Unify all heavens

Chapter 333 Taiqing Divine Fire!

The night is gloomy;

In the Tianxiahuiming Tower, Li Qing was sitting sideways on the bed with a small square table in front of him.

On the table are bamboo slips that he copied word for word himself.

The opening chapter contains eight black simplified characters.

"Shangqing Lingbaodong Xuanzhen Sutra"

Compared with the traditional Chinese version copied by Zhugong from the sage, Li Qing still felt that the simplified Chinese version he copied looked more familiar.

This "Shangqing Lingbaodong Xuanzhen Sutra" was written by the sage Tongtian Cult Master himself, and records the most advanced weapon refining methods in the prehistoric period. It's a pity that among such a large group of disciples, only Taoist Duobao has received the true teaching.

Regarding the masters of weapon refining in the prehistoric times, Li Qing only knew Yun Zhongzi from the Chan sect, but he did not know that there was also a Taoist Duobao in the Jie sect.

Probably because Taoist Duobao was so powerful, people ignored his weapon refining methods.

After all, Taoist Duobao is the great disciple of Jie Jiao, and his strength among Jie Jiao is even lower than that of saints and above all immortals!

After thinking about this, Li Qing took out a breath and looked at the bamboo slips attentively.

In fact, when he was copying the "Shangqing Lingbaodong Xuanzhen Sutra", he was deeply involved in it and understood nearly 80% of the content recorded in it.

And just when he was about to continue to understand the follow-up content, he was awakened by the purple coffin and brought him here.

So what Li Qing was seeing at the moment was something he didn't understand that day.

The first 80% of "Shangqing Lingbao Cave Xuanzhen Jing" talks about various methods of refining weapons, while the last 20% talks about how to condense the Shangqing Shenhuo.

According to what is recorded in the "Shangqing Lingbao Cave Xuanzhen Sutra", this Shangqing Divine Fire is the flame that Taoist Hongjun passed down privately to the Tongtian Cult Master, and it belongs to the innate divine fire! When the leader of Hou Tongtian wrote the "Shangqing Lingbaodong Xuanzhen Sutra", he simplified it into the acquired flame and recorded it, which was used to refine weapons to defeat the enemy!



The more Li Qing looked back, the deeper his frown deepened.

Just because in his current state of mind, he can only understand a small part of these contents, and most of the contents are obscure and difficult to understand.

He obviously knew all the words that made up the content when it was unpacked, but after forming the last 20% of the content, he felt dizzy and couldn't understand a word.

After two hours, Li Qing finally decided to give up on Jingyi and directly began to practice the Shangqing Shenhuo.

According to what he could understand, this supreme divine fire was condensed by combining the three fires of heaven, earth, and man with the yin and yang of the human body.

Heavenly fire is the spark fire, earth fire is the yin fire, and human fire is the flame in the three lamps of people in the Yang world. Yang Qi is the hottest Qi between heaven and earth at noon, while Yin Qi is the Qi rising from the earth's surface when it is the coldest at night.

Although Li Qing understands the three flavors of ghost fire, it is not Yin fire. The real Yin fire is also called ghost fire. It is blue-green and is a kind of flame that only appears when the corpse of a human or animal decays.

As for the spark, it is the fire of the stars!

Thinking of this at this moment, Li Qing's brows wrinkled again. Whether it was Yin and Yang Qi, or earth fire, human fire, he could get it. But he couldn't understand this Xinghuo.

Do stars also have flames?

"Forget it, let's put aside the matter of Starfire for now and gather the other flames first!"

Li Qing raised his hand and rubbed his eyebrows, murmuring with a headache.

As soon as he finished speaking, he dodged and flew out of the window, flying towards the back of the mountain in Tianxiahui.

The world will be built on the Tianshan Mountains. The bottom part behind the mountains does not get sunlight all year round, and it is a place with strong yin energy.

When Li Qingfei came, there was billowing Yin Qi and Corpse Qi rising from the bottom of the mountain, and there were also wisps of blue-green Yin Fire swaying in the air.

Li Qing chuckled when he saw this. He originally thought that he had to go to the mass graves to find Yin Fire, but he never thought that Yin Fire would be born at the foot of Tianshan Mountain.

Presumably, these yin fires must have been born from the corpses that Xiongba threw down from the top of the mountain.

As soon as he thought of this, Li Qing raised his hands to form a seal under his chest, and shouted coldly: "Yin Qi - Condensation!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange force came out from the seal he had formed, sucking and pulling the rising Yin Qi into the air, and then rotated to form a palm-sized black bead.

After Li Qing waved his hand to summon the beads and put them into the purple coffin, he straightened his arms and made a completely different seal with his hands at the level of his eyes, and shouted: "Yin Fire - Gather!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the blue-green flames that were wandering a foot away from the body were all driven up into the air by a strange force, and gathered into a faint green flame.

After summoning the Yin Fire and putting it into the purple coffin, he turned around and flew towards the place where the members of the Tianxiahui lived.

It was Yinshi at this moment, and those members were sleeping soundly.

So when Li Qing was suspended in the window, a purring sound could be heard in his ears.

He did not push the door open, because it was summer at the moment, and the windows of all the houses where members of the Tianxiahui lived were wide open.

Perhaps it was because these members all knew some martial arts. When Li Qing took a look at them, they all exuded a flaming popularity. In addition, the flames on their heads and shoulders were much stronger than ordinary people.

Li Qing just glanced at it and then put his hands on his chest and shouted: "Human fire - gather!"

As the words fell, the three strong flames on those members all separated, and then like countless fireflies, they rose up little by little and gathered into a white flame the size of a palm.

Li Qing did not immediately put away the human fire, but pursed his lips towards the sleeping members and inhaled deeply through his nose.

In an instant, a suction force came from his nostrils, sucking out the Yang Qi from those members, and then when they floated to Li Qing, they were wrapped in corpse Qi.

Because each of these members is strong and has martial arts skills, when Li Qing takes away some of the three flames and Yang Qi, they will not die. At most, they will become seriously ill. After taking some medicine to replenish their vitality, they will will return to normal.

After Li Qing waved his hand to summon the human fire floating above those people, he returned to the Underworld Tower with his popularity wrapped in corpse energy.

To his surprise, when he returned to Hades Tower, he saw Xiong Ba already standing on the floor of the second floor with his hands tied, holding a package in his left hand, waiting quietly.

Seeing Li Qing flying in from the window, Xiong Ba quickly put the package in his hand on the ground, knelt on the ground, and bowed: "Welcome the return of the Lord. What the Lord ordered before, my subordinates have sent people to build it overnight. become!"

After saying that, he opened the package, revealing the shining pure gold token inside.

Li Qing nodded, raised his hand, used the object control technique to summon the token in the package, held it in his hand, and then looked down.

I saw that the token was oval-shaped, with a purple tassel hanging from the bottom. There are cloud patterns engraved around the token, and there are two raised traditional Chinese characters for "Minglou" in the middle. On the back are engraved the words Tianxiahui!

It looks very luxurious.

"well done!"

Li Qing nodded with satisfaction.

Xiong Ba, who was kneeling on the ground with a frightened look, suddenly smiled on his face after hearing these words. With the words "Li Qing", it was worthy of him to wake up the blacksmiths of Tianxiahui in the middle of the night and personally supervise them to make this token.

First of all, I would like to thank the book friend Peerless for the 100 starting coins, the book friend Panson Sparta for the 100 starting coin, the book friend Smiling Casket for the 100 starting coin, and the book friend please call Da Wet Chest for the reward. 100 starting coins, 100 starting coins from book friend Ye Weiai, 100 starting coins from book friend XiaoHe, and 100 starting coins from book friend Zhang Yongshuai. Then I would like to thank the book friend Huansha Feixue for the 500 starting coins, the book friend Can I Do It Again When I'm Drunk for the 1000 starting coins, and finally thank the leader Yang Baoer for another 10,000 rewards!

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