Unify all heavens

Chapter 191 Jiang Fei gets the sword!

Jiang Fei was focused on the sword box at the moment, so he didn't pay attention to Li Qing's movements.

The broken sword almost became a worry for Jiang Fei, so as soon as he got the sword, he couldn't wait to stand up, and then slowly opened the sword box with an excited expression.

As the sword box was opened, a ray of yellow light lit up, illuminating the cave extremely brightly.

In the yellow light, Li Qing narrowed his eyes fiercely. He felt an extremely strong Taoist Qi, which was almost hundreds of times stronger than the two stone talismans.

And he felt that his body would be shaken away in this yellow light.

This feeling made Li Qing's expression change drastically.

But Jiang Fei, who was closest to Zhong Kui's sword, didn't feel this way. He was raising his hand to gently stroke the sword with a look of obsession. Then there was a 'buzz' sound, and with this sound, the sword trembled slightly, as if in response to Jiang Fei.

"This sword actually has a spirit!"

Jiang Fei was almost crying with joy when he saw this. You must know that his original sword has not given birth to a spirit even if it has been with him for hundreds of years.

After all, the material of the sword meant that it had no potential for evolution.

But this Zhong Kui sword is different. After all, Zhong Kui is a ghost and god known as the exorcist emperor. How can his sword be ordinary?

At this moment, the three corpse-killing copper coins in the box were suddenly separated from the sword box and flew towards Li Qing quickly.

Originally, Li Qing's body froze in the yellow light emitted by Zhong Kui's sword, as if he had been suppressed.

At this moment, when he saw these three corpse-killing copper coins flying towards him, his eyes suddenly widened.

Seeing that these three corpse-killing copper coins were about to fall on Li Qing, Jiang Fei suddenly reacted. He immediately moved and used the short-distance teleportation technique, reaching out in advance to grab the three corpse-killing copper coins. In his hand, he quickly closed the sword box.

Li Qing's eyes twitched slightly as he looked at Jiang Fei. If Jiang Fei hadn't caught him quickly, he might have been wiped out under the three corpse-killing copper coins.

After all, this is the treasure placed with Zhong Kui's sword.

After taking a look at Jiang Fei, Li Qing said with a smile on his face: "Yes, it seems I was right. This sword is really suitable for you!"

The excitement on Jiang Fei's face had not yet dissipated. After hearing Li Qing's words, he immediately knelt down on one knee and said loudly: "Jiang Fei thanks the Lord for giving me the sword!"

Li Qing smiled and nodded, then patted his shoulder and put him back into the purple coffin.

After Jiang Fei disappeared, the smile on Li Qing's face instantly disappeared and was replaced by an extremely gloomy look.

It seems that he wants to make himself not afraid of these Taoist magic weapons as soon as possible, otherwise he will definitely suffer losses in the future!

Nintendo is drunk on hormones, so Taoism and magic weapons are useless to it. Jiang Fei, on the other hand, had hormones seeping into his body, so he was not afraid of these.

While Li Qing was thinking, he jumped into the pool and swam quickly towards the other exit.

Although there are a lot of gold, silver and jewelry in this cave, Li Qing has no use for them. Since he became a zombie, these mundane objects are no longer useful.

When Li Qing was about to get close to the white and blue zombie, he suddenly found that the zombie opened its eyes, and then wanted to swim towards him with a ferocious expression, but was tied there by the iron chain on its body. on a boulder.

After seeing this scene, Li Qing's eyes moved slightly.

This zombie is so unique, why not take it as your subordinate, it might be of great use.

Thinking of this, he approached the zombie, then grabbed its neck and pressed it firmly against the boulder, while using a slight force to break the iron chain.

Without the restraints of the iron chain, the zombie immediately stretched out his hands to grab Li Qing.

Li Qing ignored its hands, grabbed its neck and took it away from the pool, and then came to another exit.


The moment it flew out of the water, Li Qing threw the zombie to the ground.

Then, just when he was about to use the corpse control technique to control the zombie, he saw that the zombie's body instantly began to rot.

In just the blink of an eye, it turned into a pile of withered bones.

"How is this going?"

Li Qing suddenly widened his eyes in confusion. This was the first time he had seen this situation.

After taking a look at the pile of dead bones, he secretly remembered the matter in his mind and prepared to study it slowly in the future.

Then, with some regret, he flew out of the secret passage and returned to the valley.

And just when he came out of the well and returned to the valley, he suddenly heard a "woo-woo" sound in his ears.

Li Qing turned to look in the direction of the sound, and saw a female corpse under the stone wall moving the stones away from her body, and then looking at him with a look of obsession.

Li Qing frowned when he saw this. He didn't expect that the corpse hadn't died yet.

In fact, he has no opinion on whether his subordinates are male or female. What he values ​​​​is potential.

Both Jiang Fei and Nintendo have great potential.

If he is trained, it will help him a lot.

For example, Nintendo mastered many magic techniques as soon as he became Fei Zong, and Jiang Fei was even more so.

But a creature like this ghoul whose potential has long been exhausted, unless its level is similar to his, would be nothing but a burden if it stays with him.

He didn't have enough resources of his own, so how could he spend a lot of resources cultivating a waste with exhausted potential.

Thinking of this, he quickly took off and left this place.

After Li Qing left, the face of the female ghoul suddenly showed a heartbroken look. Even the few stones still pressed on it were not moved again. They just lowered their heads and let out two lines. Blood and tears.

At this moment, two middle-aged men walked out of the grass and looked at the empty pit below.

After seeing the chaotic scene below, one of the men's face changed drastically.

"No, someone has been here before us! Get down quickly!"

As he spoke, he jumped down from above with an anxious look on his face.

After seeing him jump, the companion took a deep breath and followed him.


As the sound of them landing was heard, the ghoul who was secretly sad under the stone wall suddenly raised his head.

After seeing two human beings, a strong look of cruelty suddenly appeared on her face.

Then after roaring loudly, he violently removed the rocks on his body and flew towards the two middle-aged men.


After hearing the ghastly roar of the corpse, the two middle-aged men immediately turned their heads to look. As they turned, they saw a ghost with two lines of bloody tears and a blue face flying toward them.

"Mom! There's a ghost!!!"

When they were screaming in fear and trying to escape, Li Qing had already flown out of the island and was flying aimlessly over the sea.

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