Unify all heavens

Chapter 504: Team up and kill someone (Part 1)

This old monk's Dharma name is Mortal, and his Buddhist teachings can be described as profound. When he was young, he stayed in the Potala Palace for a full fifty years. Later, after he set foot in the Central Plains, he went around to slay demons and eliminate demons, and he also learned from the Central Plains. Buddhist scriptures.

More than ten years ago, when he was chasing a fox demon that killed more than 80 people, he passed by Jiuhua Mountain. As a result, the magic miracle in Jiuhua Mountain happened to be revealed, so he stepped in.

Yan Chixia was the first friend he made in the Jiuhua Mountain Fairy Trail. He and Yan Chixia stayed in the Fairy Trail for more than half a month and learned that Yan Chixia had the intention to subjugate and eliminate demons. After he had no means to subjugate and eliminate demons, he taught him the Buddhist "Vajra Prajnaparamita Sutra".

As a result, Yan Chixia had only been practicing for a few days before she had already begun to gain entry. Through many means, she had obtained the inheritance of a deceased sword immortal cultivator in the Immortal Trail.

And by chance, he also obtained a rosary refined from the brow bones of 108 eminent monks. This rosary was used when he killed the two flying corpses before.

In fact, this rosary is very precious. In terms of value, it may be the most valuable item among the celestial beings.

The reason is that the one hundred and eight eminent monks all voluntarily left their brow bones behind when they reached bliss. This small piece of brow bone contains the Buddhist dharma and fate of these eminent monks throughout their lives, which can be said to be extremely precious.

This string of rosary beads is also called 'Kabala' in Buddhism. Holding it can lead you into and out of the netherworld and clarify the path of yin and yang!

In the past ten years or so, Monk Liaofan has subdued countless demons and ghosts by relying on this string of Kabala beads. The longer he holds this string of beads, the more he feels that the day when he can cultivate the Bodhi body is approaching. . At the same time, he was becoming more and more grateful to Yan Chixia in his heart, because if Yan Chixia had not used the sword escape technique to take him away, he might have been swallowed by the big demon guarding the fairy site when he left the fairy site. .

Therefore, as soon as he received the summons from Yan Chixia, he rushed over immediately.

Thinking of this, he subconsciously recited the Buddha's name and said: "Master Yan, if the old monk read it correctly, you should have used the sword escape technique again not long ago!"

Yan Chixia nodded lightly and said with a smile: "Master has good eyesight. I did encounter a demon last night, and I was defeated in one round!" When he said this, he sighed heavily and said: "If If I had not stopped the demon for a moment with the Diamond Sutra that the master gave me back then at the critical moment, I would not even have the time to use the sword escape technique!"

Master Liaofan was shocked when he heard this and asked anxiously: "What about the devil? Have you ever meditated under the Diamond Sutra?"

Yan Chixia shook her head slowly and said in a deep voice: "The Diamond Sutra only trapped the demon for a moment, and then he was directly dispersed by the demon!"

Master Liao Fan, who was sitting on a tin staff outside the window, suddenly took a breath of cold air after hearing this, and said in horror: "Is this happening?"

Yan Chixia sighed heavily and said, "If I hadn't fallen into a turtle breath state after using the sword escape technique, I would have died last night!"

After hearing this, Master Liaofan sighed and said: "The Diamond Sutra was given to the old monk by a senior monk when he was in the Potala Palace in his early years. As long as the monster does not become an immortal, it will definitely be destroyed by the words in the Diamond Sutra." Influenced by the profound Buddhist teachings, you can even subdue the Dharma! And according to what Master Yan said, the demon you met has definitely turned into an immortal! It is no longer something that ordinary people can provoke at will!"

When he finished speaking, he seemed to have remembered something. He suddenly put his palms up in front of his chest and asked Yan Chixia.

"Speaking of which, did Master Yan only notify the old monk? Or did he notify all his old friends?"

Yan Chixia laughed loudly when she heard this and said, "We haven't seen each other for so many years. I'm lucky this time. When I meet such a demon, I naturally informed everyone!"

Master Liaofan nodded and smiled after hearing this, and said slowly: "In this way, the old monk is relieved! On that day, layman Yan got the inheritance of the Sword Immortal, the old monk got the Gabala rosary, and Zuo Wudi from Fengyang County got the Emei The inheritance of the immortals, and the sloppy Taoist priest who got a ray of pure Yang sword energy from Lu Zu."

Just as he was saying this, he was suddenly interrupted by a voice that suddenly sounded from underneath him.

"Fan bald donkey, Master Dao, I know you won't say good things about me behind my back! Humph, I'll catch you this time and you'll do it!"

After hearing this voice, the smile on Yan Chixia's face became even brighter, and she quickly leaned half of her body out of the window, only to see an old man with gray hair and dirty Taoist robes appear on the street below. Taoist priest.

When he looked down, the old Taoist priest was also smiling with his head raised, showing his yellow teeth.

"Long time no see, Yan Chixia, you old boy are finally willing to use the communication talisman we gave you back then? Humph, Taoist Master thought he would never see you again until he emerges!"

When Yan Chixia heard this, she quickly raised her hands and said, "Master Sanchi, why don't you go into the house and talk for a while?"

After saying this, he turned sideways and said with a smile: "Master, come in too!"

When he finished speaking, Monk Liao Fan outside the window used his tin staff to sit down and floated in from the window. At the same time, the Sanchi Taoist Priest on the street also used the light body technique to jump into the house from the window.

The next moment he entered the house, he saw Ning Caichen, who was sleeping soundly on the bed. He smiled winkingly at Yan Chixia with his yellow teeth exposed, and said, "It's almost blinding my eyes, Master Dao. I didn't expect that." You, Big Bearded Yan, actually prefer masculine style!"

Yan Chixia waved her hands repeatedly and said: "Taoist priest, don't get me wrong. I met the scholar on the bed last night in Lanruo Temple. If this scholar hadn't carried me to Guobei County on his back, I would have no chance to meet him at this moment. You’re reminiscing about old times!”


Taoist Master San Chi was surprised and looked at Master Liao Fan beside him. He looked at Yan Chixia and said, "So, this is a scholar who is passionate about the ancient ways! There are not many such people in today's world. See you!"

After saying this, he walked towards the bed and said with a smile: "Master Tao, I have to take a good look at it. If this scholar is destined to be an official, Master Tao, I will not have to worry about food and clothing for the rest of my life!"

When he finished speaking, his footsteps stopped just beside the bed.

Then he raised his hand and turned Ning Caichen's head towards him, squinting at Ning Caichen's facial features.

As a result, when he looked at it, a half-smiling expression appeared on his face, and then he turned back to Yan Chixia and said, "Yan Beard, tell the truth, have you met a female ghost recently?"

Yan Chixia nodded when she heard the words and said with a smile: "The three idiots have a sharp eye. I did meet three female ghosts in Lanruo Temple the night before!"

Taoist Priest Sanchi chuckled and said with a wink: "As the saying goes, it would be better to demolish ten monk temples than destroy one marriage. This scholar is destined to be with a female ghost, and judging from his appearance, he will also marry that female ghost. The ghost gives birth to a son!"

After saying this, he grinned and said with a smile: "But, this marriage ended last night!"

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