Unify all heavens

Chapter 260 The Yin Corpse (Part 2)

"Eh? Aren't you the land god of Hong Kong? Why do you come to this place where Nine Yin gathers?"

Before he landed on the blood-red ground, the ghost with the bull's head stared up at his bull's eyes like bells and spoke with a surprised look on his face.

After it finished speaking, the Earth Master raised his hands with a smile on his face and said: "It turns out to be Master Niu and Master Ma. Didn't you two go with the gods of the Ten Palaces to suppress the evil spirits outside the territory? Why? Are there any clones left in this Netherworld?"

Although he said this, he snorted with resentment in his heart. The gods and Buddhas in the sky said that they were going to suppress the evil spirits outside the territory, but everyone knew that they were afraid of perishing in this era of the end of the Dharma.

It's just that no one has pierced this layer of window paper.

After the Tutu Master said these words, the cow's head and the horse's face fell to the ground, and then their eyes skipped the Tutu Master and looked at the pile of raised red sand.

For ghosts and gods of their level, even clones have some miraculous methods.

So the next moment they saw the sand dunes, their eyes saw He Fenni buried deep in the red sand.

They just glanced at the corpse and got part of the information about He Fenni in their minds.

"He Fenni, female, Xiaoshan, was born on a very yin day and died of the power of the netherworld!"

"You were actually born on a very yin day?"

Niutou grinned, and his face was filled with a sneer.

"Land, oh land, I think you are really tired of living, and you dare to bury the extremely yin corpse in this place where the nine yin gathers! No wonder you secretly came to the Netherworld and even came here! It turns out that you were hiding Such thoughts!”

The land master's expression did not change when he heard this, and even his smile did not fade away.

At this point, he could only resist, hoping that the ghost corpse could quickly absorb the Nine Yin Qi that he had forcibly gathered on it.

Otherwise, the consequences will be serious!

After seeing the fearless look of the Tutu Master, the bull's head suddenly narrowed its eyes as big as copper bells. It didn't care why the Tutu Master didn't have the slightest panic on his face, and directly removed the lock wrapped around his waist. The soul chain was slowly untied, and then he held the center of the soul chain with one hand, and pulled the center part upwards with the other hand, waving the soul chain "whooshing", and slowly walked towards the land.

At the same time, he said in a cold voice: "You old man has been the God of this land for hundreds of thousands of years. You don't know the law of heaven and earth that prohibits the refining of ghost corpses, right?"


Upon hearing this, the Land Master stroked his beard and smiled and said: "Of course I understand this law!"


After hearing this, Niutou smiled solemnly.

"If that's the case, then you know the law and break it?"

As soon as it finished speaking, it threw the soul-locking chain towards the Earth Master.

The soul-locking chain wrapped around its body is a gift from heaven. It can lock the gods in heaven and the ghosts of all things below.

As long as they are locked by this soul-locking chain, in this Netherworld, not even Daluo Jinxian can even think of breaking free.

At the same time, Ma Mian, who had been silent on the side, also sneered and said: "Knowing the law and breaking the law will be punished with an additional penalty. Seeing that we are acquaintances, you are a god, so I won't criticize you, but you have to leave this beast. It happened last time!”

As soon as he finished speaking, he untied the soul-catching claw wrapped around his waist and threw it towards the Earth Master.

Its soul-grabbing claws were also given by heaven and were specially used to hook the pipa bones of gods.

Seeing the bull-headed horses all taking action, although Tu Tuye's expression remained unchanged, he was secretly anxious in his heart.

It stands to reason that since he personally refined this ghost corpse, the time should be greatly reduced.

In particular, he also let Li Qing, who has a ghost body, possess the corpse to speed up the speed at which the ghost corpse absorbs the Yin Qi. The time should be much faster.

But why has it taken so long without success?

Could it be an accident?

Listening to the "whooshing" sound coming from the soul-locking chain and the soul-catching claw, a look of nervousness finally appeared on Lord Tutu's face.

He subconsciously took a step back and raised the dragon-headed crutches in his hands, trying to block it.

When Niu Tou and Ma Mian saw the Earth Master's actions, they immediately grinned.

If even the earth gods could block their attacks, how could they be selected by the above at the same time as Black and White and go outside the territory?

Just as they were thinking this, the soul-locking chain and soul-catching claws, like phantoms, directly penetrated the dragon-headed crutch set up by the earth master and hit it directly.

This blow directly shattered the layer of white light on Tu Tu Ye's body, and then when Tu Tu Ye flew backwards, the soul-locking chain and soul-grabbing claws were not controlled by the bull-headed horse face, and they were twisting in the air like a snake. The Tu Tu Ye swam away, directly entangling and locking the Tu Tu Ye who was in mid-air.

"Hey, I offended the land lord!"

It wasn't until this moment that Niutou grinned and said this.

After saying this, he waved his hand and took back the soul-locking chain.

Because Ma Mian had said before that he would not remove the sacred bones of Tu Tu Ye, its claws did not hook Tu Tu Ye's pipa bones, but just grabbed his shoulders to prevent him from resisting.

The Tutu Master saw himself getting closer and closer to the bull-headed horse face, and his heart suddenly sank to the bottom.

Could it be that the end of the Dharma era in the human world has seriously affected the Netherworld, causing an accident in refining the Netherworld Corpse?

Just as he was thinking about this in fear, a huge thunderous sound suddenly came to his ears that resounded through the Netherworld.


The moment the sound rang out, he heard an explosion behind him.


Under this voice, Tu Tuye suddenly found that there was a rain of red sand in front of him.

At this moment, the faces of the bull-headed and horse-faced men showed signs of fear.

Their eyes were wide open, staring at the figure floating in the red sand rain behind the Earth Master.

"The extremely yin corpse!"

When Ma Mian said these four words with trembling lips, Niu Tou gave a loud shout.


When the word fell, its figure had already jumped under the pool of water that enveloped the sky like the sky.

When Ma Mian, who was standing stupidly, reacted, half of Niu Tou's body had already entered the pool.

When Ma Mian saw that Niu Tou was about to disappear into the pond, a look of determination suddenly appeared in his eyes. Then he suddenly raised his head and shouted: "Nu Tou, you bastard, let's clear up!"

The moment it finished speaking, it stamped its feet fiercely and flew towards the figure behind Tu Tu Ye. At the same time, it also controlled the soul-grabbing claws to untie itself from Tu Tu Ye, and clawed towards the figure!

Just when it was about to approach the figure, a half-male, half-female voice suddenly sounded in its ears.

"The art of swallowing the sky!"

As the voice fell, it saw the figure suddenly open its mouth.

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