Unify all heavens

Chapter 300 Countdown to return! (superior)

"Hey, hey, hey, it turns out there are two corpse kings!"

After finally regaining his balance, the god of society sneered with a livid face, then a soft light suddenly appeared in the hand holding his broken neck, and then he held his neck with his other hand and twisted it hard.


With just a crisp sound, the broken neck was healed by him.

Li Qing and Jiang Fei were originally preparing to continue the attack, but they did not expect that the God of Society healed their broken necks in an instant and looked at the two of them warily.

At this time, Li Qing no longer foolishly thought about the fact that the God of Society couldn't see him. When he kicked out that kick, his pupils shrank when he saw the God of God, and his body was also making evasive movements. .

From this, it can be inferred that the God of Society should be able to see him, but when he and Jiang Fei were missing, the God of Society probably wanted to pretend not to see him first, and wait until he attacked suddenly.

If She Shen hadn't suffered from Yin Lei, causing him to fall into the rhythm of the two of them, his kick should not have been able to hit She Shen.

At this moment, the God of Society was looking at Li Qing and Jiang Fei who were only ten meters away from him with squinted eyes. He couldn't help but snorted in his heart and said to himself: "If I hadn't just obtained this body not long ago, how could I have been... These two evil beasts have taken advantage! I don’t know if Li Tianwang and the others have succeeded in possessing me. This body of mine can only perform at a level of one-tenth or two in twelve hours. If I fight against these two corpse kings again, In a fight, I’ll probably still suffer the loss!”

Thinking of this, the idea of ​​​​escape came into his mind.

Not far away, Li Qing was communicating with Jiang Fei.

"This fat man is the god in charge of the land. When we fight him later, we should try to move the battlefield to the air!"

Jiang Fei nodded slightly when he heard this, then sneered and shouted to the social god not far away: "Little fat man, how did that Yin thunder feel just now?"

As he spoke, he slowly placed his left hand behind his back without revealing any trace, and pinched out the Yin Lei Finger Secret.

Hearing this, the God of the Society's face became a little more ugly. His eyes twitched, he raised his foot and stepped hard, and shouted coldly: "Just two evil beasts in the earth dare to act recklessly in front of this God. Today, I will bury you again in this place." In this earth! Earth Dragon Condensation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the huge earth pillar under his feet suddenly shook violently, and countless pieces of earth fell off the pillar.



Seeing the ground cracking under their feet, Li Qing and Jiang Fei hurriedly flew up.

And just as they were flying, the huge stone pillar turned into a coiled earth-yellow dragon.

This giant dragon is hundreds of meters long, and every scale on its body is the size of a human head. Its back is covered with green grass of the same length and thickness. The huge dragon head is hanging slightly, and the long whiskers on its chin are dancing in the wind. Look. It looks very extraordinary.

The god of society was standing in the middle of the two dragon horns, holding the dragon horn on the left with his hand. Then he glanced at Li Qing and Jiang Fei coldly, stepped lightly on his feet, and shouted coldly: "Swallow them!"



As soon as he finished speaking, the earth dragon twisted its body, then raised its head and roared.




Amid the roar of the dragon, a strong wind suddenly blew around them, and then the earth dragon took advantage of the wind and flew into the sky in an instant, biting Li Qing and Jiang Fei.

Upon seeing this, Jiang Fei quickly grabbed Li Qing's arm and used a short-distance teleportation technique, dodging high in the sky.

Seeing this, the God of Society sneered and said: "Teleportation technique? Okay, I'll see which one is faster, you teleport faster, or the earth dragon under my feet is faster!"

While he was speaking, the earth dragon began to dance with its limbs, climbing on the clouds and flying quickly towards Li Qing and Jiang Fei.

After Jiang Fei saw Tulong's speed, his expression changed slightly, and he hurriedly tried to teleport again.


Li Qing sneered and shook his head, then took off the purple coffin hanging around his neck, threw it over his head, and shouted: "Purple coffin! Suppress!"

Before he finished speaking, the purple coffin had already flown higher into the sky, and then billowing dark clouds suddenly appeared, covering up the bright moon and stars hanging in the sky.

He and Jiang Fei couldn't see the pair of thunder eyes that were gradually taking shape in the sky, so they didn't know that the purple coffin actually flew into the thunder eyes and happened to become the eyes of the thunder eyes.

Because of the cover of dark clouds, the God of Society, who was standing on the dragon's head and flying towards Li Qing and Jiang Fei quickly, did not know about this.

Even so, the God of Society still had a look of horror on his face.

He didn't see the scene where Li Qing threw the purple coffin just now, and he only heard the word 'suppression' in his ears. Then I saw billowing dark clouds suddenly appearing in the sky.

Seeing the huge change in the sky, the god of society couldn't help but take a breath of air and said in horror: "Is this changing the sky? Or is it changing the stars?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he narrowed his eyes and shook his head fiercely, saying: "No, how can a mere zombie have such magical powers? It must be other magic!"

Just when he finished saying this, the thunder eye hidden behind the dark clouds blinked suddenly and strangely, and then the huge eyeball formed by thunder and lightning emitted countless thunder and lightning, surrounding the purple coffin that had formed the eyeball.

Then the purple coffin suddenly grew in size, and then crashed with countless thunder and lightning into the stacked dark clouds.

At this time, the God of Society was gnashing his teeth and controlling the earth dragon to chase Li Qing and Jiang Fei.

Although the earth dragon under his feet was fast, Li Qing's speed was not slow either. Jiang Fei, whose flying speed was slow, followed Li Qing closely with the short-distance teleportation technique.

Li Qing first glanced at the earth dragon chasing after them, and then glanced at the golden light flying towards them in the distance, a cold look suddenly flashed in his eyes.

"That golden light in the distance is definitely a god. According to his flying speed, he will collide with me in about a few seconds!"

Thinking of this, he sneered. In his feeling, the purple coffin was falling at the moment, and it only took a few seconds.

Thinking of this, he sneered in his heart: "With the power of the purple coffin, we will definitely be able to eliminate these two gods in one fell swoop later!"

The gods may not know his identity, but one of the seventeen Arhats definitely knows him, and if they gather and share the information, there will be more than twenty gods chasing him.

Therefore, he wants to strike first, and it is best to reduce the number of these gods!

And with the power of the purple coffin, this can definitely be achieved!

Because the purple coffin is an attack from outside the three realms, it belongs to the same type as the Yin-Yang Corpse.

If the Yin-Yang Corpse is still alive, even if the number of these gods is doubled, they will definitely be slaughtered by the Yin-Yang Corpse.

After all, the spell attacks of these gods are ineffective against Yin-Yang Corpses, but the attacks of Yin-Yang Corpses are effective against them.

However, this is only to the extent that these gods do not reveal their true form.

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