Unify all heavens

Chapter 452 Another evil encounter

The green flames grew stronger and stronger, only turning the dark red walls into orange. The Yin Qi around the walls even made a crackling sound, and streams of blue smoke curled up, then disappeared into nothingness.

The clone of the old Black Mountain demon in the wall has also been wiped out, leaving not even a trace of black mist.

Because the black mist disappeared, the panoramic view of the underworld was finally revealed in front of Li Qing at this moment.

I saw a dim sky high in the sky, and streams of dark yellow air flowed slowly under the blowing wind, giving people a depressing feeling.

The earth is dark red and stretches as far as the eye can see. Some green weeds are planted on the land in an irregular manner, swaying back and forth under the continuous cold wind, making it look extremely desolate.

There are countless dead bones making a "whining" sound under the cold wind, which is like crying or weird laughter.

Perhaps because the black fog dissipated, the thirty thousand Yin soldiers mentioned by the old demon of Montenegro never showed up. There was only the sound of galloping horse hooves before, but they never appeared again.

At this moment, the Land Master waved to the strange beast 'Buzz' coiled on the wall.

Then I saw the nine "buzzing" goat heads turning towards the Land Master, then squinting their eyes, raising their heads, and making a "buzzing" roar.

As it roared, its body ignited with strong green flames.

The flames lasted for less than a few breaths before dissipating, revealing the earthy old man's gloomy wooden cane stuck in the wall.

The land man stroked his beard and smiled, and said softly: "Come back, come back, come back."

In his cry, the crutch trembled slightly, and then turned into a flash of blue light and returned to the hands of the Earth Master.

He touched the beast head on his crutch, waved his hand to disperse the four walls, and then turned back to Li Qing.

After seeing Li Qing observing the scenery of the underworld, the Earth Master stroked his beard and smiled and said: "There is no sky in the underworld, and there is no sun and moon. All there is is desolation. Once upon a time, when the ghosts and gods of the underworld were in charge of the underworld, iron chains could be seen everywhere. At that time, the wailing sounds of the incarnated souls and the wild ghosts who were whipped and scolded by the evil spirit resounded throughout the underworld. Even standing on the Naihe Bridge, you can still hear the wailing of the lonely souls of the wild ghosts."

He sighed softly as he spoke, shook his head and said, "Since those ghosts and gods left the underworld, the underworld has returned to its previous desolation."

Li Qing nodded slightly, then looked at this desolate and gloomy area and said, "Is the gate of hell still far away from here?"

The Earth Master stroked his beard and replied: "It's not that far away. If you fly, you can see it in less than a stick of incense."

As soon as he finished speaking, he summoned a dark yellow cloud, then jumped up and led the way.

Li Qing rose up in the air and followed closely behind, flying towards the gate of hell.

Their speed was very fast, and after about half an hour, they saw a green archway standing in the distance.

There is a big blue flag hanging on the archway. On the flag are written seven golden characters "Pyrrhus Underworld Guimen Pass". There are also three powerful words "Guimen Pass" written on the archway.

The Tutu Master raised his hand and pointed, saying: "Sir, please look, there is the gate of hell!"

After finishing the words, he stroked his beard with emotion and said: "Speaking of which, I have also been to this ghost gate, but at that time there were sixteen evil ghosts standing outside the ghost gate, and there were also many ghost kings and Yin soldiers guarding it. It was a warning. It's so strict. If you want to cross the threshold of hell, you need a way. If you don't have a way, you can only become a lonely ghost in the underworld!"

Li Qing listened to Tu Tu Ye's words and looked in the direction pointed by Tu Tu Ye's finger. He saw that there was only a ghost king riding a tall horse under the gate of hell, and the evil creature who was sent to the underworld by Tu Tu Ye was ’, now he was fighting with thousands of Yin soldiers outside the gate of hell with disheveled hair.

If they were ordinary ghosts, their souls would have been killed by these Yin soldiers at this moment, but the one who was fighting with these thousands of Yin soldiers at this moment was a corpse ancestor.

Therefore, these thousands of Yin soldiers were killed by Xiesheng in the blink of an eye, and all of them were wiped out.

But these Yin soldiers seemed to be endless. Whenever they were almost killed by the evil beings, the Ghost King standing at the gate of hell would wave his hand to summon a group.

When Li Qing and Tu Tuye flew near Guimen Pass and landed on the ground, Xie Sheng had already killed seven groups of Yin soldiers.

For him, killing these Yin soldiers is as simple as drinking water and eating for a mortal.

But whether it’s drinking water or eating, there’s always a time when you’re full.

Therefore, after killing tens of thousands of Yin soldiers in succession, the aura on Xie Sheng's body could not help but weaken a bit.


After once again waving a small bronze ax to kill all the Yin soldiers in front of him, Xie Sheng suddenly turned back and looked at Li Qing and Tu Tu Ye who were walking toward him.

The so-called enemies are extremely jealous when they meet. The moment Xie Sheng saw the Tu Tu Ye, his fair and handsome face was instantly full of ferocity, and then he jumped up with a stomp on the ground.


The next moment a sound like an explosion sounded at Xie Sheng's feet, he held an ax and leaped to the top of the land like lightning.


As the ax struck, Xie Sheng stared with blood-red eyes and roared: "Land! I want your life!!!"

The ax comes as you say.

When he finished speaking, the bronze ax struck three inches on the head of the Earth Master.

The Tutu Master looked sarcastic and raised his crutch to block Xie Sheng's attack.


With the sound of a collision, a circle of air waves suddenly appeared under the Tu Tu Ye's feet.

Before the air wave dissipated, the crutch twisted in the hands of the Earth Master, and the part of the rear alien beast's head transformed into nine palm-sized goat heads.

Seeing this, Xie Sheng felt awe-struck and hurriedly flew back to evacuate.

He is very fast, but those nine goat heads are even faster!

As soon as he took the bronze ax away from the crutch, the nine goat heads opened their mouths and spit out nine tiny strands of fire.

The lines of fire converged three inches away, forming a fire snake as thick as an arm, and then wrapped directly around the bronze axe.

Suddenly, the bronze ax burned red.

Xie Sheng was shocked and quickly pulled away, opening his mouth and spitting out a ball of green mist full of foul smell.

Then, when the green mist surged towards the Earth Master, he flew high in a hurry.

He originally thought that the green mist could withstand it for a while and allow him to leave this place. But he never expected that when the green mist rushed towards Tu Tu Ye's cheek, the fire snake did not protect Tu Tu Ye, but penetrated the green mist and attacked him.

Although Xiesheng was physically strong, he did not dare to test the fire snake's edge, so he could only retreat and fly away again.

Although the fire snake was very fast, when Xie Sheng retreated with all his strength, he could only disperse midway because he could not catch up with him.

Xiesheng focused all his attention on the fire snake, but did not realize that he was getting closer to the archway at the gate of hell.

Therefore, the next moment the fire snake dispersed from his eyes, a cold drink came from his ears.

Thanks to book friend Shen Tu for the reward of 200 starting coins!

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