Unify all heavens

Chapter 460: Being trapped in the mortal world and not knowing it (2)

Li Qing was awakened by a sense of pain.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he found that his hands and feet were tied with cold iron chains. At this moment, he was being dragged by two officials, walking in the dark and damp corridor.

"Swiss, rustle, rustle——"

The cold bluestone floor was dirty, covered with weeds and gravel.

The rubbing on Li Qing's back made it hurt, and his scalp hurt from the friction on the ground, but he couldn't say a word and only felt that his mind was getting more dizzy.

In front, two cell bosses were chatting wordlessly.

"This sickly boy is also lucky."

"Who says it's not the case? He passed out as soon as he was caught. No, he was sent to the execution ground not even half an hour after being locked up in prison. He didn't suffer at all!"

After hearing what they said, Li Qing wanted to speak and widen his eyes.

But his head was really dizzy and he had no strength at all.

In the blink of an eye, he passed out here.

When he came to again, he was kneeling on a tree stump.

The tree stump was dark red and exuded a strong smell of blood.

He lay down for a long time before he felt that his body had some strength.

Then he looked sideways and saw that he was kneeling on a high platform, with three tree stumps of the same size beside him.

But there was no one on the other three tree stumps.


Li Qing took a deep breath, gritted his teeth and straightened up, then looked around.

Under the stage, the two prison guards were burning paper with their backs to him.

In the swaying light of the fire, some jet-black paper money powder flew into the sky.

"Zhuge Wolong, we two brothers have no grievances against you. You are full of diseases, but death will be a relief. As the saying goes, die early and be born early. Don't write books in the next life. You write history. It says you borrowed Satirizing the past and the present, you annotated the art of war, and it said that you were involved in rebellion. You are such a talented person, so what can you do wrong? This time you fell into the trap of the book of poems you wrote. It said that all you wrote were anti-poems. Your head must be beheaded to serve as a warning! If you become a ghost, don’t blame us. The person who killed you was the county magistrate, and we two brothers were just trying to make ends meet!"

After muttering like this for a long time, the two prison guards helped each other stand up, and then slowly turned around.

As a result, as soon as they turned around, they saw Li Qing looking at them.

After seeing Li Qing looking at them, the two cell leaders were obviously startled. Then he sighed helplessly: "Why did you wake up? We were just sighing that you were lucky and didn't suffer at all, but at this last moment, you woke up!"

While talking, they helped each other climb up to the high platform and walked to Li Qing one after another.

Then one of the prison guards pulled out a long, cold knife from his waist, and the other prison leader grabbed the long hair on the back of Li Qing's head and exposed his neck.

"Zhuge Wolong, give birth to a good child in your next life, don't be a scholar anymore!"

After the prison guard holding the knife said this, he swung the long knife fiercely.

The back of the knife was illuminated by the moonlight and emitted a cold white light.

Li Qing really wanted to say that he was not a 'Zhuge Wolong', and he didn't want to die.

But because of his dizziness, he couldn't say a word.

It's just that my heart is full of fear of death.

At this time, he only heard a 'click' sound, and then he felt that the world in front of him was suddenly filled with blood and turned upside down.

The moment his head hit the ground, he vaguely saw a figure that was suddenly struck by thunder.

What puzzled him was that the figure was covered in white hair, like a monster.

The scene flashed by, and his head finally fell to the ground.

Before darkness came, he suddenly wanted to let out an unwilling roar.

But there was no chance.


Li Qing sat up suddenly, with panic on his face.

As soon as his voice fell, a familiar voice came from beside him.

"Scholar Li, what's wrong with you?"

Hearing this familiar voice, Li Qing turned around and widened his eyes.

Then he saw Zhang Laosan, whose head had been chopped off by an official before, walking towards him with a worried look on his face.

"Papa -"

After walking up to him, he patted his forehead twice without saying a word, then frowned and muttered: "This scholar's body is not strong enough. He caught the wind and cold just one night."

As he spoke, he shook his head, which was full of vicissitudes of life.

After Li Qing saw this familiar scene, his eyes widened even more.

Have you seen a ghost? Or was everything before that just a dream.

While he was thinking, he raised his hand and touched his forehead.

The moment his palm touched his forehead, he froze.

My forehead is very hot

Same as the previous scene.

For some reason, he thought of what happened before, and then lowered his head to check.

Sure enough, I was sitting on a wooden board covered with weeds

Looking back, I saw the forest with yellow leaves.

When Zhang Laosan saw Li Qing checking around, he patted him on the shoulder and said, "Scholar Li, don't look at it. We are still in the wild. When we enter the city later, I will send you to the town to see the doctor. "

The two slaps Zhang Laosan slapped on Li Qing made him tremble.

After Zhang Laosan saw Li Qing's appearance, he frowned in confusion, then shook his head slightly, took off his short hexagram, put it on Li Qing, shook his head and said: "You scholar, you are not at home. Stay there, you must come out to see the world, this time is great, I got cold in just one night, what do you think I will tell your father when I turn around?"

After hearing this familiar dialogue, Li Qing felt his heart tremble.

This weird feeling made his originally groggy head slightly clearer.

At this time, Zhang Laosan was already riding on the donkey and said with concern: "Scholar Li, please sit tight and don't fall off!"

When Li Qing heard this, the strange feeling in his heart became even stronger, making his body covered with goosebumps. Then he asked out of nowhere: "It's so early, where are we going?"

As soon as the words came out of his mouth, his expression changed slightly.

Sure enough, as soon as he finished speaking, Zhang Laosan turned around and said with a smile: "It's getting late, it's already a quarter past three. If it's late, it will be difficult to enter the city!"

Seeing Zhang Laosan's honest and friendly smile, Li Qing felt cold all over.

He subconsciously looked up and saw that the night sky was exactly what he had seen before.

The stars are bright and the moon is high.

The originally beautiful scene made Li Qing terrified.

Everything before, was it a dream? Or hallucination?

He thought this and then slowly sat up.

This simple action, but because he was suffering from the wind and cold, he had to work hard for a long time before he could sit up as he wished.

At this time, the donkey cart has arrived at the town gate.

Looking at the tall city wall and the wide town gate in front of him, Li Qing's face instantly turned pale.

Just because there was a group of people running towards him in front of him.

Just like what I have experienced before.

They were chasing a man with a package in his arms.

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