Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 405: Great Sage Equal to Heaven!

There is a saying that goes well:

【It's better to live than to die】

Its original intention is to emphasize that it is better to be alive than dead.

Because no matter how happy death is, it means the end of all reality.


But ah!

The core of this emphasis is 【Hope】!

Even if life is painful and hopeless, as long as you have hope, there is a possibility of recovery!


The monkey in front of him has completely turned into a useless person, enjoying a comfortable life, and even being used as a convenient tool by others.

If it was just an ordinary god, Zhou Fangwu might not be so angry.

However, it is not.

It is in the Celestial Dynasty, the great hero that almost all children admire in their hearts!

It's like the indescribable feeling of anger that the belief in my heart has been trampled on.

The heroic god of the past was kept in a cage like a beast, and what's even more exasperating is that he had no heart to escape from the bondage at all!

"Hey, hey, don't say that."

Hearing Zhou Fangwu reprimand it, the monkey also complained and said:

"It was the guy who built this palace, who brutally sealed my godhood with a spell. Thanks to this, I have changed from [God of Disobedience] to a monkey who can only joke."

It may be that it is also unwilling, but at the same time it is also very distressed and said:

"But, if I transform into [God of Disobedience], I will probably return to the present world like lightning... After all, there is no one here."

Just like the gods in mythology will protect human beings.

【God of Disobedience】The nature after breaking away from the mythology is to bring disasters to mankind.

Once it breaks free from the shackles of [Dongzhao Great Theocracy], it will definitely degenerate into a god of rebellion, and then go to the world to bring suffering to the people.

It is clear about where it stands.

"Looks like a coward, but he understands his own position." Luo Hao said Zhou Fangwu's heartfelt thoughts, "Young brother, let's get rid of [Bima Wen]'s shackles now."

"En." Zhou Fangwu nodded.

At this moment, the time is just right, the power of [Holy Snake·Earth] can be activated, and the manifested power will stimulate the enemy of the dragon snake, that is, the nature of [Hero of Steel], coupled with the effect of the dragon-slaying knife to break the spell, In the end, the godhead of the ape god will return.

"The shadow of the candle on the mica screen is deep, the long river gradually falls and the dawn stars sink."

"Chang'e should regret stealing the elixir, and Bihai Qingtian is heartbroken every night."

This "Chang'e" is a poem written by Li Shangyin in the Tang Dynasty.

From Luo Hao's mouth, the recitation was very melodious.

The melody is like a ballad, accompanied by a comfortable bel canto, which is very musical.

This is her mantra when using spells, and it is also the power she usurped from the Indian goddess with five faces and ten arms [Goddess of Psalm Gayatri].

Huge mantra power poured into the dragon-slaying sword in Wanli Guguang's arms, and then the spells sealed on the sword were completely released. At the same time, Zhou Fangwu also held Wanli Guguang's hand, manifesting the dragon and snake while stimulating the sword. It also stimulates the ape god.

If there is no manifestation of the dragon and snake, then Wanli Guguang will be used as a sacrifice, which is why Zhou Fangwu said that she is likely to die.

However, with the protection of his power, under the blessing of [Anka Talisman], all the pressure will be borne by Zhou Fangwu.

In other words, Wanli Guguang is just a middleman who converts spells.

"Foolish brother!"


Hearing Luo Hao's yell, Zhou Fangwu also started to act with light.

"Morning mist hazes Ming Shipu, and the island hides in a boat and misses the old man."

At this moment, Guang was involuntarily reciting poems, and under the control of the dragon-slaying knife, he chopped down in turn at Zhengdong, Zhengxi, Zhengnan, and Zhengbei, as if cutting off the shackles of the ape god.

Next, she took the initiative to lead Zhou Fangwu, and danced around the ape god with clumsy steps.

This is more like a priest, or prayer.

The dragon and snake in Zhou Fangwu's body couldn't bear the stimulation and began to grow bigger, and the walls of the stables were also getting bigger... No, all the buildings are getting bigger and bigger!


Blood rained from the sky.

This is the manifestation of the dragon and snake breath in Zhou Fangwu's body, and he can feel the rapid dissipation of his own spell power.

The bigger the rain of blood, the faster the spell dissipated.

"Hehehe, what a refreshing feeling."

At this time, the ape god has been petrified all over his body, but he said something refreshing when he was unable to move.

That's because it's transforming!

Just like on the day it was born, the fairy stone from the beginning of the world conceived into a spirit stone monkey, so it was born again!

It is the manifestation of Godhead!

When all these stones fall from its body, it will once again become the Heaven-penetrating Great Sage Equaling Heaven!

The rain was getting heavier and heavier, and the ape god was also in high spirits.

"I am the henchman of steel, to conquer the dragon and snake, the god born under the stars, so the blood and divine power of the dragon and snake can stir me up, reminding me of my ferocious nature!


Now that I think about it, the degenerate life of a monkey is really unacceptable to me. "

Its eyes regained clarity, it changed from its laziness and decadence just now, and its figure began to rise gradually, but its frivolous tone did not change.

"No, it would be a good thing to have fun with the shrine maidens.

However, that is not the case now.


What a pity, what a pity! "

Fortunately, this guy is not the Monkey King in the real myth.

Otherwise, when we settled down with the Seven Fairies, we wouldn't have gone to steal peaches and eat them.

However, in these languages, even in the petrified state of the whole body, there is still an extremely powerful mantra that begins to manifest and mixes around its body.

Stones began to fall from its body, from head to toe.

Those eyes turned red unknowingly, the originally white eyeball turned red, only the pupil part was golden.

Like light and electricity!

Those breathtaking eyes, with an unspeakable sharpness, glanced at the surrounding people, which could arouse goosebumps.

This sharp contrast.

Zhou Fangwu knew it was back!

——Fiery eyes!

As one of the symbols of [Monkey King], [Fiery Eyes] is also a resident power!

The ape god yelled at Zhou Fangwu: "Boy, put in more strength, more, more!"

Hearing its words, Wanli Gu Yuli immediately ran forward and begged: "Master Shenjun, please calm down, please!"

"Sorry, I want to do that too, but I can't..."

It changed from the previous lowly work, with a detached tone, like a high-ranking protoss.

Also like those who escaped from the shackles of mythology... [God of Disobedience]!

With the strengthening of the mantra, the stone enveloping the ape god is also falling off quickly.

Neck, chest, waist, thighs, ankles...

Until all break away!

"My grandson, come out—!"

Just like playing with the world and subverting the world, it is definitely the declaration of the "God of Disobedience"!

As if he had been trapped in Wuzhi Mountain for 500 years before being released, the ape god in front of him also said these words.

That kind of sweating, that kind of sky-high diving, that kind of chic and comfortable.

Zhou Fangwu knew clearly that the incantation of [Bi Mawen] had completely disappeared.

In front of him, instead of...

At the moment when the operation ended, Wanli Guguang collapsed in Zhou Fangwu's arms.

Although her spiritual power is rare, her amount is far from that of her older sister.

The successful completion of the ceremony was due to the blessing of Zhou Fangwu.

But the blessing of mantra does not mean that it will not consume mental power.

So she fell into a coma immediately after the ceremony, which made Mariya Yuri anxious, and ran over to hold her in his arms and examine her carefully.

He subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief when he found out that his sister was just in a coma.

Then he looked at the monkey whose appearance had changed drastically.

His eyes were distracted, and he murmured, "The Monkey King..."

Even if she didn't say that, even if other people didn't know about it, but there were bright eyes in its red eye sockets, and its beautiful hair without a trace of variegation, glowing golden in the sun.

It's so beautiful!

"No, no!"

The monkey in front of him changed his frivolity just now, but with a strong majesty, he reported his name to everyone.

"I'm not the monkey king, nor the monkey king!"

It pointed to the sky with incomparable confidence, "My name is [Qi Tian]! I am the sky!"

[The God of Disobedience] has various manifestations.

Godheads are their shackles, and different godheads bring different strengths, just like Ra's [Sun God] and [Creation God], the gap is undoubtedly huge.

Without the decadence and antics of the past, the one named "Monkey King" is announcing its own return.

"I am the Monkey King born from the stone!

Unlimited supernatural powers, thousands of changes!

Stealing elixir and elixir in the Heavenly Palace, gluttonously eating fine wine in the fairy world, stealing ten-thousand-year-old flat peaches, and competing with the gods to show off their might!

Do violence and show evil in the upper realm! "

Its voice became louder and more passionate, and at the same time a long steel-like rod appeared in his hand.

——Ruyi Golden Cudgel!

"My name is Sun, and my name is Wukong!

Self-titled [Equaling Heaven Great Sage]! "

It says so.

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