Unify all heavens

Chapter 159 Breaking out of the furnace!


As the sound of thunder sounded in the sky, Li Qing saw an oval light door surrounded by thunder snakes appearing above his head.

Looking at this light door, Li Qing's eyes gradually narrowed, and his face became cold.

Although many years have passed, in Li Qing's memory, the last time he returned to the main world was like the next day, and everything was still vivid in his mind.

The last time he was just a purple corpse, and he was locked into the alchemy furnace by the old man with almost no resistance.

This time when he returned, he was still a purple zombie, but there were two flying zombies sleeping in his purple coffin!

Thinking of this, Li Qing smiled coldly, raised his head slightly and looked at the purple light door, and said solemnly: "I'm going back soon! Old ghost, are you ready?"

After saying this, he saw his figure slowly floating up amidst the powerful suction, and then quickly entered the light gate.

At the same time, in a house in the Two Realms City of Corpse Mansion.

"Jie Jie Jie Jie!"

In the dark basement, an old strange laughter suddenly sounded.

After the laughter stopped, the old man focused his gaze on an old figure with a dementia expression directly opposite him.

Looking at this old man with a goatee and a stupid expression, the old man narrowed his eyes and said with a sneer: "Heimu, Heimu, you are worthy of being the elder of the Corpse Mansion. It actually took me a month and a half to refine you into a puppet. Although my cultivation has not yet recovered, you are proud enough!"

After saying this, the old man coughed slightly and stood up, then sighed and said: "Now I only need to restore my spiritual power, and then I can leave this corpse house!"

As he spoke, he twisted his neck, then reached behind his back and tapped his back. Then he walked to the corner and sat down cross-legged again.

Just when the old man was concentrating and recovering his spiritual power, a roaring thunder sounded again over the Corpse Mansion after a month and a half.


As the thunder sounded, many Corpse Mansion disciples who were practicing cross-legged opened their eyes with greatly changed expressions, and then rushed out of the room with livid faces, looking up to the sky.

They saw the silver formation in the sky that enveloped the entire corpse palace, running normally with silver light flowing, as if the thunder before was their illusion.

On the other side, as the thunder sounded, the old man who was recovering his spiritual power suddenly turned pale and sprayed out a stream of blood mist.

The old man's eyes twitched and he opened his eyes, then with a cold face he stretched out his hand to wipe the blood from the corners of his mouth, and murmured: "There have been thunders for several months in a row. Could it be that something is going to happen in this Corpse Mansion?"

Thinking of this, he hurriedly stood up, his eyes moved slightly and murmured to himself: "No, I have to leave quickly. Although I have not recovered my spiritual power, I can rely on this black wood to get out of the two world cities." There must be no problem!”

Thinking of this, he walked towards Elder Kuromu who had been refined into a puppet not far away. Just when he was about to reach Kuromu's side, his expression suddenly changed and he looked down at his chest.

Just when he lowered his head, in the alchemy furnace, Li Qing sneered and released Jiang Fei from the purple coffin.

Before Jiang Fei could speak, Li Qing asked: "Jiang Fei, can you break this alchemy furnace?"

When Jiang Fei heard this, he looked around at the inside of the alchemy furnace, then nodded and said, "No problem!"


Li Qing's eyes lit up when he heard this, and then he ordered: "There is an old man outside this alchemy furnace. It would be best if you can kill that old man later. If you can't kill him, take me and escape from this place as quickly as possible! "

Jiang Fei nodded when he heard this, then gave a cold shout, raised his hand and clenched his fist, and smashed it hard against the inner wall of the alchemy furnace.


As he shouted loudly, his fist landed on the alchemy furnace.


The moment Jiang Fei's fist landed on the inner wall of the alchemy furnace, all the runes on it lit up, and then there was a "boom" sound, and countless dense cracks appeared on the inner wall of the alchemy furnace. .

"It's pretty strong!"

Jiang Fei sneered when he saw this, and then punched him again.

At this moment, the old man took out the alchemy furnace from his arms with a livid face.

"not good!"

When he saw the cracks appearing on the alchemy furnace, his expression suddenly changed. After shouting, he anxiously threw the alchemy furnace forward.


The moment the alchemy furnace left his hand, a huge roar suddenly sounded, and then a huge amount of energy instantly burst out from the broken alchemy furnace.

Before the old man could react, the energy sent him flying up and hitting the wall with a 'boom'.


After the old man's body, which had suffered internal injuries, hit the wall, blood spurted out again.

"Old ghost, take your life!"

At this moment, a thick middle-aged man's voice was heard.

The moment he heard the sound, the old man opened his eyes wide and saw a middle-aged strong man wearing white underwear appearing out of thin air in the broken void of the alchemy furnace.

"Where did Feizheng come from?!"

The moment he saw this burly figure, the old man's expression changed drastically and he screamed in surprise.

At the same time, the moment Jiang Fei came out of the furnace, he saw an old man wearing a dark robe and a goatee sitting cross-legged with his eyes closed directly below him.

After seeing the old man, Jiang Fei's mind instantly recalled what Li Qing had said to him.

"There is an old man outside this alchemy furnace. It would be best if you can kill that old man later. If you can't kill him, take me and escape from this place as quickly as possible!"

After thinking of these words, Jiang Fei looked at the old man with boundless murderous intent. Then when his body landed, he shouted loudly: "Death!"

As he spoke, he raised his fist and hit the old man.

not far away;

When the old man saw the figure raising his fist high and hitting the old man wearing a dark robe and a goatee opposite him, his eyes instantly stared like bells, and his body trembled and he shouted quickly: " don't want!!!"

As soon as he shouted these two words, he saw the burly and stiff fist falling on the old man.


The moment the dull sound rang out, the old man sitting there with his eyes closed turned into a pile of flesh under the huge force.

When the old man saw this, his originally pale face instantly turned gray. After he slid weakly from the wall to the ground, he slowly shook his head with dull eyes and murmured: "It's over, it's over."

While he was speaking, Jiang Fei turned around in shock.

"Why is there still an old man?"

Just when Jiang Fei finished speaking, Li Qing's figure appeared out of thin air in mid-air.

"Is that old man dead?"

As soon as Li Qing appeared, he asked Jiang Fei.

This is the fourth update, there is one more to come!

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