Unify all heavens

Chapter 114 Wake up!

The sky is getting late, and the warmth and harmony that shone in the valley during the day are gradually getting colder. The frost and snow are like sharp knives, rotating and flying in the wind. Along with the Yin Qi gradually rising from the ground at the bottom of the valley, floating in the valley. among.

The cold moonlight also penetrated the dead trees and branches on the mountains at this time and enveloped the valley.

The ground at the bottom of the valley covered with white snow was also dyed with a layer of light green in the rising light green Yin Qi, making the valley look like a secluded world.

As the night deepens, the entire valley floor gradually turns light green, but there is a huge pit that stands out.

The color of this pit is pitch black, and the temperature is much lower than other places. The frost and snow on the ground around the pit have already turned into ice, shining with a strange black-green light under the cold moonlight.

At this time, accompanied by the whistling wind and frost, the ice surface in the center of the pit suddenly cracked, and then a furry arm covered with ice shards suddenly broke through the ice and came straight out. Lift it up!

After this arm appeared, there was a black mist lingering above it, which looked extremely weird!

After about ten minutes, the pit had already cracked, and a damaged ice surface suddenly made a loud "click" sound, followed immediately by a body covered in darkness and covered with ice slag and soil. The furry figure suddenly broke through the ice and stood upright!

The moment this figure stood up, countless whirring sounds and the cries of unknown creatures could be heard from the dead trees around the valley.

"Hoo ho ho"

Accompanied by the wind and frost, these creatures flew up from the dead trees with strange screams and hurriedly flew to high places. When they passed through the moonlight, they turned out to be a group of pitch-black bats.

Looking at these bats flying in panic, the figure was stunned for a moment, then raised his neck slightly, and on his cheeks covered with black hair, a pair of blank eyes looked through the valley towards the bright moon in the sky.

At this moment, a voice sounded in this figure's ear.

After this sound appeared, the whistling wind in the valley suddenly stopped.

"Boy, I will bury you in this Gathering Yin Land. You must absorb a lot of the earth's energy. You will not be unearthed for less than ten years. You need to know that the earth's energy can transform your body, which is refined from the essence of the ten gods. The potential is fully developed, and the magic of the corpse god body has been penetrated into your soul, and you can practice it when you wake up."

As this sentence ended, the whistling wind sounded again in the valley.

And the blank look in the eyes of this dark figure gradually dissipated.


Li Qing opened his mouth slightly and read out the owner who said those words in a hoarse voice.

After Zhubi's voice disappeared, the dusty memories were like an opened photo album, and the scenes reappeared before Li Qing's eyes.

Then three magic formulas suddenly appeared in his mind. The huge data made Li Qing subconsciously close his eyes tightly and let out a low roar from his mouth.

It wasn't until he stood in the wind and snow for more than ten minutes that he finally accepted this data.

Li Qing originally thought that after his realm fell and his body was recast, the invisibility and ghost-eating skills he had inherited from Zhubi would disappear.

He can't continue learning until he evolves into jumping stiffness again.

Unexpectedly, Zhubi actually passed on these two techniques to him.

Just like more than ten years ago, the moment these two techniques appeared in his mind, he mastered all the taboos and usage methods.

But Li Qing needs to practice the Corpse God Body Technique slowly by himself.

At this moment, Li Qing finally understood why Zhubi said this physical technique and his nameless mantra matched and complemented each other.

Because this fucking thing is actually a physical skill that relies on swallowing rare and exotic objects to practice!

Li Qing was speechless when he thought that after absorbing the energy from other creatures, he would eat their flesh and bones again.

As expected, the corpse god's physical skills are actually improved by devouring corpses.

Apart from this, what makes Li Qing happy the most is his body.

His body was condensed from the essence of the corpses of ten gods, and was inherently stronger than he was before.

No matter the hardness or strength of the body, it is completely different from the previous body.

Although the potential in this body needs to be developed slowly, this also made Li Qing extremely happy.

Thinking of this, Li Qing raised his right arm and hit his left arm.

The moment the arms collided, there was a dull 'bang' sound.

Li Qing squinted his eyes and felt it for a moment, then his eyes lit up.

Although he was black and stiff at this time, his body was as hard as jumping stiff.

What's more, he also has invisibility and ghost-eating skills.

Although his body may not be flexible enough, he may be beaten by the jump, but under the jump, he is invincible!

If his body had been as it is now a few years ago, many things would not have happened.

When thinking of this, Li Qing suddenly felt that the invisible chain that had previously locked him with Tulong seemed to have disappeared.

Thinking of this, Li Qing's eyes suddenly narrowed.

Although he doesn't know the reason, it seems that Dragon Slaying is now out of his control.

According to the introduction in the first part of the Nameless Formula, the current level of Dragon Slaying should not be transformed into bones. He only needs to quietly absorb the essence of hundreds of years to become a flying zombie.

Li Qing didn't feel much about this, but it was a pity that he was missing a powerful subordinate. After all, the dragon slayer was about to evolve to the point of flying zombie.

But since he can travel through all the worlds, he will have to collect a more powerful one in the future.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly remembered what Zhubi said to let him be buried in the soil for ten years.

Because he had been sleeping all these years, Li Qing himself didn't know how many years had passed.

But since the purple coffin hanging on his chest didn't take him back to the main world, it shouldn't be long.

Thinking of this, Li Qing smashed back again and lay down in the pit with a bang.

Just when Li Qing was about to close his eyes and continue sleeping, the black hair on his back felt an extremely strong yin energy.

After feeling the pure yin energy, he stood up suddenly, turned around and looked into the pit.

I saw a jade pendant and a pitch black bead as big as an eyeball where he lay.

"Ning Yin Jade?"

After Li Qing muttered something in surprise, he jumped up suddenly and stomped on the ground hard.

Immediately, the Ning Yin Jade and Yin Pearl lying quietly in the pit were instantly shaken and flew up.

Li Qing narrowed his eyes, raised his hand to catch the flying jade pendant and Yin Pearl, and then continued to lie down. When he was about to lie on the ground, the hand holding the Yin Pearl suddenly retracted.

Just when he lay down, the bead fell right into his mouth.

Then these pure Yin Qi were quickly absorbed by his nameless mantra, and then scattered throughout his body.

As the vaginal beads in his mouth slowly shrank, the layer of black hair on Li Qing's body also slowly dispersed, until all of it fell away, revealing a skinny lavender body.

When all the Yin beads were transformed, it was already three hours later.

At this time, Li Qing had already become Zizhan, and was only two years away from evolving into Xingzhang.

Because he had just woken up not long ago, he didn't know when he would fall into a deep sleep.

So Li Qing began to practice the second part of the nameless formula, those techniques for refining corpses and controlling corpses.

Because there is still a threat from the old man in the main world, Li Qing plans to use corpse control to control some zombies before returning.

The corpse control technique in the nameless formula is different from that of Taoism. The Taoist corpse control technique is only superficial control, but the corpse control technique recorded in the second part of the nameless formula is to take zombies as corpse slaves and control them from the deepest level.

The sun and moon rotate, and the seasons change.

Li Qing practiced this practice for four full years.

Speaking of yesterday’s plot, many people said they were dissatisfied because the protagonist forcibly created enemies for himself. . . In fact, this plot was decided by the city lord in August. . Then let me talk about one thing. A chapter of this book was reported. Well, the reason was that it was not in line with socialist values ​​and had anti-human tendencies. When the city lord heard the news, his mentality exploded instantly. It was not easy to write a zombie article. If it didn't cause any killings, it would be like the protagonist, the Virgin Mother. However, after causing the killings, he would directly report it. It was really heartbreaking. This is the first update, the second update will be before 1 o'clock by visual inspection.

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