Unify all heavens

Chapter 476 The whole world is the enemy! (7) [Additional update 2/3 for the helmsman An Ning 1]

Chapter 476 The whole world is the enemy! (7) [Additional update 23 for the helmsman’s tranquility 1]

Although Thunder Scorpion could not see too far and did not know that the Golden-backed Centipede had been rescued by the Ghost Arhat, Li Qing, who was suspended in the air under its huge body, could clearly see it.

Seeing this, Li Qing waved to Thunder Scorpion and said, 'Come back! ’

As his voice sounded, the thunder scorpion, which was as huge as the sky and the sun, suddenly shrank to the size of a palm with a 'bang', then slowly flew onto Li Qing's raised palm and lay dormant.

Li Qing subconsciously touched its pipa-like purple body with his thumb, and then looked at the ground.

But they saw that the vast land was scorched black by the billions of thunders from before, and the whole land was covered with scorched smoke.

On the ground, there were dozens of charred corpses of various shapes lying.

These are all the demon kings from all walks of life who had no time to escape when the thunder came!

One by one, they came to kill Li Qing with high spirits, but before Li Qing could take action, they were chopped into charcoal by the thunder scorpion.

Li Qing estimated that those beings hidden in the darkness would not dare to appear for a while, so he slowly landed on the ground. At the same time, he thought secretly in his heart: "It is said that it is easy to hide from open guns and hard to prevent hidden arrows. At this moment, we must have those existences hidden in the dark, otherwise we will definitely not be able to stabilize in a short time!"

As soon as he thought of this, he raised his feet and stamped on the ground.


Suddenly, with him as the center, the ground within a hundred miles radius shook.

With a rumble, the ground beneath his feet cracked and spread.

Li Qing's face showed no emotion when he saw this, and just gave a cold shout.

"Land out!"

As soon as he finished speaking, a plume of green smoke rose from the ground beneath his feet.

After the green smoke dissipated, he saw the Land Master appearing in front of him with a look of emotion and wonder.

The moment the Land Master appeared, he bowed down, then raised his hands with great respect and said:

"Your Majesty is so mighty, please accept the five body tributes of the little god!"

As he spoke, he knelt on the ground.

Li Qing frowned when he saw this. For some reason, he suddenly felt that Lord Tu Tu's aura was very messy.

Sometimes the spirit is awe-inspiring, and sometimes the spirit is ghostly.

Just as he was thinking of this, Tu Tu Ye, who was kneeling on the ground, suddenly raised his hand and patted the ground.

Suddenly, a "thrust" sound came from Li Qing's feet, and then countless pairs of dry bone claws were seen breaking out of the ground, grabbing Li Qing's feet in an instant.

Although it all happened very quickly, Li Qing became more vigilant when he saw something was wrong with the Land Master's aura.

Therefore, the moment he saw the bone claws breaking out of the earth, he jumped up quickly, and then without hesitation used his legs as a whip to hit the head of the Earth Master who was about to raise it.

With the sound of "bang", Tu Tuye kicked Li Qing forcefully, but his head did not move.

Li Qing frowned when he saw this, and his face immediately turned gloomy.

If it were the original land master who was kicked by him, he would be seriously injured even if he didn't die.

As a result, this one didn't even move his head.

Just as he was thinking about this, there was a sudden sound from behind him.


The moment Li Qing heard the sound, he immediately dodged aside.

As a result, as soon as he started, four huge spider webs rose from the ground around him, trapping him in place.

At this time, ripples suddenly appeared in the void above his head.

Then he saw four green spiders the size of millstones slowly crawling out of the void, crawling into the void a few feet above his head, blocking the sky above him.

When Li Qing saw this, his expression became even more gloomy.

Now he lowered his head and looked at the ground.

But he saw that the 'Lord of the Land' suddenly changed. In the blink of an eye, he took off all his skin and turned into an old monk with dark yellow skin.

Li Qing suddenly narrowed his eyes and said in surprise: "Is it you?"

The monk had left a deep impression on him when he was in the air.

Even the golden-backed centipede and many demon kings in the fairyland could not resist the thunder, but this old monk was as if nothing existed.

Although I don’t know whether the old monk rescued the golden-backed centipede from the thunder, but from the way he entered the thunder, his body was slightly charred but he did not suffer any real damage. The old monk is definitely not simple.

After hearing Li Qing's surprised voice, Ghost Arhat nodded and smiled, clasped his palms together and said, "Ignorant monk Ghost Arhat, I have seen King Zombie!"

Li Qing raised his eyebrows when he heard this. This title is very strange.

However, he was not prepared to go into details. He just nodded lightly and asked, "Where is the land?"

The ghost arhat nodded and smiled, and said with a kind face: "King Zombie came late. When the God of Fortune showed his power before King Zombie, he had already been eaten by the old monk! Now only this one is left. Skin, if King Zombie wants it, the old monk will give this skin to you, at least you can keep it as a thought!"

Li Qing's eyes suddenly narrowed, and he asked in a cold voice: "It seems that you know that he is my subordinate?"

The ghost arhat nodded slightly, shook his head apologetically and said, "Oh, this was the old monk's mistake. When he ate the fortune and righteousness, he forgot to leave a portion for King Zombie!"

When he said this, he sighed.

"The old monk just can't give up his lust for words!"

When Li Qing heard this, he was not angry but smiled.

"Ha ha ha ha."

When the laughter stopped, his face instantly turned livid, his eyes were filled with coldness, and he sneered: "I have lived for so long, and this is the first time I have seen someone as arrogant as you!"

After saying this, he looked at the spider webs around him, sneered and summoned the Taiqing Divine Fire in his palm, and said: "Ghost Arhat, do you think that you can trap me here with just these things?" ?"

The ghost arhat shook his head with a smile and said with a kind face: "King Zombie is joking. With the power of the scorpion demon just now, how can the old monk use this to trap you?"

After saying this, he chanted the Buddha's name backwards.

"Buddha Mia Wunan, the old monk just used these rags to delay King Zombie's time!"

After Li Qing heard these words, his expression suddenly changed, and the evil energy all over his body exploded instantly, only to wipe out the four millstone-sized spiders above his head!

Then he gritted his teeth and said solemnly: "What a ghost Arhat!"

The moment he said those words, he threw out the Taiqing Divine Fire.

The divine fire has spirit!

Therefore, the moment he took off his hand, a curtain of fire formed, burning all the spider webs around Li Qing.

At the same time, Li Qing broke through the fire and rushed towards the ghost arhat with his hands clasped together with a cold expression!

When the ghost arhat saw this, he looked behind Li Qing and laughed loudly: "Old demon from Black Mountain, how long will it take before you take action?"

As soon as he finished speaking, Li Qing felt a powerful demonic energy coming from behind him.

But when Li Qing subconsciously looked back, he saw that what was attacking him was not the old Black Mountain demon, but just the black robe of the Old Black Mountain demon.

"not good!"

Li Qing exclaimed in his heart and quickly turned his head back.

As a result, the moment he turned his head back, he saw that the ghost Arhat had already arrived in front of him, and the old face was only five inches away from his.

Seeing the surprise in Li Qing's eyes, Ghost Arhat grinned and raised his hand to place a mark on Li Qing's chest.

At the same time, he shouted in a cold voice: "Seven souls are separated from the body!"

The moment the words rang out, a strange force came from his hand, and then penetrated Li Qing's body and hit his soul.

Suddenly, Li Qing's eyes became confused.

At the same time, seven phantoms flew out from behind him.

At this moment, the black robe of the old Black Mountain demon came to Li Qing's side and danced violently, collecting his seven souls into the robe.

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