Unify all heavens

Chapter 594 Coffin Refining

As a surprised sound rang out, a monster with a red body, a human face, an ox body and a horse's feet was seen falling from a high altitude in a cloud of blood mist.

It was extremely fast, like lightning, and it stopped in front of Zombie God in the blink of an eye.

The human face looked at Zombie God with a smile on his face and said, "Are you also the inheritor of the Purple Coffin? Why haven't I seen you?"

Zombie God didn't speak, he just narrowed his eyes and looked at the corpse in front of him.

After seeing that its level of strength was as he thought, not only did it not improve, but it also dropped to almost the Golden Immortal level, Zombie God suddenly twitched the corner of his mouth and revealed a solemn smile.

At that moment, all four of his fangs were exposed, and he said in a sinister voice: "It's been a long time, I haven't seen you, I didn't expect you to be able to get out of trouble one day!"

When Zhongshen spoke, Xiqi's brows wrinkled unconsciously.

It always felt that the aura of the emperor in front of it was very familiar, as if it had seen it before.

But after much thought, it couldn't remember that it had seen the emperor demon in front of it.

Just when it was doubtful, it heard the words of Zombie God.

In an instant, Xiqi's eyes widened to the limit, and his expression became dull.

"You, you, you are, Zombie, Zombie, Zombie God?"

It trembled, and after stammering these words, it suddenly turned around and flew high into the sky with a strange scream, like a frightened bird.

"That boy lied to me!"

"That boy lied to me!!"

It roared with a loud voice full of grief and anger, and its face was full of horror.

"Hey Hey."

Zombie God did not chase him, but instead laughed eerily on the spot.

The laughter was getting louder and louder, and the steps taken by the four horse hooves of the four horse hooves that were already flying in the air became more and more chaotic.

At this moment, Zombie God suddenly raised his head and said loudly: "I haven't seen you for a long time, old friend. Why are you running in such a hurry? Why don't you come down and have a chat!"

His voice seemed to carry some kind of bewitching power, and it spread to high altitudes in an instant and entered Yuqi's ears.

In an instant, Yu Qi's originally frightened face gradually calmed down amid the voice.

And around him, Zombie God's voice kept echoing.

"Old friend, long time no see."

"Why are you running in such a hurry?"

"Why don't you come down and have a chat."

As these sounds echoed back and forth in Xiqi's ears, Xiqi's eyes gradually became dull, and he said stupidly: "Old friend, come down and have a chat."

After it repeated this sentence several times with an expressionless face, its eyes narrowed uncontrollably, and its figure slowly changed direction, slowly falling towards the ground. As if he was stupid, he giggled and said: "Yes, we are old friends. Why should I run away in such a hurry? We should go down and have a chat."

"We should go down and have a chat."

It murmured and repeated these words, its figure getting closer and closer to the zombie god.

Because the Zombie God evolved into the Emperor Demon, he no longer looked like a one-armed, one-legged, one-eyed person. Instead, he looked like an ordinary person, except that the void around him was always distorting, as if it was being burned by flames.

When he saw Yanqi coming towards him with a silly smile on his face, he opened his arms with a sinister smile, as if he wanted to hug Yanqi.

At the same time, he also said: "Yes, yes, we are old friends. When old friends meet, they should hug each other!"

After hearing Zheng Shen's words, Yuqi, who had already stepped on the ground with all four hooves, nodded stupidly, and said slowly without any fluctuation in his voice: "Yes, you should hug me, you should hug me." .”

While it was talking, it slowly walked towards Zombie God.

When Yuqi originally fell, he was already not far away from Zombie God. At this moment, with his four hooves moving, he only took six or seven steps and came to Zombie God's side, and then murmured: "Hug. , Hug." Then the man stood up and put his two front hooves on the shoulders of the zombie god.

At this moment, a strange smile suddenly appeared on the face of Zhongshen, and then he took a step forward, hugged Yuqi's back tightly with both arms, and then suddenly tilted his neck back, as if drawing a bow to borrow strength, and When he reached the limit, his head suddenly bounced forward, and four fangs dug deeply into the neck of the turtle.

The moment the fangs penetrated the armored skin, Yuqi's originally dull eyes instantly showed a look of extreme horror, and then it began to struggle violently with its hooves moving wildly.

At the moment, all I could see was the two hooves it stepped on the ground, kicking up dust on the ground.

At the same time, Yuqi also roared with fear on his face.


"don't want!"

"Don't suck me!"

"I'm not intentional"

Its strength is not as good as the Zombie God, so every time it roars, its body becomes weaker.

When he screamed the last sentence, before he could finish speaking, his head, which had become skin and bones, broke from the side with a crack and hung aside.

On the other hand, Zombie God's face turned red after sucking up the 猰貐.

He threw the mummy away and said with a slightly raised corner of his mouth: "It's not bad. Its cultivation level is a bit higher than I thought, but it's still a little short of it."

As soon as he finished speaking, he stamped his feet suddenly, jumped into the sky in an instant, and flew quickly towards the bloody hillside.

At this time, Li Qing was hiding on a mountain peak, with the clear divine fire burning the purple coffin.

Looking at the purple coffin that has gradually deformed under the high temperature of the Shangqing Divine Fire. He secretly thought in his heart: "Emperor Qingxu once said that if my purple coffin breaks into pieces one day, he will merge the fragments with the black coffin he gave me. In this way, the black coffin will have the ability to travel through time like the purple coffin." !”

"Now the Zombie God is chasing me. If I still carry the purple coffin, he can catch up to me even if I run to the ends of the earth."

"Why don't we try our best to melt this purple coffin directly? If I succeed, I can escape this disaster. If I fail, the five great corpses will block the zombie god for me for a moment. This moment is enough. I'm going back to the valley!"

"If those purple coffin inheritors who have been sucked by the Zombie God and have lost their cultivation are still in the valley, I will take three or five purple coffins and put them into the black coffins. If their purple coffins are taken away, I will Bury the Holy Fire in that valley, and when the Zombie God returns to the Corpse Mansion, burn him to pieces!"

As soon as Li Qing thought of this, he felt relieved and looked at the purple coffin wrapped in the fire with all his attention.

He took out all the items in the purple coffin and piled them aside, so even if it burned, he wouldn't feel bad.

What's more, there are probably dozens of purple coffins waiting for him in the broken valley.

Therefore, he was very bold and directly refined the purple coffin into purple liquid.

Then he chanted a spell and summoned the black coffin given to him by Emperor Qingxu from the void.

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