Unify all heavens

Chapter 474 The whole world is the enemy! (five)


"This King Zombie is so brave!"

"Hmph, it turns out that it's a corpse turned into spirit, without a brain!"

The moment Li Qing finished speaking, the demon kings below showed a look of astonishment, and then began to jeer.

In their view, this Zombie King must have become proud and complacent because he had killed three mountain gods before, otherwise how could he say such a mindless thing.

Although the golden-backed centipede has a mysterious origin, even the Demon King of the Seventy-Two Road has to admire it for its strength. As for the immortal cultivating sects on the three immortal mountains, they even pretend not to swallow the Golden Dragon of National Fortune. See.

And for such a great monster whose cultivation level is on par with the Earthly Immortal Realm, King Zombie actually dares to humiliate him with a pet scorpion!

For a moment, the eyes of these demon kings showed amusement.

Based on their understanding of this centipede, this Zombie King is probably not going to get a good ending today!

Thinking of this, they turned back to look at the golden-backed centipede, wanting to see its reaction.

At that moment, the golden-backed centipede was seen waving its hundreds of long legs like knives and halberds, while the two claws on its head were slowly hanging down, as if they were about to spray out venom at any time.

Under the jaw claws, the two scarlet eyes glowed red, like two huge lanterns emitting blood-red light.

A low sneer of "Jie Jie Jie Jie" came out of his mouth.

This weird laughter, like gold and iron hitting each other, made many demon kings who were watching tremble.

It was as if they had predicted the tragic fate of the zombie king in this laughter!

"I bet you three hundred hearts that the golden-backed centipede will suck that zombie king into a mummy!"

The tiger-spotted Roadblock King whispered to the dark python floating in the air next to him.

The boa constrictor did not speak, but nodded slightly, its cold eyes always paying attention to the golden-backed centipede.

At this moment, the laughter of "Jie Jie Jie Jie" finally stopped ringing.

Then he saw the extremely ferocious and terrifying golden-backed centipede raising its head and looking at Li Qing coldly. Then he danced his body and crawled out the other half of his body that was buried deep in the earth.

Immediately, one section after another of its dark golden shell was seen breaking out of the ground, and a "rumbling" sound was heard, shaking the ground for miles around.

After a long time, the ground finally stopped shaking.

And the tens of thousands of legs of the golden-backed centipede were tightly hooked on the tower, and its body was wrapped around the tower, making it look extremely huge.

The height of this tower is 180 feet, which is 600 meters!

But at this moment, the golden-backed centipede was tightly entangled with the 600-meter-high Sky Tower.

Its head hung naturally on the top of the tower, and its scarlet eyes looked at Li Qing.

"King Zombie!"

The golden-backed centipede suddenly spoke and at the same time slowly waved its claws.

"Your ignorance and recklessness will bring you disaster!"

"Don't think that you can become invincible by killing three little gods!"


"Do you know why not a single scorpion in this world has become a spirit?"

When he said this, he paused and laughed "Jie Jie Jie Jie".

After the laughter stopped, its tens of thousands of legs suddenly let go of the tower, and its huge, cold and ferocious body suddenly rushed into the sky!


"All the scorpions that became sperm were swallowed by the poor monk!"

When it growled these words in an extremely cold voice, its entire body turned into a golden light!

Crash into Li Qing from bottom to top with invincible momentum!

At this moment, whether it was the demon kings below or the various beings still hiding in the darkness, they all looked at the dark golden centipede rising into the sky, which was more than two hundred feet long.


"This guy can actually fly!"

"His grandma's fault, this old thing hides so well!"

The many demon kings below all gritted their teeth at this moment.

There was a legend in ancient times,

The five poisons fly into the sky, their power is boundless!

They are talking about the five poisons that can fly into the sky.

The five poisons are endowed with extraordinary talents and are born to be the most poisonous in the world. Therefore, they are slower than other demons on the road of cultivation.

Ordinary monsters can fly in the wind as long as they condense the demon elixir.

But the Five Poisons can only fly into the sky after reaching the Heavenly Immortal Realm!

Of course, some ancient mutated five poisons are not included in this list!

When thinking of this, all the beings hiding in the darkness felt itchy with hatred.

If this centipede hadn't suddenly flew into the sky,

They all thought that this centipede was not as high as an earthly immortal!

As a result, this old guy turned into an immortal quietly!

Looking at the centipede in the sky that looks like golden thunder and lightning, many beings seem to have seen it killing everyone in the world!

Today, the person with the highest known cultivation level is the Qingxu Golden Immortal of Wangwu Mountain!

However, the Qingxu Golden Immortal has not appeared in the world for thousands of years, and it is rumored that he has already gone to the Nine Heavens to become an official.

This means that this old guy has actually become the existence with the highest cultivation level in the world!

At this thought, all the beings hidden in the darkness shook their heads helplessly.

This trip was in vain.

With this old guy present, who can get the immeasurable merit of getting rid of King Zombie!

On a mountain not far from here, after seeing the golden-backed centipede flying into the sky, the old Black Mountain demon subconsciously looked at the ghost arhat who looked like an old monk. Suddenly my back felt cold and my heart felt chilly.

"That centipede was just taught by the old bald donkey casually, but it turned out to be a demon in the heavenly realm. I guess the old bald donkey's cultivation level is even higher!"

Thinking of this, his face darkened and his cold eyes flickered slightly.

High in the sky,

Li Qing had never heard of the rumor of "Five poisons flying into the sky, boundless power", so there was no surprised expression on his face, he just sneered at the golden-backed centipede that was gradually approaching him.

As for the scorpion he was playing with, it was the essence of the world-destroying thunder calamity summoned by the Eye of Heaven in the world of wind and cloud. It even swallowed a drop of tears from the sky. Even Li Qing didn't know how high his cultivation level was. .

Because it had been absorbing the tear of heaven in the purple coffin, it was not until Li Qing finished his previous tribulation and regained consciousness that the thunder scorpion informed Li Qing that it had ended its evolution.

So Li Qing never took it out of the purple coffin to fight against the enemy!

It wasn't until he saw the golden-backed centipede that he remembered that he also had such a five-poison creature in his purple coffin!

Just when Li Qing was thinking of this, he saw that the centipede had already flown within a hundred feet of him.

For their level of cultivation, a distance of a hundred feet can be covered in the blink of an eye.

Therefore, after Li Qing saw this, he finally threw out the thunder scorpion in his hand and said coldly: "Go and let me see your strength!"

After hearing Li Qing's voice, Lei Scorpion's two golden eyes suddenly widened. Then I saw its body suddenly grow in size!

One foot!

Ten feet!



Thousands of feet! ! !

In just a blink of an eye, under the gloomy sky, a huge scorpion covering the sky and pulsing with thunder appeared! ! !

Compared with it, the golden-backed centipede, which was more than two hundred feet long and stunned the demons, instantly became a joke.

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