Unify all heavens

Chapter 247 Conquer the devil!

After Tu Tuye sat up, his eyes were as blank as Zhong Kui's before.

After he sat blankly for a few seconds, his eyes regained clarity.

Then he looked around him and saw that he was in a deep pit several meters in radius.

The ground not far from him sank downwards, forming a pit again.

At this time, billowing green smoke with a hot breath was rising upwards from this pit.

After seeing this, the Tutu Master's face was stunned, and then he slowly stood up and took a few steps forward, holding on to the crutch with a dragon head that was charred black by lightning.

When he reached the edge of the pit, he saw Zhong Kui lying underneath with his eyes closed and his brows furrowed. His originally colorful red robe was now in tatters, and even the beard on his face was all curled up.

After seeing Zhong Kui's miserable appearance, Tu Tuye's expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly called out: "Master Zhong! Master Zhong?"

At his voice, Zhong Kui's eyelids trembled slightly and then opened suddenly. Then he looked at the Tu Tu Ye who was on the verge of being fooled with a confused expression.

Seeing Zhong Kui open his eyes, the nervous look on Tu Tu Ye's face slowly faded, and then he jumped lightly and landed unsteadily next to Zhong Kui.

After helping Zhong Kui up, Tu Tuye asked with a puzzled look: "Master Zhong? What are you doing?..."

He didn't say anything else, because Zhong Kui was looking at him blankly at this moment.

After waiting for a few minutes, Zhong Kui suddenly opened his mouth and blew out a mouthful of black smoke, and then his face turned gloomy.

The Tu Tu Lord on the side saw this and was about to ask when he saw Zhong Kui narrowing his eyes and staring at him, saying in a cold voice: "Tu Tu! Do you want to kill this god?"

As soon as the Tutu Master heard this, his body suddenly started to tremble, his head shook several times quickly like a rattle, and he said with a fearful expression: "Master Zhong! The little god would never dare to have such an idea, let alone the little god. How dare you!"


Zhong Kui snorted twice when he heard this and said, "Don't you dare? As the God of the Earth, couldn't you have noticed that this place is the center of the Nine Heavens Demon Subduing Array when you escaped from the ground?"

When he said this, Zhong Kui's heart was filled with anger.

Although he is the righteous god of the underworld, his magical attainments on this earth are far inferior to those of the Earth God, the earth spirit.

When he escaped from the ground, he couldn't feel any changes in this place. This was a normal phenomenon, but it would be abnormal if the Earth Master couldn't feel it.

You must know that he is the only god in this land, and no disturbance can escape his eyes and ears.

How could you not feel it?

Unless this old boy has other intentions!

Thinking of this, Zhong Kui's copper bell-like eyes were filled with blazing anger.

When the Tutu Master saw Zhong Kui finishing his words and staring at him with eyes that were about to burst out with flames, his expression suddenly turned sad.

Then he hurriedly explained to Zhong Kui: "Master Zhong, when the little god escaped from the ground, the place was still normal. Otherwise, the little god wouldn't have been hit by the demon-conquering thunder!"

When Zhong Kui heard this, he looked at the land carefully. When he saw that he was also in a mess, the anger in his heart dissipated, but he kept the incident in his heart. Then he snorted coldly, raised his body and flew out of the pit.

The Tutu Master looked at Zhong Kui's figure and sighed in his heart.

It seems that he will have a difficult time in the future...

While he was thinking, he slowly followed Zhong Kui and flew out of the pit.

When they flew out of the pit, they saw Li Qing flying back and forth in the air, and beside him, from time to time, demon-conquering thunder appeared out of thin air and struck at him.

This demon-suppressing thunder is extremely magical. It seems to be tangible, but in fact it is an intangible thing, but it can turn invisible at any time.

If these lightning strikes an ordinary person or strikes the ground, they will turn into invisible objects, resulting in no harm to the person or object struck.

However, when this demon-suppressing thunder strikes a negative object, it will change from invisible to tangible.

It only takes one strike to destroy the sanity of the creature.

And if it is a second blow, it can make this evil creature become a puppet of heaven.

Recalling the record of the demon-conquering thunder, Zhong Kui's expression darkened again. Although he and the land were gods, they were both yin objects.

And just now, they were hit by the demon-suppressing thunder!

If it were not for the priesthood, the consequences would be disastrous!

But why did this demon-suppressing thunder suddenly appear and catch Li Qing?

Thinking of this, Zhong Kui frowned and said to the Earth Master beside him: "Check it out, why did the Demon-Conquering Thunder Tribulation suddenly appear here? And he is still chasing that kid."

Upon hearing this, the Land Master nodded slightly, then slowly landed on the ground, put the dragon-head crutch in his hand into the ground, and closed his eyes to examine.

While he was checking, Li Qing was thinking in his mind whether he should trigger some thunder to strike the two gods below.

Now Kang Xingui has died, which means that Happy Buddha will probably not appear.

So if he wants to solve his hidden physical problems, he has to rely on himself.

After all, if he wanted to refine his external incarnation, he would have to find the best thing in the world.

And in this world, what else is higher than the blood of gods?

Although Li Qing now has nearly 50 drops of divine blood, he always feels that it is not enough.

After all, who can have too much of a good thing?

So while thinking about it, he quickly approached the location of Zhong Kui and the land.

The two of them were struck by lightning before because they did not expect any lightning to appear. But now their eyes are all focused on themselves. It is not easy to let lightning strike.

After all, there are two gods below, not two wooden sculptures.

Just when Li Qing was approaching Zhong Kui, Land Master happened to find out exactly what happened just now.

He looked at Li Qing with an ugly expression, but saw Li Qing approaching them.


After snorting coldly, Tu Tuye said to Zhong Kui: "Master Zhong, we have found out clearly that this devil-suppressing thunder was completely induced by this boy!"


Zhong Kui raised his eyebrows when he heard this, and then said: "There is no zombie aura leaking from his body, how could the nine-day demon-conquering lightning disaster befall him?"

The Tutu Lord snorted softly and replied with an ugly face: "The reason why the Nine Heavens Demon-Conquering Thunder appears is because this kid just swore an oath to destroy three places of heaven!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he added: "Even the divine blood spit out by Master Zhong and Xiao Shen just now was taken away by that kid!"


After hearing what the Earth Master said, Zhong Kui immediately snorted and narrowed his eyes.

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