Unify all heavens

Chapter 311 Red Fire Loose Immortal! (middle)

Because he knew that Li Qing was physically powerful, the Red Fire Sanxian did not dare to let Li Qing make the first move. Otherwise, even if he was a Sanxian, it would not be easy for him to resist Li Qing's blow.

So as soon as he jumped off the white jade lotus platform, he raised his right fist and struck Li Qing, while his left hand instantly pinched a fireball seal behind his back.

Li Qing didn't expect that this old farmer-like Sanxian would take action without even saying hello. Fortunately, he didn't react slowly. His face was slightly startled, and he quickly jumped back to avoid the red fire Sanxian's attack on his face. fist.


Li Qing's performance was completely within the expectations of the Red Fire Sanxian, so he sneered in his heart and used the fireball technique he had prepared to fly back towards Li Qing, who was flying back before he could land.


The moment the hot fireball the size of a human head appeared out of thin air, it turned into a red light and crashed towards Li Qing.

Although he knew that the Floating Clothes he was wearing had the property of not burning when exposed to fire, Li Qing still did not dare to resist the fireball. After all, it could be seen from the sudden action of the Sanxian that he was completely peaceful in his heart. That simple and honest appearance is in complete contrast!

Who knows if there is anything fishy in this fireball?

As soon as he thought about this, Li Qing raised his hand to fight against the fireball with his object control technique.

As a result, his face changed slightly the moment he took action, because the energy inside the fireball was actually very surging, and he could not control the fireball with his ability to control objects. Li Qing cursed in his heart for being treacherous, and hurriedly turned to the side. flash.

As a result, he turned in mid-air, and the fireball also turned in the direction with him. He didn't know if it was an illusion, but Li Qing felt that the fireball was a little bigger!

The Scarlet Fire Sanxian stood in front of the White Jade Lotus Platform. After seeing Li Qing dodging in mid-air being chased by the fireball, a simple and honest smile suddenly appeared on his face like an old farmer. Then while smiling innocently, he raised his hand and lightly brushed the flesh-colored ring on his left hand.

The next moment, there were more than ten transparent long swords floating in front of him that seemed to be made of ice!


After the Scarlet Fire Sanxian gave a soft drink, he used his left hand to practice sword control. As his five fingers danced, the dozen transparent icy flying swords flew towards Li Qing in mid-air.

At this time, the fireball chasing behind Li Qing had become the size of a wheel, and the hot flames twisted the void.

"What a treacherous old man!"

Li Qing gritted his teeth and thought, then quickly turned around and spit out a wave of green fire more than two meters long from his mouth.

It is the three flavors of hell fire!

Seeing the three-flavored underworld fire submerging the wheel-sized fireball, Li Qing thought to himself: "When this matter is over, I must fill the Tianyuan bottle with water!"

Just as he was thinking about it, several strange sounds of "swish, swish, swish" suddenly came from his ears.


Li Qing suddenly opened his eyes and looked in the direction of the sound, only to see a few black lights flashing quickly in his eyes.

He felt wary and quickly raised his hand to touch the purple coffin on his chest, preparing to take out the corpse-slaying sword to deal with the situation that might arise at any time. But just when he put his hand on the purple coffin, several "bang bang bang" sounds suddenly sounded on his chest.


Li Qing's body immediately flew backwards under the impact and hit the white jade wall, breaking several candlesticks mounted on the wall.

The moment he hit the wall, he finally saw clearly what was attacking him.


It turned out to be an almost transparent icy flying sword!

Li Qing's two fangs were almost shattered, and he secretly resented the Red Fire Sanxian for being so cunning that he used a transparent sword to deal with him.


At this moment, the fiery red fireball the size of a wheel was actually rolling in the air, absorbing all the three flavors of hell fire that Li Qing sprayed on the fiery red flame, forming a faint green fireball the size of a millstone. .

It's not just the fireball that's green, but also Li Qing's face.

The Red Fire Sanxian only knew that the flames spouted by Li Qing could burn the consciousness, but he did not know that Li Qing's three-flavored underworld fire burned the soul. Even the souls of gods could not escape the fate of being turned into ashes under this flame. !

Seeing the fireball flying towards him with a "boom", Li Qing quickly took the Dutian gourd in the purple coffin in his hand, and then quickly flew to the side while throwing the Dutian gourd in front of him.


The moment he raised his hand and pointed, the Dutian gourd turned into a gourd more than two meters long. The gourd was engraved with mysterious and extraordinary cloud patterns.

Li Qing hurriedly jumped forward and sat in the middle of the gourd, then looked at the Red Fire Sanxian with a sneer. I saw the Red Fire Sanxian grinning with a simple and honest smile, showing his mouth full of yellow teeth.


Li Qing snorted coldly in his heart. He originally didn't want to use the Dutian Gourd, a big killer weapon, but just wanted to verify his own strength. But he didn't expect that the dignified Sanxian could be so insidious. Either the flesh-colored storage ring or the transparent flying sword is used!

"We must let this old man reap the consequences!"

Li Qing thought in his mind, and then controlled the Dutian Gourd to circle around the several hundred square meters of the tower at a speed that was only 20% faster than before. Behind him were the huge burning green fireballs and the silent transparent flying swords.

The Red Fire Sanxian was focused on controlling more than a dozen icy flying swords and huge fireballs, and did not notice that Li Qing was flying lower and lower, and flying faster and faster!

"Boom boom boom——"

After the huge fireball chased Li Qing around for several times, it heated up the entire tower.


Li Qing looked down at the Red Fire Sanxian, who had sweat on his forehead, and suddenly sneered in his heart.


As long as he waits for an opportunity to take action, he will definitely give this old man a surprise!

Not far away, a trace of doubt suddenly appeared in the heart of the Red Fire Sanxian. He found that Li Qing had been walking around him several times, and each time he suddenly changed direction two or three meters away from him, and then let the faint green A huge fireball flew past him two meters away.

As a sinister... veteran who has lived for thousands of years, Chihuo Sanxian's doubts only appeared for less than a second, and he quickly thought of Li Qing's intentions.

He sneered secretly in his heart, then pretended not to know anything, and continued to control the flying sword and fireball to chase Li Qing, but secretly, he had already recited a certain mantra in his heart.

As the fireball chased Li Qing around him more and more often, more and more sweat dripped from the forehead of the Scarlet Fire Sanxian, falling on the white jade ground along his face.

In mid-air, when Li Qing was about to circle around the Red Fire Sanxian again, he suddenly saw the Red Fire Sanxian raising his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

"It's now!"

Li Qing's eyes widened and he screamed urgently in his heart.

Then he suddenly increased his speed, carrying a huge green fireball and more than a dozen transparent flying swords behind him, and rushed towards the Red Fire Sanxian who was wiping the sweat on his forehead with his elbow!

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