didn't mention Akuya's existence, but said: "For some reason, I won't stay in Olalie for a long time, so I don't think other large families will allocate resources to On me. If that's the case, then I think it's better to join the family of the God of Hestia, don't you?"

There are two reasons for joining the Hestia Familia.

The first one is that he will definitely leave "Ground Wrong" in the future.

So in that case, joining a relatively free, tolerant, and loving family is the best!

The second is to help the [silver-haired old man] take care of his grandson at the request of him.

Because the old man's grandson is in the Hestia family, no matter how he thinks about it, he has no reason not to join the family.

The best answer is [Hestia Familia].

"So, you are likely to leave the family in the future...isn't it?"

"Yes, that's it."

Zhou Fangwu nodded, and said, "Of course, if God Hestia thinks my actions are too much, you can also refuse my joining on the spot, after all, the choice is in your hands."

In the eyes of outsiders, this approach should be a naked transaction.

On the condition of bringing contributions to the family members, the gods repay the value of the family members by updating their values ​​and not restricting their freedom.

Many family members would not agree to this approach.

Because once this kind of atmosphere is formed, the adventurers in the family will have no sense of belonging, and the family will easily fall apart.

But what Zhou Fangwu didn't expect was that Hestia readily agreed to his invitation.

"It doesn't matter, you who join the family are my family, if one day you want to leave, I will not restrict your freedom."

In her words, she didn't take what Zhou Fangwu said just now as a deal at all, but simply wanted to become family with Zhou Fangwu.


In Orario, there are many family members, but they are basically divided into two types.

One is the [Loki Familia], which is very united and supports each other, just like a family; and the other is the [Freya Familia], which is divided and hostile internally, but all are dominated by God.

Even for the 【Sumo Families】, it was God who gave orders to the head of the group to control the family.

It's just that [Dionysus] was too disappointed in his children, so he didn't choose to control them.

"Is that so, I didn't expect you, Lord Hestia, to agree."

"Of course! An excellent child like you has chosen a weak family like me, so how can I refuse you?"

"But didn't you reject me just now?"

"That time was that time, it was different from now!"

Hestia looked at Zhou Fangwu angrily, dissatisfied with the young man in front of him always spoiling the atmosphere at the wrong time.

"By the way, I don't know your name yet."

"You actually invited me to join the family without even knowing my name..."

Only then did Zhou Fangwu remember that he hadn't introduced himself yet.

"It's our first meeting, Lord Hestia."

He bowed to Loli God in front of him and said, "My name is Wu, Zhou Fangwu."

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