Unexpectedly, I Traveled Again and Again

Chapter 527 Be careful with the brave! ……two? !

"Ah... huh? Two, two people?"

In this surprised tone, Zhou Fangwu opened his eyes.

Then I saw a man who was about the same height as him, but with sharp eyes, a heroic face under black hair, and an ordinary t-shirt and jeans that were almost the same as normal people... I don’t know why, but I have a very familiar feeling for him. Feel.

Is it because of the same dress as modern people?

Or is it because the two have similar temperaments?

It's all possible.

And another...

Although the woman in front of her tried her best to tidy up her makeup, her messy blond hair and haggard appearance completely ruined her delicate pretty face.

Most importantly, she has an aura similar to Aqua's.


"Hello, I'm Listadia, the goddess who lives in the unified God Realm. For some reason, I summoned you...you are summoned here, and I hope you can save the world."

Hearing her self-introduction, Zhou Fangwu is convinced that the woman in front of him is the real goddess!

...Although I said that, after hearing her self-introduction, I knew who she was.

In that case, the person next to him is Ryuguin Seiya?

"Ahem! Seiya Ryuguin, and..."

"Zhou Fangwu."

Zhou Fangwu reported his name, and got a look of approval from Lisda Dai.

"Then! Ryuguin Seiya and Zhou Fangwu, you are brave men who can save the world [Gaiabrande] from the devil!"

"... again?"

Hearing what Lisda Dai said, Zhou Fangwu subconsciously complained.


It's really a subconscious rant.

It was the first time he was talking to other people, so he should have kept silent and dealt with the next thing calmly.

However, for some reason, upon hearing this familiar words, Zhou Fangwu subconsciously complained.

Is it because of going to other worlds all the time?

Or are you just used to this kind of thing?

Although he always claims to be a "hero", he is still a "brave" in essence, and every time he arrives in a world, he has to save something, so he can't help complaining?

"Again? What do you mean?"

Not only Longgongyuan Shengya, but also Listadai looked at Zhou Fangwu with a strange face, not understanding why he would say that.

Even Ryuguin Seiya subconsciously retreated and his body tensed up, as if he regarded Zhou Fangwu and Listadie as a group, and was still on guard all the time.

"Well..." Zhou Fangwu didn't know how to explain.

"Speaking of it, it's very strange." Lisda Dai also looked at Zhou Fangwu suspiciously, and asked: "Although I am a new goddess who has only saved the world 5 times, I can only summon one hero each time... ...Why does Wu appear in here?"

"...Wu?" Zhou Fangwu's expression was slightly stiff.

Hey, it's only the first time we met, are you so familiar with me? !

"Okay, okay, I confess."

In fact, Zhou Fangwu can also choose to deceive Lisdadai.

But it wouldn't do him any good, and it wouldn't do him any harm to tell the truth about his origins.

At worst, go back.

It's just a different world, even if you give up one, aren't there still thousands of different worlds waiting for you?

"...So, for some reason, I came here."

"Oh I got it."

Zhou Fangwu's short explanation made Lisda Dai's eyes light up.

Originally, there was a Ryuguin Seiya who had extraordinary potential, which was considered a big prize, but he didn't expect to get a hero from another world as a gift? !

This is really good!


Lista Dai also became a little hesitant, and said: "The regulation of the heavens is that only one brave man can be summoned. If Wu can stay, you still need to ask your mother-in-law... ah, she is the supreme leader who unifies the gods."

"Well, I see. It's understandable even if I can't stay, after all, I'm an outsider."

Zhou Fangwu expressed his understanding.

Moreover, the water in this world is a bit deep, and he doesn't really want to get involved.

Even if he didn't agree with him staying, he hoped he could let him go. It would be better if he could agree to fight with other gods. It would be even better if he could take this opportunity to analyze and imitate their skills.

Listade turned her head and asked again: "Then... Seiya Ryuguin, what's your answer? Wait... Why are you so far away all of a sudden?"

While the two were talking, Longgongyuan had already quietly retreated to the door.

It was obvious that he wanted to escape.


After being released by Listade, Ryuguin Seiya clicked his tongue unabashedly, expressing his displeasure at not being able to leave here.

"Could it be..."

"No, I didn't intend to escape."

"Ah! You said it!"

Originally, Listade was still skeptical, and she was even unwilling to admit it in her heart, but Ryuguin Seiya took the initiative to say it, wouldn't it confirm his actions just now?

"I heard what you said just now, but now I suspect that the two of you are colluding to deceive me together. Therefore, I will never be fooled."

"But I didn't lie to you."

Listaday was still trying to clear her name, but she received such a cold answer.

"Hmph, do you think I'd listen to an unknown freak?"

"Come on, a freak of unknown origin?! Yes, are you talking about me?!"

The goddess's loud cry seemed to be crying out for her own slander.

Ryuguin Seiya said these words with a cold face, and at the same time, it also made Listadie's heart feel cold.

"Hey, let me repeat, I'm not joking! I'm really a goddess!"


"So, so, I'm really a goddess!"

She was still looked at by Seiya Ryuguin with suspicion.

The paranoia is so exaggerated that this newly promoted goddess of the heavens has no idea what to do.

Instead, Seiya Ryuguin raised his own question first.

"...If you say you are a goddess, then why not save that world yourself?"

"It can't be done! The gods want human beings to prosper by themselves and create countless worlds on the ground, so it must be human beings who save human beings!"

"No choice?"


"So selfish."

Ryuguin Seiya looked at Listade with distaste, which greatly traumatized the novice goddess.

"Yes, yes! And that!"

Listade suddenly remembered what the seniors said, if the summoned braves don't cooperate, use that method, which will definitely make them shout out excitedly.

"Hey, try shouting [Status] first."


Ryuguin Seiya looked disgusted, subconsciously stepped back.

Zhou Fangwu could guess that Shengya Longgongyuan must have felt that there was a fraud in it.

In other words, he still didn't believe what Lista Dai said.

There are enough [cautious]!

"Strange, strange? Don't you know?... Forget it, let's put this kind of thing aside and do as I say, okay? Wu is also, we can try it together."

Listade felt something was wrong with Ryuguin Seiya's reaction.

But in this case, she was also eager to let this suspicious man know that what she said was not a lie, so she stopped thinking about it.

With begging eyes, with a pitiful expression.

After a moment of silence, Ryuguin Seiya still agreed.




Before Listadai could vent her dissatisfaction with Ryuguin Seiya, Zhou Fangwu's voice came from behind her.



Listode's eyes widened suddenly, looking at the numerical value bar that appeared in front of the two of them.

"So... what the hell is going on with you two———?!!!!!!"

In the goddess' residence, there was an unbelievable scream.

For some reason, she felt a strong sense of something bad.

The hero summoned this time seems to be not quite right!

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