Unify all heavens

Chapter 369 Corpse Ancestor! (middle)

Seeing that Jiang Fei just nodded but remained silent, You Yun looked at Li Qing, who was suspended in the air and comprehending the magical power, with a hint of strange color in his eyes.

"The Lord has evolved into the ancestor of ten thousand corpses, and the enemies he will face in the future will naturally be more powerful. Although Jiang Fei is not a forbidden corpse, he is a five-element corpse that is not much inferior to the forbidden corpse. And his realm is only inferior to Just one trace can make me the ancestor of all corpses like the Lord! Although I am one of the forbidden corpses, I am the only one who is still in the state of jumping zombies!"

Thinking of this, she suddenly said secretly in her heart: "While Jiang Fei has not become a corpse ancestor like the Lord, I have to find an opportunity to improve my level! Otherwise, if Jiang Fei also becomes a corpse ancestor, I will The status in the eyes of the Lord will definitely plummet!"

"What's more, since powerful men like Sun Tathagata and Half God can appear in this world of wind and clouds in a thousand years, I think there must be a strange treasure appearing as Jiang Fei said!"

As soon as she thought of this, Youyun's eyes narrowed subconsciously, and she thought to herself: "After the Lord wakes up, I have to search around this stormy world. There is no reason why there will be rare treasures after a thousand years, but there were none a thousand years ago!"

While she was thinking like this, Jiang Fei was also thinking secretly in his heart.

"I don't know if the space node where You Yun came back from thousands of years ago will still be there after the Lord wakes up?"

He frowned while thinking about this in his mind.

At the same time, Li Qing was comprehending the magical powers he had obtained from the underworld!

Perhaps the realm of the Corpse Ancestor is different from other realms. The magical powers he has obtained in the past are all directly instilled in his mind, and can be understood with a little effort.

What he comprehended this time was neither magic nor magical power, but incomplete pictures, and the scenes changed from time to time.

Every time the scene changes, the protagonist in the picture also changes.

But no matter how it changes, the protagonists in the picture are also all kinds of zombies, from the lowest walking zombies and wandering zombies, all the way to his current zombie ancestor state.

Li Qing was confused at first and didn't understand what these pictures were talking about.

But as the protagonist in the picture became more and more advanced, Li Qing gradually understood.

This scene is actually about the evolution of zombies of various races, and how they gradually return to ancient times and finally evolve into the realm of zombie ancestors!

This was the first time Li Qing knew that the reason why the Corpse Ancestor was also called the Ancestor of Ten Thousand Corpses was because he didn’t care about any zombies or zombie demons! There will be a day when they evolve into corpse ancestors!

And this realm of zombie ancestors is the first catastrophe for the zombie family. After passing this tribulation, you will truly become a zombie who transcends the six realms, is free from cause and effect, and does not fall into reincarnation!

Those who are dead will be reborn with a drop of blood and will be immortal forever!

And if you can't survive this catastrophe, you will only be a corpse from now on!

At the thought of this, Li Qing couldn't help but gasp, because this disaster had already started the moment the zombie evolved into the zombie ancestor.

But this calamity is not thunder and fire, but all kinds of strange and bizarre calamities.

Looking at the corpse ancestors in the picture, some were sleeping and had their corpse energy sucked out by a white corpse, some were buried in meteorites from outside the territory, and some were flying but crashed into a foreign land, never to be seen again. No picture is transmitted. Others suddenly fell into a deep sleep and were killed in their dreams by a sword light that came from nowhere!

There will be no warning signs when these disasters come, so it can be said that they are impossible to guard against!

Although these are pictures, they are enough to make Li Qing feel awe-inspiring and feel chills all over his body! Not only because this scene made him feel like he was actually there, but also because he was now the Corpse Ancestor.

At this moment, the corpse ancestor in the picture is sitting on a bone chair, and the disaster she has experienced is different from the other corpse ancestors.

Even Li Qing couldn't help but be deeply shocked by the images played out in the scene.

Just because the Corpse Ancestor in this scene actually calls herself Lady Bones, and the disaster she is experiencing at this moment is actually the misty world of mortals created by Heaven specifically for her!

In the picture, the Bone Lady is seen sitting on a bone chair, but her mind has fallen into a scene specially created for her.

And that scene was actually a huge cave filled with torches. Hundreds of demons gathered in the cave, led by a bull-headed demon god and a monkey-like demon god.

The bull-headed demon god sat in front of the stone table, holding a jade wine bottle, squinting his eyes and smiling: "Brother, do you know who is the most beautiful woman in the world among demons?"

After hearing his words, the monkey scratched his head and shook his head, with an enigmatic smile on his face.

When the bull-headed demon god saw this, he immediately raised his head and laughed, saying: "Since you don't know, I will let you open your eyes!"

After saying this, he said to the little demon standing against the wall in the cave: "Come on, quickly invite the Bone Demon in!"

As he spoke, he stood up with a pair of bull's eyes, and accidentally touched the table. The monkey next to him was just drinking and eating bananas. It seems that she has no interest in the most beautiful woman in the world among the demons.

The transparent figure transformed by Li Qing stood next to the bull-headed demon god, looking sideways at the monkey next to him who was eating a banana with his head down.

He could guess the monkey's identity just by looking at the monkey's tattered Taoist uniform.

At this time, only a scream of surprise was heard coming from the mouths of the monsters.

Li Qing looked up when he heard the sound and saw a woman wearing white gauze walking from the entrance of the cave.

This woman's eyebrows are like willow leaves, her eyes are like bright moons, and her lips are like petals. There is a hint of coldness in her coquettishness, and a hint of charm in her indifference.

It's like a painting without a trace of human fireworks.

Although Li Qing had never seen this woman before, he could tell from her appearance that she was the Bone Lady from her youth.

"Beautiful! Beautiful! Beautiful! It's so beautiful. If it weren't for that yellow-faced woman from Lao Niu, I would have taken her as my concubine!"

At this moment, he suddenly heard the Minotaur God beside him whispering with his eyes shining.

It was now that the scene in front of him suddenly changed.

The sky was overcast with dark clouds.

The white-bone spirit was kneeling on the ground, and there was an eye looking at her high in the sky above her head.

Li Qing stood beside her and saw her kneeling down before the eye in the sky, crying heartbreakingly: "Bai Jingjing is willing to come down to heaven, I just hope that this love disaster of a hundred lifetimes will end soon!"

The moment she finished speaking, a ray of purple light suddenly shot out from the eye hanging high in the sky, hitting the Bone Demon who was kneeling in worship.

Then Li Qing saw that the young and beautiful white-bone spirit instantly aged into a middle-aged woman, and the aura that was similar to him instantly transformed into an extremely weird aura.

Li Qing was very familiar with this smell.

Like a corpse demon, but deeper and richer than a corpse demon!

Just as Li Qing was thinking about this aura, the scene in front of him changed again, but the protagonist in the scene was no longer Bai Jingjing, but another male corpse ancestor.

Resume normal updates, the day before yesterday and yesterday were too busy. . . As a result, there is no time to code. . . Although I was anxious, there was nothing I could do. . . . Fortunately, in two days, the city lord will be semi-free. . .

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