Unify all heavens

Chapter 125 Golden Coffin with Bronze Horns

The moment he shouted these words, there was a "stab" sound, and his wife's clothes were torn to pieces.

Amidst his wife's cries, the burly figure suddenly spurted out a stream of blood mist from his mouth, and then swayed to look at the monk.

But before he could turn around, his vision went dark, and he fell heavily to the ground.

The moment he fell to the ground, he heard the angry shouts of the more than forty soldiers.

"Let go of my wife!!!"


"Give my father and mother their lives!!!"

Before his thoughts disappeared, he only heard the kind voice saying in his ear: "General, in fact, that sage sentence is false. Then the regent asked me to bring you a message. You are a bit in the way!"

After hearing these words, the burly figure immediately murmured resentfully: "Thief, thief bald."

After he finished saying this, his breathing gradually stopped.

Then the scene changed, and this burly figure with the zombie aura rising into the sky and more than forty zombies were blocked in front of the Qing Palace gate by the dragon aura.

Opposite him was a kind-hearted monk.

Although his face was kind-hearted, the words spoken by the monk caused the corpse energy in this burly figure to fluctuate.

"Hahaha, General, what if you become a flying zombie? The idea of ​​humiliating your wife and destroying your entire clan was the idea of ​​the poor monk. Now the poor monk is standing at the gate of the palace, do you dare to take a step forward?"

Looking at the huge golden dragon figure above the Qing Palace, the burly figure suddenly became silent.

At this moment, I saw a eunuch tremblingly walking out of the palace door. After seeing this eunuch, the monk was overjoyed and then said: "Eunuch, what did the emperor say?"

After hearing this, the eunuch glanced at the burly figure with fear in his eyes, then nodded to the monk, and slowly unfolded a roll of yellow silk in his hand, only to see four big characters written on the silk.

"Eternal Town Netherworld!"

The monk was overjoyed when he saw this, and snatched the yellow silk from the eunuch's hand. Then he turned the writing side of the yellow silk to face the burly figure. Then he laughed wildly and shouted: "General , the poor monk serves as the emperor’s holy prophecy, and I will keep you in the netherworld forever!”

At this moment, an angry shout suddenly sounded in Li Qing's ears.

"Bald thief!"

The moment the voice shouted out, Li Qing felt that the scene in front of him suddenly shattered.


The moment he woke up, he saw the stone pillar suddenly shattered.

Then he saw a roll of yellow silk slowly falling on the violently vibrating sarcophagus in the turbid pool water among the flying rubble, and then a child's voice rang in Li Qing's ear.

"General, Mr. Aixinjueluo is sorry for you! But for the sake of the Qing Dynasty, I have no choice but to wrong you. Although today I will suppress you forever in the Netherworld, I swear as the emperor that I will avenge you!"

After the childish voice disappeared, Li Qing suddenly found that the sarcophagus that was shaking so violently suddenly fell into silence.

When the sarcophagus fell into silence, Li Qing found that the huge force that had been oppressing him suddenly disappeared.

He took a deep look at the sarcophagus, then jumped up from the sand, then after thinking about it, he slowly approached the sarcophagus.

Because the stone pillar was broken, Li Qing did not encounter any obstacles this time and came to the sarcophagus smoothly.

Looking at the sarcophagus, which was big enough for ten of him, Li Qing secretly smacked his lips.

As he approached, the sarcophagus suddenly shook again.

Just when Li Qing was about to escape, he heard that childish voice ringing in his ears again.

"General, Aisin Gioro."

As the sound disappeared, the sarcophagus fell into silence.

Li Qing blinked, then opened his eyes and looked at the sarcophagus carefully.

I saw that the sarcophagus was fully engraved with Buddhist and Taoist runes, but perhaps because of the long time, these runes were incomplete.

In fact, not only these runes, but also the sarcophagus was in dilapidated condition.

Li Qing thought for a while, then raised his hands and knocked hard on the sarcophagus.

The moment he knocked on the sarcophagus with both hands, he saw the sarcophagus suddenly trembled, and then the iron chains slowly rose up carrying the broken coffin stones one after another.

As the chain rose, dozens of stones fell off the coffin, and then smashed into the sand, making the already turbid water even darker.

When the pond water calmed down, Li Qing looked at the sarcophagus and was stunned. He didn't expect that the huge sarcophagus before was just a shell.

So, the sarcophagus is actually just a coffin?

Thinking of this, Li Qing carefully looked at the copper-horned gold coffin in front of him. As for the previous sarcophagus, it had turned into dozens of head-sized stones scattered aside.

I saw that the dark yellow golden coffin was covered with broken stones, and the roll of yellow silk was hanging on the corner of the golden coffin, floating slowly with the water.

Li Qing picked up the yellow silk with some curiosity. When he was about to read the words on it, he saw the golden coffin in front of him suddenly shook violently, and then he saw the coffin lid slowly being lifted up.

Li Qing's eyes changed and he hurriedly placed the roll of yellow silk on the coffin.

The next moment, a childish voice sounded in his ears.


Counting this time, that childish voice had rang in Li Qing's ears three times.

Looking at the golden coffin that fell into silence under the sound, Li Qing was a little stunned.

He had heard of three pure bells holding coffins and a vajra pestle holding coffins, but this was the first time he had seen that a roll of yellow silk could hold coffins.

Li Qing jumped in front of the golden coffin with some curiosity, then narrowed his eyes and picked up the roll of yellow silk again. The moment he picked up the yellow silk, the golden coffin began to continue to vibrate.

When Li Qing saw this, his eyes flashed and he pressed the yellow silk on the coffin, and then he heard the childish voice sound again.

Li Qing didn't pay attention to the voice that sounded in his ears, but stared at the golden coffin.

Sure enough, the moment this voice sounded, the golden coffin fell into silence again.

Looking at the calmed golden coffin, Li Qing's eyes suddenly flashed with a hint of ecstasy.

It turns out that as long as this roll of yellow silk comes into contact with the golden coffin, the person in the golden coffin will fall into peace.

Thinking of this, Li Qing held down the yellow silk attached to the golden coffin with one hand, placed the other hand on the lid of the golden coffin, and then lifted it hard.


With a dull sound, the lid of the golden coffin was lifted directly by him, and it fell into the sand with a 'thong' sound.

As the water in the pool became turbid again, Li Qing narrowed his eyes and looked at the person lying in the coffin.

Even when the coffin lid was lifted, the figure did not move at all, just lying quietly.

This is the second update. First of all, I would like to thank the book friends over at Q Reading for the reward. Because I can’t type out your names, I can only thank you like this. Then I would like to thank the book friend Bai Die Bu Qi Sister for the 500 starting coins, the book friend 161201001817508 for the 1,000 starting coins, and the book friend Chu Tiancheng for the 100 starting coins.

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