Unify all heavens

Chapter 181 Capturing the Corpse King (Part 1)

There are many areas in Zhangtian Pavilion where the life tablets of Corpse Mansion disciples are placed, so even if Qian Duoduo was in the Golden Core stage, it still took him two or three minutes to get to the corpse-hunting area.

The corpse-hunting area is where the life cards of the corpse-hunting team disciples are located. Because the corpse-hunting team members rarely return to the house, the corpse-hunting area is in the corner.

So when Qian Duoduo came to the corpse-hunting area, he saw the wooden life tablets of more than two thousand disciples covered with dust.


After seeing the dirty corpse-hunting area, Qian Duoduo puffed up his mouth and blew gently.

Then I saw the dust on the wooden frame and the fate card swirling and disappearing.

After the dust disappeared, Qian Duoduo's eyes focused on these life cards.

The first thing that caught his eye was the more than twenty broken life tablets.

Qian Duoduo immediately narrowed his eyes after seeing that the broken positions on these life cards were the same.

It is rare for the fate cards to be broken into the same position, because this means that these disciples were destroyed at the same time.

"Who did they meet and be killed in an instant?"

While muttering in a low voice, he raised his hand to point at these broken life cards, and at the same time whispered in his mouth: "Calling the spirit!"

As soon as Qian Duoduo finished speaking, he saw twenty faint cyan light spots floating on these broken life cards, and then these light spots merged when they floated in front of Qian Duoduo.

Then a light cyan mirror appeared in front of him, and what appeared in the mirror were the images of these disciples before they died.

"Damn it, be careful with hidden weapons!"

"Hahaha, fellow seniors, look at me, I've broken this hidden weapon!"

"That evil beast, look at the flying sword!"

After seeing the performance of the disciples in the picture, the corners of Qian Duoduo's eyes twitched.

"Are the members of the corpse-hunting team looking for idiots now? After seeing such a big ball of light thrown by the opponent, they didn't run away quickly, but rushed forward?"

"You're really looking for death!"

He sighed silently, and then heard a huge roar suddenly sound in the mirror.

Then the mirror was slowly broken.

Qian Duoduo frowned immediately after seeing that the mirror had begun to break.

"There is a wild corpse king outside? What did the members of the corpse hunting team do in the past?"

While he was speaking, a young figure appeared in the shattered mirror.

"This is?"

When Qian Duoduo saw the last figure in the mirror, his expression suddenly became strange. Then he widened his eyes and said in astonishment: "How could it be this guy? Isn't this Zhang Hao? How could he be with the Wild Corpse King?"

As he spoke, the mirror was completely shattered, turned into twenty points of light again, and then slowly dissipated in the air.

After rubbing his brows with a headache, Qian Duoduo muttered with a weird look on his face: "Let them go and have the headache. Fatty, I don't care about these trivial things!"

After saying that, he shrugged helplessly, turned around and flew towards the door of Zhangtian Pavilion.

A minute later, a deafening roar suddenly sounded in the sky above the entire Corpse Mansion.


When this voice sounded, an elder appeared immediately outside Zhangtian Pavilion in the form of a escaping light.

After seeing Qian Duoduo's fat figure sitting at the door of Zhangtian Pavilion with a lazy look on his face, the sixty-year-old law enforcement elder suddenly widened his eyes.

"Fatty Qian?"

After hearing the sound, Qian Duoduo immediately raised his head, and then his eyes suddenly lit up.

"Old Wu?"

Elder Wu frowned when he heard what Qian Duoduo called him. He is an elder after all, but a mere detective disciple dared to call him that.

Just when he was thinking about how to punish Qian Duoduo, Qian Duoduo's hands quickly took out a yellowed paper account book from his arms at the speed of an afterimage, and then dipped his fingers in a little saliva, He quickly flipped through the ledger.

"Money, what are you doing?"

When Elder Wu saw this, he frowned and shouted coldly.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, Qian Duoduo said with a happy face: "Finally found it!" Then the look on the fat face became serious, and he coughed lightly and said: "Old Wu, you were careless thirty years ago. After exploding the medicine hall master's alchemy furnace and then being hit by me, you promised to give me a thousand Yin Spirit Corpses to help you keep this secret. Now that thirty years have passed, it's time to pay it back!"

His eyes lit up as he spoke.

"Cough cough cough!"

After hearing these words, Elder Wu suddenly coughed with embarrassment, and then quickly changed the topic.

"Why did you ring this Palm Heaven Bell?"

After hearing this, Qian Duoduo stood up, then clasped his hands with a serious face and said: "Report to the law enforcement elders, twenty corpse-hunting disciples were killed outside recently, and all died without exception. The disciples used the technique of summoning spirits to see the murderer. It’s Zhang Hao, a disciple of the Wild Corpse King and the Eight Idiots!”

"There is actually a wild zombie king in the outside world?"

Elder Wu's eyes widened suddenly, and then he said with a gloomy face: "I already know about this matter. If I can catch this wild corpse king, I will report to the master of the palace and transfer you back to the investigation team!"

Qian Duoduo said happily when he heard this: "Thank you, elder!"


Elder Wu first nodded enigmatically, then looked around, then took a step forward in front of Qian Duoduo, and then whispered: "The Thousand Yin Spirit Stones?"

When Qian Duoduo heard this, he said with a look of astonishment: "What are you talking about Thousand Yin Spirit Stones? Elder, what are you talking about? Why can't this disciple understand?"

When Elder Wu saw this, a smile appeared on his old face, then he raised his hand and patted Qian Duoduo's shoulder gently and said: "Fat Qian, you are very good. How can an outstanding disciple like you be in this palm world?" Where are the lives being wasted in the pavilion? I will go find the master of the palace later!"

After saying this, he frowned and said to himself: "That Corpse King is easy to deal with. The key point is the disciple of the Eight Idiots. If he causes trouble for his disciples, the Eight Idiots will definitely Will come to your door!"

As he spoke, his eyes were fixed on Qian Duoduo, as if he wanted Qian Duoduo to help him solve this difficult matter.

But how could a person like Qian Duoduo not understand his mentality?

So while he was talking, Qian Duoduo kept his head lowered, acting as if I didn't hear you even if you said something bad.

After seeing Qian Duoduo's appearance, Elder Wu shook his head helplessly, and then said, "Fat Qian, how do you think this matter should be resolved?"

When Qian Duoduo heard this, his eyes narrowed, and then he said with a sly smile: "Fifteen hundred Yin Spirit Stones!"


When Elder Wu heard this, he almost lost his breath and was so angry that he looked at Qian Duoduo with a pair of eyes flashing with anger.

But Qian Duoduo seemed to not see the anger in his eyes, smiling calmly but not speaking.

Looking at Qian Duoduo's fat face, Elder Wu just wanted to raise his fist and hit him hard.

After a while, he suddenly snorted coldly, turned around and said, "Forget it, let the palace master decide! I don't care about this matter!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he turned into a ray of light and disappeared.

Seeing Elder Wu's escaping light flying towards the sky, Qian Duoduo laughed and said: "Finally, we have forced this old man away. I'll let you figure out a solution to these troublesome things!"

After saying this, he stretched, then yawned and turned back to Zhangtian Pavilion.

On the other side, Elder Wu was reporting to the Master of the Corpse Palace that all the disciples of the Corpse Searching Team had been wiped out.

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