Unify all heavens

Chapter 122 Music Zombie!

"Ling ring ring~"

As the sound of the Sanqing Bell shaking was heard, a walking corpse with a mustache and a fair complexion began to jump forward with a "bang bang bang" sound.

Seeing the walking corpse jumping further and further away, Li Qing followed him with a flash of his eyes.

He originally planned to leave after inquiring about the information from Mamadi, and see where he could control a few zombies instead of slaying the dragon.

But he didn't expect that after sleeping for more than ten years, he would encounter the plot of "Music Zombies" when he woke up.

Now that we have encountered this plot, Li Qing will never let Nintendo be destroyed like in the original show.

Li Qing didn't know if he had learned any powerful spells after slaying the dragon and becoming a flying zombie, but this Nintendo had learned many kinds of spells after evolving into a flying zombie.

If it is said that the evolution of Dragon Slaying into Flying Zombie in three years is unprecedented, then this Nintendo is unprecedented.

It took three years for Dragon Slayer to evolve from a jumping zombie to a flying zombie, but it only took a few days for Nintendo to evolve from a walking zombie to a flying zombie!

And it’s still taking the mutation route!

It can be described as extremely abnormal!

Thinking of this, Li Qing felt a little happy. He must receive this Nintendo from his subordinates. It would be a pity if such a perverted zombie was allowed to be knocked unconscious by Uncle Nine.

And it just happens to be used instead of slaying the dragon.

Although Nintendo is also called Mr. Ren, it is not even a bit more powerful than Mr. Ren in "Mr. Zombie". Mr. Ren in "Mr. Zombie" is just a purple zombie that is about to evolve into a walking zombie, but Nintendo is a mutated flying zombie!

Corpse suppressing talisman, exorcism talisman, thunder and lightning talisman, copper coin sword, peach wood sword, glutinous rice, ink fountain, corpse chain, corpse net, Bagua mirror, five thunder flags, yin and yang five elements, Bagua integration, all these techniques can subdue zombies. After encountering Nintendo, the magic tools and talismans all lost their original power.

Not only that, after evolving into a flying zombie, this Nintendo has also mastered a series of techniques such as limb recovery, short-distance teleportation, limb extension, and ghost swallowing. It can be said to be the 'genius and smart' among the zombies. represent.

However, this Nintendo succeeded due to mutation, but also failed due to mutation.

Because its death time is too short, unlike other zombies that are constantly buried in the soil for more than ten or hundreds of years, his physical strength and strength are far inferior to those of normal flying zombies.

Therefore, although Nintendo has the realm of flying zombies, it does not have the strength of flying zombies.

It was precisely because of this that Li Qing dared to take advantage of it.

"Ling ring ring~"

As the Sanqing bell rang, I saw Ahao in front of me hammer Nintendo on the back hard, and at the same time said in a threatening tone: "Old ghost, cheer up! Don't be in harm's way if you follow me this time. Me, or I'll beat you up!" As he spoke, he shook the Sanqing Bell in his hand and shouted: "Keep strangers away, the immortals are back!"

It was almost dawn, but Ahao was still walking slowly, and Nintendo was also jumping step by step.

Upon seeing this, Li Qing raised his neck with difficulty and took a look at the sky. He saw that the sky was already dark, and the horizon in the distance had turned orange.

With his eyes flashing, Li Qing took stock of his surroundings, only to see that there were only a few aspen trees as thick as his arms, and there was no place to block the sun.

"Forget it, let's take it one step at a time. I hope I can find a place to hide ahead!"

Li Qing thought with melancholy in his eyes, then jumped quickly to catch up with Ah Hao, who had walked more than a hundred meters.




As he jumped, he looked for a place to hide from the sun.

Because Li Qing was afraid of being discovered by Ahao in front of him, he tried to keep his beating frequency consistent with Nintendo.

Just like that, it danced for another half an hour.

At this time, the sky has turned into light blue, and a light mist has risen from the surrounding woods.

Ahead, Ah Fa stretched and took a deep breath of fresh air. He suddenly felt that a lot of the sleepiness in his body had disappeared.

And dozens of meters away from him, Li Qing's face turned ugly at this moment because he had never found a place to hide.

As a purple corpse, if Li Qing is hit by the sun at this time, he will turn into a puddle of corpse water within three minutes.

Because the purple coffin had blocked Uncle Jiu's hot Yang Qi for him, Li Qing once did an experiment with the purple coffin during the days when he stayed in the deep valley. The result was that the current purple coffin could only block the popularity of the sun, and half of the sunlight. Can't stop it.

Seeing that the sky was getting brighter and brighter, Li Qing could not help but feel a little anxious. Although his body was much stronger than before, because there was no corpse energy to protect his body, if he relied on his body to resist, he would be able to survive at most. Hold on for an extra minute or two in the sun, maybe less.

As the saying goes, there is no perfect road, so at this moment, Li Qing suddenly heard the sound of water flowing from the front, and at the same time, there were also the voices of some women.

"Miss! Be careful!"

"Oh, don't worry. Miss used to play in the water here, how could an accident happen?"

"Miss, you have such a nice figure!"

After hearing these sounds, Li Qing's face was startled. He seemed to remember where this place was. Then he quickly accelerated and jumped towards the place where the sound came from. Because the sun was about to shine on the ground, Li Qing didn't care if anyone heard his beating.

"Bang bang bang, bang bang bang~"

After hearing the fast-frequency beating sound coming from behind him, Ahao thought that the Nintendo behind him had run away, so he looked back.

As a result, the moment he turned around, he felt a sudden burst of coldness around him, and then a cold wind passed quickly by him.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang"

After hearing the sound beside him, Ahao was stunned for a moment, then rubbed his eyes in disbelief, and then looked forward with his eyes wide open.

But he saw that although there was nothing in front of him, the beating sound of 'bang bang bang' sounded in his ears.

Ahao's face instantly turned pale, and then he said with trembling lips: "No, no, no, you won't meet a ghost in broad daylight, right?!"

After thinking about the possibility of seeing a ghost in broad daylight, he hurriedly took out a palm-sized Bagua mirror from his arms, and then pointed the Bagua mirror at the place where the sound appeared in front of him.

Seeing that he was about to jump on the edge of the cliff, Li Qing breathed a sigh of relief in his heart. As long as he jumped into the pool under the cliff, he would be safe.




Just when his figure was only two steps away from the edge of the cliff, the three women sitting on the trunk of a big tree not far away suddenly felt a little cold.



Looking at a young and beautiful woman wearing Western underwear swimming towards the cliff where he was in the pool below, Li Qing was about to take off with an expressionless face.

As for whether it would kill the woman below, or whether the corpse poison would infect the pond water, these issues were not among his considerations.

He only knew that as long as he jumped into the pool, he could escape the sun and prevent himself from turning into a puddle of putrid corpse water.

This is the first update, and I was so excited to write it a few days ago. Just when I was about to upload it, I suddenly found that the second update had a lot of poisonous points. I am currently revising it, sorry.

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