Unify all heavens

Chapter 330 You Yun wakes up! (Down)

There are countless types of swords in this world, with different shapes and different lengths.

Some are inlaid with gold and silver, and some are simple and unpretentious.

Some are several feet long, while others are as short as a dagger.

Some are made from meteorites, and some are tempered from extremely cold ice.

Some are born with anomalies that can cause hallucinations and inner demons when used, and some can add ice, water, and fire when attacking.

Xiong Ba believes that he has seen most of the swords in the world, whether they are fine iron long swords used by knights in the world, or divine swords used by famous martial arts figures. He has encountered many swords in the past few years, and even his The treasure house also contains two or three divine swords that are ranked among the top in the world!

But he has never heard of anyone in this world using a giant sword as big as a door panel, let alone a giant sword that can become bigger!

He had never even dreamed of such a thing.

But at this moment, this kind of thing that should not appear in the world and should not appear in front of him actually happened.

And it was held in the hands of a strong man only one foot away from him.

Xiong Ba's cheeks twitched and his eyes trembled as he looked at the giant sword that was not only as high as a mountain, but wider than the mountain gate of his world, and his heart almost stopped.

It was enough to shock him that there was such a giant sword in the world, but what shocked him even more was that someone could actually lift such a giant sword with one hand.

Not to mention such a huge sword made of unknown materials, even such a huge wooden sword is enough to crush an ordinary knight-errant to death several times.

Xiong Ba thought that if he was given another thirty years to practice the three-point return of vitality to the transformation state, he would not be able to lift such a giant sword.

But this strong man held the giant sword in his hand without moving at all, his face as usual, with a calm look. It can be seen that his strength is enough to shock ancient and modern times.

Thinking of this, Xiongba, who has never been weaker than anyone in his life, couldn't help but sigh in his heart: "This man is really a god!"

Just when he thought of this, a loud shout suddenly sounded in his ears, which was like thunder and made his ears bleed.


As the loud shout roared out, Jiang Fei glared angrily, gritted his teeth, and spun the giant sword in his hands in a circle.

In the sound of "whooshing", an extremely powerful air current was rolled up by the giant sword. Like a tornado, the people below were awakened by the previous loud shouting, and hundreds of people who came out of the house to check were directly swept up from the ground and rotated. Fly high into the sky.

Xiong Ba only saw the disheveled disciples of the Divine Palm Pavilion spinning and flying high into the sky with their mouths wide open in horror, but he couldn't hear any sound from them.

Because at this time, Jiang Fei had already raised the giant sword high, and then slashed it down with a "bang"!

Before the giant sword even hit the buildings below, the powerful air flow driven by it had already torn the bones and flesh of the hundreds of disciples who were caught in the air by the hurricane!

Even if Xiongba opened his eyes wide, he could only see the rain of blood in the sky, but not even a single bone.

At this moment, the giant sword in Jiang Fei's hand was like a collapsed mountain, splitting up the rain of blood and slashing heavily into the buildings below!




Before the giant sword arrived, the powerful air flow had already torn this sect built on the top of the mountain into pieces!

No matter how magnificent the sect's hall was, or the extremely dirty land of grain reincarnation, at this moment, everything was collapsed and shattered by the sudden hurricane. As for the remaining disciples of Shenzhang Pavilion who were finally awakened, they were all annihilated before they even had time to scream.

They were not even as good as those disciples who had turned into rain of blood earlier, because they were all annihilated in an instant, and their flesh, blood and bones were also turned into dust together with the dozens of collapsed buildings in an instant.

Although the disciple of Shenzhang Pavilion died and the building collapsed, Jiang Fei's giant sword has not stopped yet.

A huge rumbling sound was heard, like a mountain collapsing and the ground cracking, and the seventy-meter-long giant sword struck the collapsed buildings with a bang!


As the rubble flew, Jiang Fei's giant sword was like cutting on tofu. With a "click", it directly cut open the mountain, which was about a hundred feet high and had carried the Shenzhang Pavilion for tens or even hundreds of years.

In the tranquility like the coming of a storm, Xiong Ba's face was pale, and he stared down at the Shenzhang Pavilion with a horrified expression as if he had experienced a natural disaster, his tiger eyes glazed over for a long time.


At this time, Jiang Fei suddenly exhaled happily.

The moment he finished exhaling this breath, billowing dust and mist suddenly rose from the ground, and then there was an endless rumbling sound, as if a huge boulder was rolling down a hillside. The sound resounded through the night sky, and within a few minutes, Then it spread throughout a hundred miles, waking up countless people in their sleep.

When countless people walked out of their homes in groups, talking and looking in the direction of the sound, some martial arts masters, or god-level masters that even these martial arts masters could not imagine, had already used their world-beating skills to The Qinggong rushes towards this place.

At this time, Jiang Fei had already pulled out the giant sword from the gap in the mountain peak that he had cut in half, and held it in his hand as it was about the size of a door panel.

Xiong Ba thought the matter was over, but what he didn't expect was that at this moment, Li Qing actually conjured a woman out of thin air.

A strangely dressed woman with short hair.

Xiongba just glanced at the woman with her eyes closed curiously, and his body began to tremble uncontrollably, as if he was not facing a comatose woman, but a dormant one. He could not imagine the horror. biology.

Xiong Ba, who was already pale at the sight of Jiang Fei slashing the mountain with his sword, suddenly turned from white to green, and his lips could not help but tremble freely.

"What on earth is this woman?"

He looked horrified and horrified, and couldn't help but murmur in his heart.

Almost as soon as this thought came to his mind, he saw Li Qing, who had been standing in the void with his hands behind his back, suddenly open his mouth.

Then there was a "whooshing" sound in his ears, as if a strong wind was blowing by him, but he didn't see even the slightest movement of the wind passing by.

And just when he was confused, he saw Li Qing suddenly straighten his arms, palms outward, and fingers spread inward, as if he was trying to block something.

Thinking that the strong man who split the mountain with his sword was Li Qing's subordinate, an idea suddenly came to Xiong Ba's head.

"Could it be this person?"

But this idea of ​​his only had time to appear halfway before his eyes widened suddenly, as if he had seen something incredible, and his eyes narrowed instantly.

A jet-black sphere rising and swaying like black flames appeared out of thin air at the position blocked by the palms of Li Qing's hands. In this sphere, there were actually countless figures with blurred facial features and figures only the size of fingertips.

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