Unify all heavens

Chapter 179 Hidden weapon!

"I wonder if I will be scolded by the elders when I go back this time. This is our first mission as a corpse-hunting team, and we didn't even find a single zombie!"

"Hey, I'm not afraid of being scolded by the elders. I'm just afraid of being embarrassed in the house. The members of the corpse-hunting team always brought back at least three zombies when they returned to the house. But as for us, we've been out for more than half a month, but we haven't even seen one in a row. Not a single zombie was seen."

While the two young men at the back were chatting with melancholy, the young man leading the team said excitedly: "Everyone is on alert, a zombie has been discovered!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he saw that the originally lazy junior brothers behind him all straightened their chests and looked forward with bright eyes.


"Hahaha, there is indeed a zombie, and it's still flying zombies!"

As they talked, their eyes widened.

Then they saw a flying zombie floating quietly in the air in front of them.

After seeing that Jiang Fei not only did not run away, but was quietly suspended there, the disciples in the Corpse Mansion immediately started discussing.

"Hey, what is that evil beast holding? An egg?"

"I can't see it. He's not a fool. He's waiting for us with an egg in his arms? I feel like it's a hidden weapon!"

"Speaking of which, that bastard is really brave! He didn't run away when he saw us. Instead, he waited for us!"

"After all, they are zombies. Even if they evolve into flying zombies, their brains are far inferior to ours!"

"Brothers, do you think this flying zombie still has the intention of catching us all in one fell swoop?"

"Hahaha, junior brother, don't be ridiculous!"

"I didn't expect that junior brother could tell jokes!"

Just as these Corpse Mansion disciples laughed, Jiang Fei in the distance focused his attention on the light blue spherical shield held in his arms.

He suddenly thought of the sense of crisis that surged in his heart when he was about to punch the shield for the last time.

That sense of crisis still makes his hair stand on end when he thinks about it.

"If I throw this shield at those people, will they attack?"

When this thought appeared, Jiang Fei's eyes suddenly lit up.

Then he quietly waited for the corpse palace disciples to approach.

Seeing that the distance between the two sides was less than two thousand meters, Jiang Fei slowly raised the light blue sphere shield in his arms above his head.



Until this moment, he could still hear the snoring of the figure in the shield.

Not far away, after seeing Jiang Fei actually lifting the light blue sphere shield, the Corpse Mansion disciples suddenly became surprised and suspicious.

"Senior brother, you said that the evil beast is not really a hidden weapon, right?"

"Such a big hidden weapon? How is it possible? I guess he wants to give him a gift and then beg us to let him go!"

"Senior brother is right! I don't think that thing is a hidden weapon either!"

At the time they were talking, Jiang Fei was less than 1,500 meters away from them.

Seeing these people getting closer and closer, Jiang Fei's eyes gradually narrowed, and then he shouted loudly: "Go!!!"

The moment he spoke, he threw the light blue spherical shield towards those people.


Just hearing a sound breaking through the air, the spherical shield flew towards the corpse palace disciples at lightning speed.

"Damn it, be careful with hidden weapons!"

"It means I'm shocked inside!"

"What a big hidden weapon! What does he think? Does he think we are blind?"

While the other Corpse Mansion disciples were speaking in astonishment, the leading young man in black robes with an imposing manner had a look of shock on his face, and he almost slipped and fell off the coffin.

"Damn it, that evil beast really used this thing as a hidden weapon? He is probably a fool!"

After he finished saying this, a young man next to him laughed and said: "Hahaha, brothers, look at me, I have broken this hidden weapon!"

As he spoke, he slowly rose into the air, made a dizzying finger gesture with his hands on his chest, opened his eyes and shouted, "Look at my coffin control skills!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he clasped his hands together and pointed towards the light blue sphere flying towards them quickly.

Then he saw the jet black coffin under him flying forward at a speed that was not inferior to the light blue sphere.

Just when the black coffin and the light blue sphere were about to collide, the group of Corpse Mansion disciples saw Jiang Fei fly backwards violently.

"You want to run away after throwing away the concealed weapon?"

"That evil beast, look at the flying sword!"

In a hurry, the disciples from Corpse Mansion subconsciously chased Jiang Fei.

At this time, the previous black coffin had collided with the light blue sphere.

In an instant, there was only a "boom" sound that resounded throughout the world.

In this roar, all the Corpse Mansion disciples turned into charred corpses one after another, falling from the air to the ground with black smoke covering their bodies.

Even their coffins turned into irregular pieces of wood burning with blue flames in the huge explosion, and then quickly hit the ground together with the zombies that were already burning in the coffins.

Jiang Fei, who was standing two thousand meters away and watching this scene, had a look of fear on his face at this moment.

Fortunately, he hadn't punched him before, otherwise he might really have no bones left now.

Not far away, Nintendo, who had just met Li Qing, heard the huge 'boom' sound from the left before he could say a word.

"Isn't this the direction Jiang Fei is heading to?"

Nintendo opened his eyes sharply and said.

Li Qing's expression changed when he heard this, and he hurriedly said: "Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he suddenly jumped into the air and flew quickly towards the direction of the roar.

With Xia Geng forcibly teaching him the flying technique, his figure had already flown several hundred meters away in the blink of an eye.

When Nintendo was about to take off, Li Qing was already more than a thousand meters away from him.

"Could it be that the master has understood the magic of flying?"

Nintendo looked at Li Qing in the distance with a look of astonishment, and murmured with his eyes wide open.

As he spoke, he flew with all his strength to chase Li Qing.

On the other side, the drunk Zhang Hao rubbed his head and looked around with confusion.

"Huh? Where am I?"

"Where's my wine gourd?"

As he spoke, he looked at Jiang Fei who was not far away, then his eyes lit up and he flew towards Jiang Fei.

When Jiang Fei saw Zhang Hao flying towards him, his expression suddenly changed.

Although the aura exuded by Zhang Hao is not strong, his speed is very fast.

At a distance of more than two thousand meters, he arrived in front of Jiang Fei without even spending a second, as if he had teleported.

"Friend, have you seen my gourd?"

While Zhang Hao was talking, he looked at Jiang Fei strangely.

As far as he knows, in this prison world, all zombies belong to the Corpse Mansion. This is a recognized fact in the prison world.

But the zombie in front of him didn't have the mark of Corpse Mansion on it.

In other words, is this a wild flying zombie?

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