Unify all heavens

Chapter 428 An unexpected surprise! (end)

"Bang bang--"

"Bang bang--"

As soon as he flew into the cave, the evil Buddha heard a continuous sound of chopping.

He stared and saw Jiang Fei and the Immortal God looking up at him, and a few steps in front of them, Li Qing, who looked like Shura, was holding a transparent giant sword about ten feet long, "Bang Bang Bang bang' slashed at a skeleton at the end of the cliff.

The Evil Buddha just glanced at it and could no longer leave his sight.

The skull seemed to be made of iron, and sparks flew everywhere when the giant sword slashed it.

Even Evil Buddha looked like this. One can imagine how the people following him were shocked.

They are different from evil Buddhas.

What shocked Evil Buddha was the hardness of the Yellow Emperor's corpse, and what shocked Fengyun and Monk Buxu was Li Qing's appearance.

Although they could only see Li Qing's back, whether it was the two bone wings on his back or the horns on his forehead, they all explained a problem.

The being in front of me is not a human being!

And even if they were more than ten feet apart, the cold aura emanating from Li Qing's body made them hallucinate as if they were in hell. Not only were their bodies cold, but even their thoughts seemed to be frozen.

For a moment, the three of them stared blankly at Li Qing in front of them, not daring to make any sound.

The evil Buddha slowly landed on the edge of the cliff, looked at Li Qing's back and said with a smile: "Little baby, don't chop it! This Yellow Emperor's corpse is blessed by the power of heaven and earth. Even if you chop it for another year and a half, it will still be broken." Don’t even think about leaving any scratches on that bone!”


After hearing the evil Buddha's voice, Li Qing took a long breath and slowly turned around.

In fact, he had already guessed that it was him when the evil Buddha pulled up the Leshan Giant Buddha from the sea.

After all, in today's stormy world, only the Evil Buddha is not afraid of the Black Sea and has the ability to pull the Leshan Giant Buddha out of the sea.

But Li Qing didn't expect that this evil Buddha would bring him a big gift!

He looked at the three people suspended in the air, and a trace of surprise flashed in his eyes. He didn't know how the evil Buddha brought Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun.

Although he hadn't seen these two people for ten years, their appearance had not changed much.

So with just one glance, Li Qing recognized the two protagonists of the world.

This land of dragon veins can be said to restrain all existence except human beings, so bringing them here can be said to have solved his urgent need.

In this dragon vein, neither he nor the evil Buddha can get close to the corpse of Xuanyuan Huangdi, but these three people are different.

Even if they remove all the dragon veins, they will not be affected in any way.

In the past time, Li Qing has also been to the outside world, preparing to find some humans to help.

The man was found, but he was frightened to death by his appearance.

The Immortal God and Jiang Fei had also gone out before, but they didn't know the terrain and almost got lost at sea.

Finally came back reluctantly.

While he was thinking about this, Monk Fuxu, who was suspended in the air, had already turned his attention away from Li Qing and looked at the skeleton.

With just one glance, he could no longer look away, and was shocked in his heart: "This is the place where the legendary dragon veins are said to be! Doesn't that mean that as long as we get the tailbone of Huangdi Xuanyuan, we can save the world?"

At this thought, Monk Buxu's eyes suddenly widened.

At this moment, Evil Buddha called a few people down, raised his finger and pointed at the Yellow Emperor's skeleton in front of him and said, "Did you see that skeleton? You just need to bring me the dragon's tail bone from that skeleton, and I will give it to you." I’ll give you a great opportunity!”

Monk Buxu's eyes moved when he heard this, and he thought to himself: "Dragon tail bone? Could it be the spine that Senior Xiao mentioned?"

Thinking of this, he clasped his hands and replied: "Senior saved my life, so of course we will help senior get this dragon tail bone!"

As he spoke, he walked towards Huang Di's corpse.

Because he was afraid that Xie Buddha and Li Qing would notice something strange, Monk Fuxu remained expressionless throughout the whole process.

The evil Buddha didn't notice, he just waved his hand carelessly and said: "Go back quickly, don't let me delay!"

When Monk Buxu heard this, he felt determined. He nodded quickly and walked towards the corpse of Huangdi Xuanyuan.

But just when he walked to Li Qing, Li Qing suddenly grabbed his head. Then Li Qing sneered, raised his hand and pointed at Bu Jingyun, saying: "You go!"

Monk Buxu was shocked when he heard this, but Bu Jingyun had a cold expression on his face, as if he had not heard it.

Nie Feng saw that Bu Jingyun was motionless after hearing the sound, so he touched him with his elbow.

Bu Jingyun snorted coldly, then raised his body and jumped up, then landed lightly in front of Huangdi's corpse. He bent down slightly and picked up the dragon's tail bone.

Xuanyuan Sword has not undergone any changes from head to toe.

Monk Buxu stared when he saw Bu Jingyun was coming back. He knew that as long as Bu Jingyun handed over the dragon bones to Evil Buddha or Li Qing, the three of them would have no way out, and the land of China would fall into eternal darkness from now on, with no way to save them.

As soon as he thought of this, he became determined to die and shouted loudly: "Bu Jingyun, take Dragon Bone and leave quickly. That is Jiuzhou's only hope! As long as you have Dragon Bone, you can get rid of Tianxiahui and do it for Huo."

As soon as he said this, Li Qing, who was holding his head, raised his eyebrows, then sneered and squeezed his palms.


In an instant, Monk Fuxu's head exploded, leaving only a headless corpse standing there.

Nie Feng's face changed drastically when he saw this, and he shouted urgently: "Master!"

Before his voice fell, wind blew under his feet, and he quickly jumped up next to Bu Jingyun.

He had been paying attention to the movements on the field before, and he found that neither Evil Buddha nor Li Qing could get close to the remains of Huangdi Xuanyuan.

But this is all his guess.

But he is willing to take a gamble!


When he landed lightly next to Bu Jingyun, he hurriedly said: "Senior Brother Yun, I will bear it. You quickly take the dragon bone and leave. I will leave it to you to destroy the world and restore peace to Kyushu!"

Bu Jingyun, who had always been expressionless, actually showed hesitation after hearing what Nie Feng said.

When Nie Feng saw Xie Fo and Li Qing sneering, he sweated on his forehead and said hurriedly: "Quickly!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he casually picked up the Xuanyuan Sword stuck on the ground and jumped up to face Li Qing and Evil Buddha!

"Junior Brother Feng!"

Bu Jingyun did not expect that Nie Feng would act like this at the critical moment, and his expression suddenly changed.

Although he was in the air, Nie Feng still shouted loudly: "Let's go!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Evil Buddha jumped up and grabbed his neck.

Nie Feng subconsciously raised his sword and struck at the evil Buddha.

But he had never touched a sword since he was a child. Although he swung the Xuanyuan Sword at this moment, he didn't move with the same force.

Then the speed slowed down.

Evil Buddha sneered and quickly grabbed his sword-wielding wrist, then bent back and heard a 'click' sound.

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