Unify all heavens

Chapter 444 Lin’an Major Case (Part 1)

The night is quiet and the night breeze is gentle.

Li Qing spread his two bone wings and hung in the sky above the dead forest. While waiting for the Lord of the Earth, he looked around in the distance.

After he rejected Tu Tu Ye's proposal before, Tu Tu Ye thought of another way and wanted to take him to find a place with abundant spiritual energy in the Jinhua area.

It's just that the flying speed of the Land Lord is really not flattering.

Li Qing didn't even blink, and turned into a black light and rushed high into the sky, but the Earth Master had not yet summoned the cloud.

While he was waiting for the Land Master, a shocking case happened in Lin'an.

Throughout Lin'an, all the babies who were just one month old were swept away by a sudden black wind when night fell.

The number of missing babies is over 400!

Therefore, at this time when you should be sleeping, the entire Lin'an area is brightly lit!

Hundreds of people holding torches came to the county government office wailing and crying, and stood in a dark street.

But when they came outside the county government office and saw the quiet and solemn county government office, they all suddenly fell silent.

As the saying goes: The yamen opens to the south, so don't come in if you have reason or money.

The county magistrate of Lin'an County took this sentence to the extreme.

In recent years, more than 300 people were beaten to death in public by poor civilians who had complained of injustice but had no money to hand over to the county magistrate! They were imprisoned in the sky prison, and more than 500 people were imprisoned as a way to save their lives for the rich!

Moreover, about three months ago, there was a beggar who fell asleep leaning on the red door of the government office. Because he snored, the county magistrate sent someone to pull him in and break all the bones in his body, and then threw him outside the county government office. He put someone in the corner and sent someone to handle it, and no one was allowed to feed him or invest money in him.

Within a few days, the beggar died of thirst outside the county government office.

This is the county magistrate’s method of ‘killing chickens to scare monkeys’.

He wanted it to be known that no one was allowed to make any noise while he was sleeping.

Therefore, although these people felt extremely wronged, they could only endure the sadness in their hearts and stood quietly outside the county government office, not daring to make even a sound.

At a glance, the pretty faces of the women turned white, covering their mouths and crying. The men's eyes were red and their bodies were tense.

At this moment, a burly man carrying a big knife walked out of the crowd.

After the man squeezed out of the crowd, stepped up the steps, and stood under the grievance drum, he took a vicious look at the crowd below who did not dare to make any sound.

Then he took a deep breath, inserted his long knife on the left side of his belt, and then picked up a brand new drumstick from the drum stand.


"Boom, boom, boom, boom"

Suddenly, drum beats resounded throughout the county government office one after another.

About ten minutes later, a government official came to the vermilion gate angrily with a knife in his hand.


As the door was opened from the inside, the Yamen officer walked out with a knife in hand. Just as he walked to the grievance drum and was about to chop the man to death, he stopped his arm abruptly and was stunned. Looking below, the black people holding torches were pressing down on the crowd.

After being stunned for a moment, he screamed "Oh my God" in horror, and then rolled back to the county government office.

After closing the door with a bang, he ran towards the inner courtyard, shouting all the way.



"Master, wake up quickly!"

In the side room, the county magistrate, who was sleeping with his concubine in the seventh room of Gangna, was suddenly awakened. Then he was so angry that he put on a coat and walked out of the room.

I saw the night watch yamen running back and forth in the yard calling for people in a panic. In the blink of an eye, all the sleeping yamen in the county government came out wearing shorts and rubbing their eyes.

The county magistrate immediately opened his eyes, raised his hand and pointed at the cadre, and cursed: "Come here, arrest Wang Er for me!"

After giving the order, many yamen who were furious because they were woken up in the middle of the night immediately swarmed up and pushed the yelling yamen down to the ground with beatings and kicks.

The county magistrate's face was ashen, and he strolled up to Wang Er, gritting his teeth and said in a cold voice: "You'd better explain what happened tonight to me, otherwise, that mud-legged guy who died at the Yamen Gate will be your fate!"

At this sentence, Wang Er's face suddenly turned pale, and then he said with trembling lips: "Master, it's not good, it's not good. There is a large group of unscrupulous people standing densely in front of the Yamen! They are holding torches, as if they want to burn us to death. !”

"What? Tell me again???"

The county magistrate suddenly widened his eyes.

When Wang Er repeated these words again, the county magistrate's legs suddenly went weak. If it weren't for the support of the master beside him, he would probably have sat on the ground.

After taking a deep breath, the trembling county magistrate said: "Go and have a look in person."

A group of government officials looked at me and I looked at you, but no one moved.

After seeing this, the county magistrate gritted his teeth and said, "I will reward him with a hundred taels of silver!"

The moment he said those words, a group of government officials, regardless of their own image, swarmed away in shorts, chasing each other towards the gate of the county government office.

After lighting a stick of incense, the county magistrate, dressed in official uniform, leaned lazily on his chair with his feet on the table. He said slowly and sleepily: "You said that the child was swept away by a black wind? Is there anyone? Have you seen with your own eyes where Black Wind has gone?"

After hearing this sentence, the man who had been complaining before replied: "I haven't seen it!"

Before he finished speaking, the county magistrate suddenly sat up straight.


After slamming down the gavel, he glared angrily and shouted: "Since you didn't see it, it means there is no witness! If there is no witness, it is a false accusation! Come on, drive these unruly people away for me. yamen!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he slammed the gavel down again.



After saying that, he stood up and prepared to leave.

But before he took two steps, a 'whoosh' sound suddenly came from the county government office.

Then he saw a long sword with cold light flying in from outside the county government office, and it was inserted into the table next to the county magistrate with a "bang" sound.

Immediately afterwards, a figure turned somersaults in the air and fell into the county government office.

At first glance, I saw that the person coming was a bearded man wearing civilian clothes.

As soon as the man landed, he raised his hand and pointed at the county magistrate, stared at him and shouted: "What a stupid official, what thousands of people have witnessed with your own eyes has become untested in your mouth. How can you be worthy of acting like this?" Today?"

The county magistrate's legs were weak and he leaned against the wall, his face was stiff, and then he forced out a smile and said: "Good Khan, please forgive me, Good Khan, please forgive me, I am just a mortal, and that black wind is neither a monster nor a monster." , even if I want to take care of it, I can’t!"

Hearing this, the man sneered and said: "You are a dog official, if you use your skills of eloquence and eloquence on the common people of Li, how could Lin'an County become a smoky place with ghosts and monsters running rampant!"

When the county magistrate heard this, he was frightened and fawning and said with a smile: "What the good Khan said is absolutely true, what he said is absolutely true!"

At his words, the man suddenly stepped forward and pulled up his official uniform from his chest, and said in a cold voice: "I heard that you were wrongly beaten and imprisoned hundreds of people? Now I order you to release them all!"

The county magistrate's face turned pale and his body shivered even more.

Although the master on the side was also scared, after these words, he said: "You are so cunning." As soon as he opened his mouth, he was glared at by the man fiercely. With panic in his heart, the master immediately changed his words: "Hero, what qualifications do you have to order the county magistrate! Do you still have the law in your eyes? Do you think you are the emperor of today?"

When the man heard this, he gave him a cold look, then took out a dirty oval iron plate from his arms and threw it to the master.

The master hurriedly took the sign and then looked down.

For a moment, his expression was blank, and then with trembling lips, he slowly read out the three words imprinted on the sign one by one.

"Yanyan, Chixia"

Thank you to the leader Dongjie ∮囧口 for the 50,000 starting point coins! Then I would like to thank book friend Kitr for his reward of 500 starting coins, and book friend Shen Tu for his reward of 100 starting coins!

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