Unify all heavens

Chapter 262: Making a fuss in the underworld! (2)

After hearing the sound of the door breaking, all the ghost servants in the yard turned around.

A ghost with a steel fork in his hand, a face covered with fish scales, and two curved sheep horns suddenly became confused after seeing the panic on the face of a bull-headed horse.

Then, just when it was about to ask, it was knocked away by the bull's head with a 'bang'.

"Don't get in the way!"

When the urn-like sound of Niutou sounded in the ears of many ghosts in the yard, it had already jumped a few times with the horse's face, jumped out of the yard, and jumped towards the temporary residence of Yama in the distance.

Many ghosts were left speechless for a long time.


At this moment, the sound of Guizashi, who had been knocked away by the bull head, falling to the ground suddenly sounded.

Because it fell headfirst to the ground, the two curved horns on its head were inserted into the ground the moment it landed.

Then a voice sounded from its neck.


After hearing the sound, the ghosts who looked at each other silently glanced at it subconsciously.

Then I saw this fish-scale-faced ghost sticking his butt out and shouting: "Quick, pull me out, my neck is broken!!!"

In the main room of an antique courtyard house, a middle-aged man with a charcoal face was sitting behind a wooden table, holding a book and looking through it.

From his perspective, there was a middle-aged man wearing a blood-red robe standing in the open space in front of the table.

At this time, the man was hunched over and describing recent events in the Netherworld.

"After Xiang Yu and Liu Bang stopped fighting, Li Shiming mobilized his troops for the 285th time to fight Zhu Huang to the death..."

When he said this, he heard a slight yawn from behind the table.

The man raised his eyebrows, then moved his eyes slightly and continued: "In addition to these unchangeable things, not long ago, Judge Zhong of the Punishment Department injured a body. The Ghost King left the Nether World without authorization and went to the human world to spend some time with the Earth Lord. Later, I went back again..."

When he just finished speaking, he saw the man behind the table slowly put the book in his hand on the table.

Then a smiling voice sounded in his ears.

"Oh? Zhong Kui actually left the Netherworld privately? You should go back and find out more about this matter. You should talk to me more about such interesting things! Don't always narrate those trivial things in a lifeless manner!"

When the King of Hell finished these words, Cui Yu nodded expressionlessly.

"Besides, Jiuyin..."

Just as he continued to report, he heard a "bang" and the door was suddenly smashed by two figures.

Cui Yu frowned, and just when he was about to turn around, he heard the sound of Niu Tou's breathing.

"Sorry, sir, the land god from Panyu County, Nanhai County (Hong Kong) stole into the gathering place of Jiuyin at some point and refined a ghost corpse!"

The moment Niu Tou finished these words, the King of Hell, who was originally smiling, stood up with a "bang", his face was terrifyingly gloomy.

Then he squinted his eyes and looked at the bull's head, which was spitting out Yin Qi from its nostrils, and asked in a cold voice: "Is this serious?"

After he said these words, the cow head, which was nearly three meters tall and mighty, and the horse face next to it shrank their shoulders, and then nodded like a chicken pecking rice.


When the King of Hell saw this, he snorted coldly with a livid face, then looked at the bull's head with both eyes and said: "Now go to see the Jade Emperor with Gu. If what you say is even half a lie, be careful that Gu will peel off your cowhide!" "

After saying this, he flicked his sleeves and disappeared from behind the table, appearing in front of the wooden door that was smashed by the bull's head and the horse's face.

Looking at the broken wooden door in front of him, the King of Hell twitched his eyes and said: "Ma Mian stays to repair the door, no magic is allowed!"

Ma Mian's face was startled when he heard this. He lowered his head and looked at his two hooves and then at the wooden door. His two copper bell-sized eyes suddenly became a little bigger.

At this time, Niu Tou had lowered his head and ran cautiously in front of the King of Hell who was now in front of the door.

Even if it shrinks its neck and shoulders, it is still much taller than the King of Hell.

The King of Hell snorted coldly, waved his sleeves at him, and then put the three-meter-high bull's head directly into his sleeves, and then appeared directly outside a magnificent palace complex in the distance.

Because the rules here are different from where they were originally, and the gods are still in the exploratory stage, all of them live above the ground, even the Jade Emperor, the Lord of the Three Realms, is no exception.

Just when the figure of the King of Hell appeared outside the palace, two generals wearing golden armor, hanging golden knives on their waists, and holding silver spears bowed to the King of Hell, but did not speak.

After the King of Hell nodded, he said in a deep voice: "I have something to ask of the Jade Emperor! Please report it to me!"

"King of Hell, please wait!"

One of the heavenly generals nodded to the King of Hell, then turned around and stepped onto the white jade steps, and then reported upwards one level at a time.

In fact, the moment the King of Hell arrived here, the Jade Emperor in the palace, who was squinting his eyes and listening to the music, already knew about it.

Although he was curious about what the King of Hell wanted to report to him, he did not speak directly because the process still had to go through.

Not only the Jade Emperor, but also Taibai Jinxing, who was standing next to the Jade Emperor, and the dancing singer knew that the King of Hell was outside the palace at the moment.

But none of them responded at all, as if they didn't know about it, they danced when they should and played when they should.

This process was not completed until the news that the King of Hell asked to see the Jade Emperor reached the clairvoyant Shunfeng Er who was guarding the door.

I saw the clairvoyant wearing gold, silver and red armor walking cautiously to the Jade Emperor, leaning down and whispering: "Your Majesty, the King of Hell has something important to see you!"

Although he already knew it in his heart, the Jade Emperor still pretended to have just heard the news, frowned slightly, waved to the dancing singers, and motioned them to get down. Then he opened his mouth and said to Taibai Jinxing, who was also frowning next to him: "Go and declare the King of Hell to the palace!"


Taibai Jinxing nodded, smiled at the clairvoyant, then slowly walked out of the hall, and then said to the general next to him: "Xuan Hell King comes to the hall!"

Hearing this, the Heavenly General nodded slightly, then reached out and took out a token from his arms, and then said to the token: "Proclaim the King of Hell to go to the palace!"

After receiving the notice, the King of Hell ducked past countless guarding generals and stood outside the main hall.

When Taibai Jinxing saw the gloomy look on the King of Hell's face, his heart suddenly froze.

"what happened?"

At this time, the King of Hell had already stepped into the main hall.

Seeing that the King of Hell looked wrong, the Jade Emperor sat up straight and asked in a deep voice: "I wonder what the Emperor Yin has come to see me for?"

Upon hearing this, the King of Hell flicked his sleeves and took out the bull's head from his sleeves.


The moment the bull's head hit the ground, he knelt there, touched his head to the ground and said respectfully: "The bull's head was sent to pay homage to the Jade Emperor!"

After he said this, the King of Hell couldn't help but stepped forward and kicked him, scolding: "This is such a big deal, why don't you report it to the Jade Emperor as soon as possible!"

As soon as he opened his mouth, the Jade Emperor, who was about to say no, suddenly became curious, and his eyes turned to the cow head who was kneeling there.

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