Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 515 [People's Hero]

"Yes, I'm sorry, brother!"

Princess Alice apologized loudly to Zhou Fangwu with an apologetic face.

To be honest, I don't understand why she apologized.

Originally, she was the one who cared about Zhou Fangwu, so she shouldn't apologize for admitting to the wrong person.

But for those who don't know the actual situation, it seems that Princess Alice is showing concern for Kazuma Sato.

This is a big problem!

"Ah, there's no need to apologize, it's nothing at all." Zhou Fangwu helped her up in embarrassment, "Sure enough, Alice, did you notice it too?"

"My brother said so..."

"Well, I just switched bodies with Sato-kun."

Princess Alice's doubts were answered exactly, and Zhou Fangwu began to explain the reasons after discovering the exposure.


So and so, so and so.

"Hmm... that is to say, the necklace someone gave to my brother, His Highness the First Prince of the Kingdom, is actually an evil artifact with interchangeable bodies.

And the person who gave this necklace actually wanted to occupy the body of the first prince to gain a higher status and rights... Is that so? "

Princess Alice quickly understood what was at stake.

"So that's the case, then I'm relieved."

After finishing speaking, she took a long breath of relief, but at the same time looked at Sato Kazuma with a slightly apologetic expression.


Sato Kazuma was confused by the sudden apology, but he always felt that he seemed to be insulted, but he couldn't come up with evidence.


Others want to occupy your own brother's body, why do you have a relieved expression?

very strange!

"Speaking of which...Alice, I'm curious, how did you find out that Sato-kun and I swapped bodies?"

Zhou Fangwu also felt very strange.

He didn't tell anyone outside the team about this at all, and everyone in the team has been in his sight all the time, and he hasn't had any contact with Her Royal Highness Princess Alice.

But because of this, it is even more strange that Princess Alice knew about it.

"No, I don't know."


"Because of habit."

Alice blinked her green pupils, and said playfully, "Whenever I make a good decision or answer, my lord brother will always subconsciously nod his head to express his satisfaction. .”


"This is a little habit of my elder brother, so I can guess."

"...Is that so? Well done."

Seeing her as if asking for credit, Zhou Fangwu couldn't speak for a moment, so he could only pinch his chin.

Just now, he almost nodded subconsciously.

Fortunately, he pinched his chin with his hand at the critical moment.

But it was precisely because of this intentional blocking action that Her Royal Highness covered her mouth and let out a chuckle.

She also didn't expect Zhou Fangwu to have such a side.

It made Zhou Fangwu a little embarrassed.

This subconscious habit, not to mention that other members of the team did not know about it, even he himself hadn't noticed it.

But such a small habit, Princess Alice can remember.

【Observe subtleties】

Zhou Fangwu discovered another strength of hers.

"Then, Alice, what is your choice? You have also seen the effect of the necklace. This necklace must be destroyed, otherwise your own brother, His Royal Highness the first prince of the kingdom, will be in danger."

Although it is said to be sabotage, it actually wants Sato Kazuma to be handed over to Eris and take this evil artifact out of this world.

This is a powerful artifact, but to Zhou Fangwu, it is tasteless.

Because when he thought of using someone else's body to live in the future, he felt awkward for no reason, and he resisted this kind of practice from the bottom of his heart.

In addition, the rest of the team are unreliable, maybe they will use this necklace to do something weird and get involved in trouble.

So it's better to take it out of this world as soon as possible.


Princess Alice hesitated.

Although she is Her Royal Highness, this necklace is a gift enshrined to His Royal Highness the First Prince of the Kingdom, and even she cannot dispose of it.

"In other words, this necklace cannot disappear, that's what it means."

Zhou Fangwu immediately understood her difficulty and gave a clear solution.

"Then seal it up."


Princess Alice looked puzzled.

"How about relying on the high priest of our team to seal its ability so that it can no longer be used?"

Aqua is ostensibly a high priest, but actually a goddess.

Sealing an artifact is still easy.

In this way, it not only ensures that the artifact has no effect, but also ensures the existence of the necklace, and at the same time prevents those who want to murder His Royal Highness.

Kill three birds with one stone.

"Well, this method is good." Princess Alice also agreed with this method.

"Aqua, please."

"give it to me!"

Aqua got the order and began to release the sealing magic.

In Sato Kazuma's expression of regret and pity, the light flashed, and this ordinary-looking artifact necklace really became an ordinary necklace.

This guy, always felt like he was going to do something evil with this necklace.

"Next is the main event." Zhou Fangwu asked Her Highness the Princess very seriously: "Alice, who asked you to pass this necklace to His Highness the Prince?"

He knows who it is.

But Zhou Fangwu still hopes to be alerted by Princess Alice to this obvious suspicious point.

Although she is still very young, she is also the princess of the kingdom. Countless people want to attack the royal family, so they must always be vigilant.

"This, this..." Princess Alice hesitated again.

"What's wrong?" Zhou Fangwu asked.

"Is it possible that he doesn't know the function of this necklace?"


It was the first time that my elder brother, who had always been very gentle, was so strict, and Princess Alice, who was already weak, subconsciously shrank her shoulders.

"You are Her Royal Highness, your safety is the most important thing, so everything that brings you harm must be killed in the cradle immediately."

To be honest, Zhou Fangwu didn't want to do that either.

At this time, Princess Alice is obviously an innocent little girl.

Although his mind is bright and somewhat dark, he is essentially a good boy who is afraid of loneliness.

But because of this, Zhou Fangwu didn't want her to bring danger to himself in the end because of her kindness and patience.

Not to mention that she is still a high-ranking princess.

This vigilance is a must!

"who is it?"

"Lord Aldarp."

"It's him?!" X7

All members of the hero team, including the female guard Claire, will be familiar with this name.

That chunky Mediterranean is the suspect who gave the necklace? !

"Your Excellency, what are you going to do?"

"Of course it's an interrogation!"

Claire, the female guard, received such an answer from Zhou Fangwu, which subconsciously changed her expression.



"Under the laws of the kingdom, except for His Majesty the King, no one else has the right to interrogate lords who own fiefdoms. Even if Lord Aldap has not been granted a fiefdom yet, according to the laws of the kingdom, we have no right to interrogate him."

This is the bad point of the enfeoffment system.

Because once there is a territory, it means that there will be a private army. As long as there is a private army, it will make the kingdom afraid, so it is forced to add this provision to the law.

"However, the current situation is already threatening the safety of the royal family. Even so, is it impossible to interrogate?"

"Although I really want to nod, I still can't. Before substantial damage is caused, except for the king's order, no one can arrest Lord Aldap and interrogate him."

"I see."

Zhou Fangwu said so, but he was not discouraged.

"However, I remember that the kingdom's laws clearly stated that once a nobleman has an affair with an evil demon or the Demon King's army, he can be forcibly arrested."

"That's right... don't you suspect that Lord Aldap has something to do with the demon or the Demon King's army?"

The female guard Claire did not deny it, but she still did not agree to arrest her, and still stubbornly adhered to the royal family's laws.

"No! Without conclusive evidence, the lord cannot be interrogated!"

"It doesn't make sense...hey, Claire, let me ask you a question."

Zhou Fangwu inexplicably changed the subject at such a time, and asked, "What do you think is the royal family or the people?"

"Of course the king..."

"Oh! Before you answer this question, I want to tell you very formally."

Before she could answer, Zhou Fangwu put his index finger on her mouth, preventing her from saying what she was about to say.

Seriously and decisively, he said:

"I am a [hero], not a [royal hero], but a [people's hero].

Therefore, when I know that there may be uncontrollable demons in the city, in order to protect the safety of the people, even if it violates the laws of the kingdom, I must eliminate all dangers and control the risks within my control! "

After finishing speaking, he looked at Her Royal Highness Princess who was at the side.

Just like what the predecessors said, [Water can carry a boat and overturn it], [The people are the foundation].

If you want the kingdom to develop and prosper for a long time, you must put the people first.

So, can Her Royal Highness understand the meaning?

After thinking for a moment, Princess Alice also made a clear statement.

"I agree! On the charge of [suspecting collusion with the devil], arrest and interrogate Lord Aldap!"

"Ah, very good."

It seems she understands.

Zhou Fangwu nodded in satisfaction.


Lord Aldarp, are you ready?

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