Unify all heavens

Chapter 466: The world of mortals is shattered and the calamity of death is scattered (Part 2)


As these two words rang out, Li Qing grinned.

His smile was very plain, but it sent chills down the backs of the one-eyed dragon and the officials behind him.

In a daze, they saw a mountain of corpses and a sea of ​​​​blood!

In fact, this was indeed the case, because on the day he agreed to become an official, Li Qing took a long knife and slaughtered the entire Yamen.

From the county magistrate to the prisoner in the dungeon, no one was spared.

As the saying goes, take revenge when there is hatred, and take revenge when there is hatred!

And in this entire yamen, everyone's hands are stained with his blood.

After killing all these people, Li Qing walked towards the city gate, and then died under the city gate because his condition worsened.

The moon is high in the sky, and the sky is filled with stars;

A donkey cart slowly drove out from the woods covered with dead leaves and drove slowly towards the city gate.

As for Zhang Laosan who was driving the car, he had already been knocked unconscious by Li Qing and thrown into the woods.

"Tap tap tap tap -"

As the sound of the donkey cart rang, Li Qing was seen lying on the damp weeds with his head resting on his arms, staring at the night sky without saying a word.

This is his ninety-nine thousand nine hundred and ninety-ninth resurrection, only one short of reaching one hundred thousand!

When he died for the 3000th time, he never saw the picture when he died again.

Because, after dying more than 2,900 times, he recovered all his memories.

He knew that he was a corpse ancestor, and he also knew that he was going through a tribulation!

At this time, Li Qing finally understood why one corpse ancestor after another in those previous scenes failed to overcome the tribulation and became a puppet of heaven.

Because the more powerful a creature is, the more afraid it is of death!

Including him.

When he didn't think of his identity, Li Qing only regarded himself as a sick scholar. He always wanted to break the situation and leave here, and he had taken actions and received the price for it.

As a result, every time after death, when I opened my eyes again, I found that everything was back to where it started.

What's even more terrifying is that once he enters the city, he will never come out again!

Because that would end his life early.

And when he recalled his identity, this fear was magnified to the point of no return.

He seemed to be locked up in a certain area for a certain period of time. He tried every means and took various actions, but the ending of his death never changed.

Li Qing finally knew that he was imprisoned in this city by Heaven, but his life span was only two hours!

And, this process is looped infinitely!

No matter what he did in these two hours, even if no one kills him two hours later, he will still die in various accidents, and then there will be no pause. He closes his eyes and dies one second, and then dies the next second. He will open his eyes, resurrect, and continue everything he did before.

And this is the eternal calamity of death that makes countless zombie ancestors helpless, fearful and collapsed!

It was said to be tens of thousands of generations, but Li Qing knew that under certain circumstances, this tens of thousands of lifetimes would turn into hundreds of thousands of lifetimes, millions of lifetimes, tens of millions of lifetimes, or even billions of lifetimes!

Li Qing believed that as long as it lasted long enough, this death disaster could turn any god or demon into a puppet of heaven!

If there are exceptions, it means not enough people died.

Including himself.

Among these more than 90,000 deaths, he himself also collapsed.

For example, a long time ago, when he died probably twenty or thirty thousand times, he collapsed once.

Lasted for two or three thousand lifetimes at a time

During this period of time, he tried every means to kill people, killing all the men, women, and children in the entire town thousands of times!

At that time, red blood was flowing in all the streets.

The whole city was filled with blood!

He himself didn't know how many lives he had killed. He only knew that after a certain resurrection, he suddenly fell into a state of numbness and could no longer feel anything about the things around him.

However, the fear in his heart became more and more intense!

Many times, Li Qing had already knelt on the ground, and all he had to do was shout out, "Li Qing is willing to descend from heaven, just for the disaster of death to be dispelled!" ’ That’s it.

But in the end, he stood up.

Because that time, he suddenly saw a peasant woman having difficulty giving birth in the street. As a result, because no one helped, the woman was brutally beaten to death.

In his next life, he still saw this woman.

Then he had an epiphany.

As he repeated these two hours, everyone in the entire city was also experiencing it.

However, they don't have any memories.

From then on, although he still could not escape from this city and the ending of death in two hours, he began to truly experience this rare feeling of being a human being.

He was once beaten to death by a blacksmith because of a young beggar, and he took action in anger.

I also missed the brothel to kill time.

He even transformed into an official who hates evil as much as he hates it, punishing evil and promoting good.

He began to experience the various flavors of life.

And this was something he had never experienced before.

Li Qing still remembered that the last time he died, he was sucked into dried human flesh by a female ghost in a mass grave.

He also committed suicide, for the ten thousandth time.

So, he experienced more than 80,000 lives!

And today is his ten thousandth life.

In this life, he was going to have a meal at the biggest restaurant in town.

He had a premonition,

In this life,

It will be the end!

Just when he was thinking of this, he saw Zhuge Wolong running from the city gate with a package in his arms.

Behind him, the man with a red strip of cloth tied on his forehead was leading his brothers, panting and chasing him.

"Zhuge Wolong, hand over the counter-proposal quickly!"

As these words rang out, Zhuge Wolong also ran to the side of the donkey cart.

Then Li Qing casually slapped him on the head.

At that moment, there was only a "bang" sound, and Zhuge Wolong's head exploded like a watermelon.

The strong men behind them stopped abruptly after seeing this.

Then, with a pale face, he watched the donkey cart drive slowly past them.

like a statue.

At this time, the donkey cart had arrived at the bottom of the city, and then the Cyclops was seen walking out with a group of officials.

After seeing the fair-faced and thin Li Qing, the one-eyed dragon's eyes lit up.

But before he could speak first, Li Qing asked calmly with an expressionless face: "Is Li Jinyuan in the city?"

When the one-eyed dragon heard this, his expression suddenly changed.

Because the county grandpa’s name is ‘Li Jinyuan’.

At that moment, he looked hesitantly and said tentatively: "May I ask, Your Majesty? What is the important matter for you to find this person?"

Li Qing said expressionlessly: "I am the new county magistrate!"

When the one-eyed dragon heard this, his expression changed instantly.

The night before yesterday, when he and his master were drinking and chatting, the master told him that a new county magistrate had been appointed from above.

But he didn't expect that the new county magistrate would be bumped into by him.

Thinking of this, he bowed down, cupped his hands with a smile on his face and said, "Sir, Mr. Li, is in the government office!"

Li Qing nodded slightly, waved his hand and said: "Lead the way!"

"Hey, sir, please come first!"

After the one-eyed dragon said this with a respectful expression, he took two steps forward, took the reins, and carefully led the donkey cart into the city.

After entering the city, Li Qing asked: "Is the restaurant still accepting guests at this moment? I have traveled all night, and I am already empty!"

The one-eyed dragon, who was originally thinking about how to win over the new county magistrate, was immediately overjoyed after hearing Li Qing's words. He immediately patted his chest and said, "I'll take the adults to try our special dishes!"

As he spoke, he gave the officer next to him a look.

The officer understood in an instant, spread his legs and ran towards the restaurant

Ten minutes later, Li Qing was sitting in the lobby of the restaurant.

And he sat there for two hours.

During this period, while eating vegetables and drinking wine, he and Cyclops chatted about local people's livelihood.

Then when the two hours were over, Li Qing also died on the dinner table because his condition worsened.

It only scared the one-eyed dragon and the restaurant owner out of their wits.

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