Unify all heavens

Chapter 436 Three Corpse Kings

At this moment, on the rugged mountain road four miles away from the dead forest, the little mouse-headed demon was vividly describing the majesty of the little tiger-headed demon along the way.

I saw it standing on a big stone with its hands folded, tapping the stone regularly with one foot, raising its head high, and said like a tiger: "Quickly go to the City God's Temple five miles away to inform the three of you. Master, tell them, let’s bah! I have captured the landowner from Guobei County!"

It has always held grudges, but due to its lack of strength, it usually keeps its hatred in its heart, but if any opportunity arises, it will not let it go.

Such as at this moment

In what the little tiger-headed demon told the three masters, it did not add a word or subtract a word, but it did change the order of several words.

But just these words made the owners of the three coffins standing directly in front of it, who were being held up by twelve flying zombies, all let out a cold snort.

In the center, in the coffin made entirely of gold, Ajin Corpse King angrily cursed after snorting: "Evil beast! What an evil beast! How dare a mere tiger monster dare to Give it the collective credit! If it ruins the lintel, I will skin it and cramp it, and make the tiger skin into a mat for me to lie on!"

After he finished scolding these words, the corpse king in the iron coffin next to him said: "Teacher, calm down, what you did is simply degrading to your dignity! How can the skin of such an unjust tiger be placed under your body? If the student were you, you would stew this unjust tiger into tiger head soup!"

King Ah Yin, who was in a silver coffin on the side, heard this and said coldly: "Tiger head soup is good! When I was on the battlefield, I often took people to the mountains to catch tigers and make soup!"

After listening to the words of the two corpse kings, Ajin Corpse King in the golden coffin hesitated and asked: "Is it too cruel to do this? Will it be an insult to elegance?"

Ah Yin Corpse King in the silver coffin said at this time: "Brother, I will take care of the matter of killing the tiger. You just need to taste the quality of the soup!"

Ajin Corpse King in the golden coffin was silent for a while after hearing these words, and then asked: "Is the tiger head soup delicious?"

At this sentence, the silver coffin and the pig iron coffin trembled, and then two decisive words came from the coffin.


After hearing the tone of the other two corpse kings, Ajin Corpse King in the golden coffin finally made a decision.

"The corpses clear the way, kill the tiger head and make soup!"

After seeing the little mouse-headed demon standing on the big rock in the blink of an eye, the three masters decided the way of death for the little tiger-headed demon. Tears suddenly shone in the eyes of the two shining mice.

"The three gentlemen are going to eat the Tugong from Guobei County later. I must not be able to drink much of this tiger head soup. Those flying zombies and ghosts never eat! The three gentlemen will definitely give me some of this tiger head soup." !”

Thinking of this, tears welled up in its bright mouse eyes, and then two lines of clear tears slowly flowed down the light blue fur.

If other rat spirits are greedy, their saliva will definitely flow out for more than three feet. But if it is greedy, it will only shed tears.

The more greedy I became, the more tears came to my eyes.

Although the three corpse kings are lying in coffins, they can still detect everything in the outside world.

Therefore, during their investigation, the little mouse demon standing on the big rock was covering his face with his hands, crying bitterly, and shrugging his shoulders from time to time.

When Ajin Corpse King in the golden coffin found out what was going on, he sighed softly and said: "Good boy, I am proud to have a mouse like you who attaches great importance to love and justice to my sect!"

After saying that, the twelve flying zombies under the three coffins flew up together, carrying the three coffins, and flew towards the dead woods four miles away.

Under them, there are more than forty fierce ghosts wearing heavy makeup, drums hanging from their waists and wearing red robes.

In front of these fierce ghosts, there are four ghost kings wearing red, willow and green thin shirts. These four ghost kings are all women in their thirties, but their makeup looks like children of seven or eight years old.

Her face was dyed blush, and there were two sky-high bows tied on her head.

It looks so weird and chilling.

As the forty fierce ghosts beat the waist drums, the four ghost kings took out the suonas from their waists, then played a melodious and sad sound, danced strangely, and followed the twelve flying zombies above their heads.

in the dead woods;

After listening to the tiger-headed little demon's words, the earthly master subconsciously twitched the corner of his mouth, and then asked: "If those three corpse kings are the overlords of the Jinhua Realm, what about the old Black Mountain demon who has occupied Guimen Pass and the City of Wasted Death?"

"Old demon from Montenegro?"

Li Qing's face changed slightly when he heard this.

At this moment, I heard the tiger-headed little demon's raspy voice: "Don't talk, you old man. Is Master Heishan's name something that a prisoner like you can address directly?"

After saying this, it snorted coldly and said proudly: "The overlords of Jinhua Realm are naturally the three corpse kings, and Lord Heishan is the overlord among the overlords, simply the hegemon among the overlords!" After saying this, it suddenly murmured: " The three masters are subordinates of Master Heishan, and Master Heishan is the master of the three masters. Well, in that case, Master Heishan should be the hegemon!"

It is a tiger monster with a naturally loud voice, so even though it is mumbling to itself, it is just like shouting as a normal person.

Li Qing glanced back at him subconsciously, then turned his attention to the land man again and said: "I don't think you are an ordinary person. I wonder who you are? Why are you being killed by these little monsters?" Locked up?”

The Tudou Lord smiled softly and said: "I can't take it seriously. I'm just a Tudong Lord from Guobei County next door! So I know a little about the boundaries of Jinhua!"

Li Qing was shocked when he heard this and said, "The land lord of Guobei County?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he heard the little tiger-headed demon not far away sneer: "Bullshit Earth Lord! Fifteen years ago, the emperor ordered the destruction of gods! Even the gods and Buddhas all over the sky disappeared without a trace under this imperial edict! And that golden flower The City God of the Realm has even been cooked and eaten by three masters! This old guy still dares to take office, which clearly shows that he does not take the emperor's imperial decree seriously!"

Li Qing was stunned when he heard this. He found that the tiger-headed demon's words contained a lot of information!

The Land Master shook his head and sighed, remaining silent.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly felt three very powerful and strange corpse auras coming from about a hundred feet away. He suddenly turned around and faced the direction from which the corpse energy came, looking with half-closed eyes.

After about a minute or two, we saw the sound of gongs and drums in the distance, and the sound of a suona. Then only twelve flying zombies were seen flying slowly in mid-air.

And on their shoulders were three coffins with overwhelming corpses.

There are three types of coffins: gold, silver and iron, with the gold coffin in the middle.

Directly below the twelve flying zombies, there were forty ghosts wearing white clothes and blushing faces, and these ghosts were all dancing some kind of weird dance steps towards Li Qing's direction.

And in front of these fierce ghosts are four ghost kings dressed in strange ways. I saw these four ghost kings slowly approaching while playing the suona with melodious and sad sounds, while the fierce ghosts behind them were jumping and beating their waist drums.

Li Qing was startled when he saw this. The appearance of these three corpse kings was quite grand.

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