Unify all heavens

Chapter 206 Seal the Gate of Hell!


Before the female ghost could get close, the charterer behind the monk screamed in fear. He even subconsciously took a few steps back holding the yellow bags filled with ghosts, with a look of fear on his face.

If it was the first time to meet the other ghost tenants, then this female ghost tenant was very familiar.

She still remembers that this female ghost was a resident on the 8th floor of her building when she was alive. Because her husband owed a lot of gambling debts and ran away, the woman was taken away by the debt collectors and waited for a few days. When this woman came back later, she looked like this.

His clothes are disheveled and his hair covers his face.

Then the woman hanged herself in her room that night.

As the saying goes, if you don't do bad things, you won't be afraid of ghosts knocking on your door in the middle of the night.

This sentence is most suitable for the charter woman, because when this woman was taken away by the debt collectors, she cried and asked the charter woman to borrow money.

The money borrowed was not much, only thirty thousand.

But as a housekeeper who values ​​money more than her life, she naturally rejected this woman.

When the woman was taken away, she cried and asked the charterer to call the police.

As a result, the woman did not call the police until she was taken away.

Not only did the housekeeper not call the police, but because she was worried that the woman would not be able to pay the rent, after the woman was taken away, she sold the TV and DVD player in her room to a bachelor on the street next door.

While the charterer was recalling these things with a horrified look on her face, the female ghost was laughing as she dodged the monk's tin staff, then lay down on the ground and slipped from the monk's crotch behind him.

Then he opened his arms and rushed towards the charterer with his fingers like claws.

He looked like he was going to strangle her to death.

After seeing this female ghost running towards her, the charterer was frightened and shouted: "Master, help me!"

As she shouted, she threw the bags full of ghosts in her arms towards the female ghost.

The female ghost dodged the bags and said gloomily: "If you hadn't refused to save me over and over again, how could I have ended up like this? Come on, since you love money so much, just follow me down. Let’s go~”

After saying this, it sneered in a low voice.

After hearing this, the charterer's face turned pale with fright.

Behind the female ghost, the monk finally took off his red plaid cassock, and then when the female ghost was about to choke the charterer, he shouted angrily: "Don't hurt people, you evil beast!"

As he spoke, he jumped up high and covered the female ghost with his cassock.

The moment the cassock came into contact with the female ghost's body, bursts of green smoke appeared from the female ghost's body, and then she was seen shaking her head, struggling and shouting.

At this moment, the monk took off a bag from his waist and quickly put it on the female ghost's head. Then there was a "bang" sound, and the female ghost was sucked into the bag.

"Let's go! Time is running out!"

After taking the female ghost away, the monk said something anxiously to the charterer, then hurriedly picked up a dozen yellow bags on the ground, and then stepped into the elevator in two steps.


With a soft sound, the elevator descended towards the basement of the building.

At this time, Li Qing finally flew out of the ghost world.

He took a deep look at the Ghost Gate, his eyes full of thoughts.

Let's let the red-faced ghost king go tonight. After all, the monk is expected to come and block the ghost gate soon. It would be terrible if he still stays in the ghost world.

But even if the ghost gate is sealed, it won't matter. When the monk leaves tonight, he will spend money to hire a few people to come and open the ghost gate tomorrow night.

The so-called seal is only effective on yin objects. For ordinary people, it is just a few broken wooden boards.

Thinking of this, he left the basement, flew out of the door on the first floor, and flew towards the upper floors.

Zhu Bangyan has also been reincarnated at this moment, and there is still some time before he is born.

So Li Qing decided to stay in this building for the next few days. Although the ghost gate will be sealed, the Yin Qi in the building still exists.

Just when Li Qing left the basement, a beeping sound suddenly sounded in the basement.

Then I saw the monk and the charterer running out of the elevator holding a lot of yellow bags.

"Throw them in now!"

The moment he walked to the wooden door, the monk said urgently.


After the charterer responded, she threw all the bags in her arms into the sleepy world behind the wooden door.

"Back off!"

After the monk frowned and said something, he stabbed the tin staff heavily into the ground with a low voice, then made a seal on his chest with both hands, and recited the mantra in a low voice.

A few minutes later, a sound of 'dang, clang, clang, clang' suddenly came from the basement.

The moment the bell rang in the monk's ears, he opened his eyes suddenly and shouted to the charterer: "Close the wooden door quickly!"

The charterer was stunned when she heard the words and quickly walked to the wooden door. Then, just as she was about to close the door, she saw countless ghost figures suddenly appeared in the dim world, and at the same time, sharp screams rang in her ears. .

Seeing her stunned, the monk shouted anxiously: "Close it quickly!"



It was like a wake-up call. The moment the charterer was woken up, she closed the wooden door with a frightened look.

The monk breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this, and then quickly nailed his cassock to the wooden door.

"Bang, bang, bang, bang!"

The moment he nailed all four corners of the cassock, he heard the sound of a resentful ghost knocking on the wooden door.

Then I saw a faint orange light emitting from the cassock.

The monk knew that the cassock would not last long, so he hurriedly gave instructions to the charterer who was standing aside.

"Bring the board quickly!"

After saying this, he lightly touched his lips and recited Buddhist scriptures.


While he was reciting sutras for salvation, the tenant woman hugged the two wooden boards that he had written sutras on in advance and stood them in front of the wooden door.

When the monk saw this, he picked up a wooden board, and then asked the charterer to hold the board, and then he nailed the board to the wall with nails.

"Bang, bang, bang!"

Because the building was empty, it didn't take long for the sound of him nailing boards to spread throughout the building.

But when the sound reached other floors of the building, it had become very quiet.

The eighth floor of the building.

When the woman with wavy hair was lying on the bed getting ready to sleep, a subtle 'bang' sound suddenly came from her ears.

She was about to fall asleep and immediately opened her eyes, then frowned and raised her middle finger at the door.

"Damn it, do you have any sense of ethics when doing things in the middle of the night?"

As she spoke, she sat up and rubbed her hair, then got out of bed with a heavy groan and walked to the door. As she prepared to open the door, she thought to herself: "I wonder if it's the prodigal!"

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