Unify all heavens

Chapter 441 Land as Servant

The night was cold and bleak, and the howling of wolves resounded through the mountains and forests.



And amidst the shrill howl of wolves, a flash of green flashed from the monster-like dead tree.

At this time, waves of dark wind blew in, blowing the dead leaves and blowing away the dead leaves, revealing an old stone monument.

I saw three straight characters engraved on this adult-sized stone tablet.

Lanruo Temple——

Or maybe it's been a long time, these three fonts have been covered by dust, and their original colors cannot be seen.

Behind the stone monument is a winding and deep path.

At the end of the road, there are dilapidated Buddhist temples and pavilions. Directly opposite the temple gate is a main hall.

In the main hall, there are various Arhat and Buddha statues covered with dust and cobwebs.

Under the illumination of the scarlet moonlight, these Arhats and Buddhas all lost their images of compassion, and were replaced by something strange.


At this time, a dark wind blew and rolled up the withered yellow leaves covering the green bricks.

Then I saw a green shadow flashing through the air and reaching the guardrail of a three-foot-three-foot-three-inch high pavilion behind the main hall.


Suddenly, the wooden door of the paper window moved without any wind, and slowly opened, revealing a pool filled with petals inside.

At the end of the pool stood a figure wearing a black robe.

At this time, a beautiful woman walked in from the slowly opened wooden door.

The woman was seen wearing a double-knife bun and a milky cloud gauze double-breasted dress. She walked quickly to the edge of the pool with a pale face, then jumped up and landed in front of the figure in the black robe.

"Xiao Qing, have you found out the reason why the pavilion was shaking and the ground was shaking?"

As this male and female voice sounded, the figure in black robe slowly turned around.

I saw it looked like a man dressed as a woman, with sideburns reaching to the chest, a weird '┗┛'-shaped hairstyle tied behind the head, and a black robe embroidered with gold threads dragging on the ground.

The woman quickly stepped forward to support it and said in a deep voice: "Looking back to grandma, we have a ruthless thing here this time!"


The grandma let out a soft sigh, with a cold smile on her lips, and slowly raised her hand to touch the smooth and tender back of the woman's hand. Then he said: "What kind of cruel thing!"

When the woman heard this, she subconsciously took a deep breath, then suppressed the fear in her heart, and said with a trembling voice: "It is very tall, very big, like a giant standing tall and tall! It's like using some magic!"


Grandma's face changed slightly, she frowned and thought for a moment, then said to herself: "Getting bigger? Standing tall on the sky and the earth? Could it be the 'Dharma, Heaven, and Earth'? But the 'Dharma, Heaven, and Earth' of King Ajin's Corpse in the City God's Temple wouldn't shock me. Come to Lanruo Temple."

Just when it finished saying this, Xiao Qing's expression suddenly changed and he said hurriedly: "By the way, grandma, the Ajin Corpse King in the City God's Temple, after he grew bigger, was stepped on by that ruthless thing. All destroyed!"


Grandma's face changed drastically, and she said in surprise: "Then Ajin Corpse King is dead? Where are the other two Corpse Kings?"

Xiaoqing's expression changed when he heard this, as if he remembered something, and said hurriedly: "Also, that ruthless thing's voice was very loud, like a thunder from the sky. By the way, it said something first, and then Raise your foot and trample King Ajin to death!"

Grandma looked surprised and asked hurriedly: "What did it say?"

Xiao Qing thought for a moment after hearing this, and then imitated Li Qing's tone and shouted: "I want to see if I can trample you to death right now. How dare the old Black Mountain demon come to the human world to fight with me!"


The moment he heard this, grandma took a breath and said in shock: "If that old Black Mountain demon gets angry, even I am no match for him. This newcomer dares to trample his godson to death and talk back." Talk wildly!"

After finishing his words, he murmured again: "It seems that he is really a ruthless person!"

Just as it said these words, Li Qing's huge body turned into a black light in the dead woods outside Huanghuan Village.

But the two corpse kings, Ah Yin and Ah Tie, did not even dare to ask for their men or the coffin, and hurriedly escaped underground.

At the same time, the black light dissipated, and Li Qing's figure appeared next to Tu Tuye.

When he saw that the two little ghosts had disappeared, leaving only the Earth Master, he frowned and felt it.

After a few breaths, Li Qing's face showed an expression that was half a smile but not a smile, but his eyes were extremely cold as he looked at the Tutu Master and said: "Those two brats have surrendered to me, you can't say anything. If they don't make a sound, they will be beaten to pieces, have you ever asked me?"

After he finished speaking, his face turned cold and he said in a cold voice: "Or do you think that killing a Corpse Ancestor's subordinate is nothing to you, the Lord of the Land?"

The Tuye Lord, who had seen Li Qing's previous majesty, had already regarded Li Qing as a reincarnated ancient demon god in his heart, so his expression suddenly changed when he heard that Li Qing's tone was wrong.

Immediately, he knelt down and worshiped on the ground, and said anxiously: "Sir, make atonement, little god, little god."

He had originally thought of what to say, but at this moment he couldn't even think of a single sentence. He just felt flustered and his mind went blank.

A dense layer of cold sweat appeared on his forehead in the blink of an eye.

Li Qing was startled when he saw this. Why did this land lord suddenly become so afraid of him? Logically speaking, as a land lord, he should have seen a little bit of the world. It wouldn't be like this just because I saw him use the 'Dharma, Heaven, Elephant and Earth' once.

Just when he was thinking of this, the Land Master suddenly took a deep breath, as if he had made some decision, and said in a trembling voice: "Little God. Little God, I would like to return to the Lord and be a slave. If you have two minds in this life, you will definitely suffer." Five thunders struck the top, and both body and spirit were destroyed!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a thunder suddenly sounded in the quiet night sky, as if in response to his oath.

Li Qing subconsciously looked up, then waved his hand and said, "Get up and answer!"

"Thank you, sir!"

The Tutu Master quickly bowed again, then raised his arms tremblingly, wiped the sweat on his forehead with his white cuffs, and then stood up slowly.

The moment he stood up, he seemed to have thought of something and quickly hunched his already straight back. Then he swallowed and said, "I'd like to inform you, sir, that the old Black Mountain demon is a great demon in the realm of earthly immortals. He originally had seven or eight clones, and the strength of each clone is superior to the thousand-year-old tree demon in Lanruo Temple. There were gods in the Nine Heavens who led heavenly soldiers and generals and searched for him many times. As a result, not only did they not find his true body, but they lost several gods! However, four of the clones of the old Black Mountain demon were also killed!"

After saying this, he raised his head tremblingly and took a careful look at Li Qing's expression.

After seeing Li Qing's expressionless expression, he became even more panicked.

After swallowing again, he cautiously suggested: "In my humble opinion, the power of the gods and demons shown by the Lord before was enough to temporarily shock the old Black Mountain demon! At this time. At this time, you might as well find a treasure place with sufficient spiritual energy. , recuperate and recuperate, and recruit troops by the way! In the future, we can fight against the hundreds of thousands of underworld soldiers of the old demon from Black Mountain!"

Third update.

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