Unify all heavens

Chapter 317 The temple was destroyed and thundered! (Down)

Originally he was very sunny, but when his whole body was illuminated by the sun, a look of relief appeared on his face that was full of sores.

Maybe... I will be hurt to death!

He thought so, looking towards the sun and the blue sky with his eyes.

Someone once said that when the pain is extreme, you can no longer feel the pain.

He was like this now. The sores all over his body were clearly bursting under the sun, but he couldn't feel the pain. In other words, he couldn't feel his body anymore.

The whole person remained stiff as he sat on the ground, with his head raised high.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly blew around.

Amidst the whirring sound, all the dust in the temple was blown up.

And in this strong wind, a huge cloud that covered the sky and sun came from a distance in the originally cloudless blue sky.

The storm is coming?

wind? cloud?

His expression suddenly changed, and he suddenly remembered that three years ago, he was taken to a magnificent hall to tell the fortune of an extremely noble man.

In the first half of his life, he had told fortunes for countless people and had seen all kinds of fates, but the fate on that big man's face was the most noble one he had ever seen.

Thinking of this, he murmured in his mind the criticism he had given to the big shot.

"Isn't the golden scale a thing in the pond? It turns into a dragon when it encounters the storm!"

The moment he said these words in his mind, a purple thunderbolt suddenly fell from the sky and struck the floor tiles in front of him.


It was only then that the thunder could be heard, accompanied by the sound of the floor being split open and the sound of "whooshing" breaking through the air as the fragments flew in all directions.

What's this? A warning from God?

He suddenly sneered and said the next comment in a hoarse voice.

"The roar of the dragon in the sky is shocking, and the wind and clouds will make you swim in the shallow water!"

The moment the words were spoken, the sky suddenly became gloomy, dark clouds piled up, and strong winds rose!

He looked at the sky that turned dark in the blink of an eye and couldn't help but sneer.

"Angry? Are you angry too?"

At his voice, a thunder dragon suddenly appeared in the dark clouds, a thunder dragon with a slender and huge body and five claws! As soon as it appeared, it twisted its body and shuttled through the dark clouds. The originally dark sky became even more gloomy at this time.

"Perhaps... today is the day when I, the Clay Bodhisattva, will die!"

He spoke in a low tone, but his eyes showed a strong look of horror, which showed that this was the first time he had seen the scene in the sky.


At this moment, a thunderous sound suddenly appeared in the sky and resounded throughout the world.

Then suddenly a purple thunder and lightning appeared on the thunder dragon out of thin air, smashing the thunder dragon that was twisting in the dark clouds, and then smashed into the void in the temple only a few feet above the ground.

When Clay Bodhisattva saw this, his face covered with sores showed a rare look of surprise.

Then he saw a light door surrounded by thunder snakes appearing in the void where the lightning struck.

"This...this is..."

The Clay Bodhisattva subconsciously stood up and approached because the light door was less than two meters away from him.


But the moment he moved his body, dozens of yellow lines spurted out from his face, neck, and hands.

In an instant, he wailed and collapsed on the ground, gritting his teeth tightly and trembling all over!

The intense pain caused his brain to gradually go blank at this moment, and the things in front of him gradually became blurred.

Just before he passed out, he saw a figure wearing purple clothes and black boots walking out of the light door.

After this figure walked out of the light door, the light door behind him was like a mirror, broken into many small pieces, and then slowly dissipated.

At the last moment when his eyes were closed, Clay Bodhisattva discovered that this figure was actually suspended in the air.

Is it... God?

When this thought occurred, he was completely unconscious.

Li Qing was suspended in the air one foot above the ground. He glanced at the figure on the ground expressionlessly. He saw that his body was covered in stinking pus. There was not a single intact skin on his body. Full of poisonous sores.

After frowning, Li Qing moved his eyes away from his body and looked outside the ruined temple.

Not far away, I saw a huge Buddha statue with only half of its body visible. This Buddha statue is as high as the mountain, so majestic!

Li Qing was startled when he saw this, such a tall Buddha statue? Could it be the Leshan Giant Buddha?

As soon as he thought of this, he instantly flew out of the ruined temple and reached the sky above the giant Buddha.

I saw this giant Buddha with his back to the mountain and the river, sitting upright with his hands on his knees and his head about seventy or eighty meters away from the river. It was the Leshan Giant Buddha carved on the rock wall!

After discovering that the Buddha statue was indeed the Leshan Giant Buddha, Li Qing suddenly thought of the sore-covered figure in the ruined temple.

"I guess as long as I wake that person up and ask him, I'll know if he's coming from that world!"

After thinking for a moment, Li Qing turned around and flew towards the ruined temple. At the same time, he was thinking in his mind, if this world is really what he guessed, then his martial arts will be established!

After all, the martial arts in that world could be said to have developed to nearly its peak.

Relying on martial arts, mortals can actually live forever. What's more, they have become immortal and have powerful martial arts!

The ruined temple was not far from the Buddha, so when Li Qing thought of this, his figure had already appeared outside the ruined temple.

After Li Qing glanced at the still unconscious figure, he raised his hand and hit him with corpse energy.

For him, the best way to wake up such a comatose person covered in sores is to turn him into a zombie!

However, the zombies at the beginning had no memory and only knew how to kill, so the corpse energy that Li Qing shot was only enough to turn the Clay Bodhisattva into half-human and half-zombified!

The so-called half-human and half-zombified are humans with zombie characteristics. After becoming half-human and half-zombified, the human will grow two fangs and be afraid of the sun, but the intelligence will not be damaged, similar to a vampire. So in this way, Li Qing can get the news he wants from this person without having to wait too long.

The only reason why he didn't ask another person was because if he really came to the world he guessed in his mind, then this person would most likely be a very famous figure in that world.

As soon as he thought of this, he looked at the man and saw that after the corpse gas entered his body, the sores all over his body slowly recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After a while, except for the foul-smelling pus on his body, this man looked just like an ordinary person!

Under Li Qing's gaze, the man first groaned, "Oh," and then slowly opened his eyes.

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