Unify all heavens

Chapter 630 The Bull Demon King is Rampant in the Underworld


After hearing what the Bull Demon King said, King Yama immediately called out the judge in a cold voice and ordered in a cold voice: "Write this troublesome bull's head into the book. I will go to heaven tomorrow and file a complaint against him!"

When the Bull Demon King sitting on the chair heard this, his eyes suddenly widened and he stared at the judge fiercely. He grinned ferociously and said, "After you finish writing the booklet, give it to me to look at, Old Niu. I have read a few books of 'Zhihuzheye' earlier, so I have nothing to do now to review them for you!"

After saying that, he clicked his tongue, looking like he was reminiscing about the smell of ghosts before.

The judge who was already trembling with fear immediately opened his eyes when he saw the appearance of the Bull Demon King. He fell to his knees with a bang and stammered: "Grandpa, grandpa, please forgive me, I, I, I, I can't read!" After saying that, he immediately kowtowed to the Bull Demon King.

Li Qing didn't know the energy of Lingbao Tianzun. After all, he didn't belong to this world, but how could the Bull Demon King not know? How could the king of Yama, the judge, the evil spirits, and all the other evil spirits not be aware of this?

Although Lingbao Tianzun himself, the leader of Tongtian Cult, was brought to Zixiao Palace by Ancestor Hongjun, Lingbao Tianzun is still the clone of the saint, the Tianzun of Tiangong. His status is equal to that of Taishang Laojun, and no one dares to mess with him in the whole world.

The Battle of the Conferred Gods was due to Patriarch Hongjun giving the Conferred Gods List, so the saints took the opportunity to let Jie Jiao's disciples be listed on the list, and used this to embarrass the leader of Tongtian Cult.

If it weren't for Patriarch Hongjun's order to become a god, and if these saints were given some courage, they would not dare to provoke the Tongtian Cult Master.

Therefore, let’s not say that the Bull Demon King just broke into the underworld and swallowed up ghosts today. Even if he kills the King of Yama, tomorrow a selfless person will fall from the world and take office in the underworld!

How could the judge dare to offend someone who even King Yama could not afford to offend.

And when the Bull Demon King saw the judge coughing up several big walnut-like lumps on his forehead, he waved his hands lazily and said: "That's all, I won't joke with you, old cow. You are so sinister and boring." Very good!"

After hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, the expressionless King Yama immediately breathed a sigh of relief in his heart and asked coldly: "What is the reason why you are here?"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he raised the corners of his mouth and said, "Old Niu, I am here today because I want to ask you for a hundred thousand evil ghosts!"


Even King Yama, who had always been expressionless, widened his eyes after hearing these words from the Bull Demon King, and shook his head in disbelief.


The Bull Demon King's tone changed, and he immediately raised his hand and reached forward, grabbed the Mixed Iron Gun from the void, narrowed his bull's eyes, and said lightly with a strong sense of threat: "What did you say? Old Niu, I didn't hear clearly! "

King Yama subconsciously took a few steps back, then shook his head and said: "One hundred thousand is too much. As long as I agree to the one hundred thousand fierce ghosts you want, I will be severely punished by the Jade Emperor and dethrone the Yin Tianzi." Bit!"

The Bull Demon King stood up with a bang, walked to the table in three steps, grabbed the collar of King Yama, pulled him in front of his eyes, and said with a sneer: "Hey, you must be a sinister old man who wants to taste it. My iron rod!"

King Yama shook his head expressionlessly and said, "Even if you threaten me, I will not agree to this!"

When he saw the Bull Demon King narrowing his eyes when he finished speaking, his tone immediately softened a bit, and he persuaded with a wry smile: "Bull Demon King, you and I have known each other for thousands of years. If there are thousands of ghosts, I will give them to you. But these one hundred thousand fierce ghosts are indeed very involved, but you can go to Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva. As long as the Bodhisattva agrees, not to mention one hundred thousand fierce ghosts, even one million fierce ghosts, I can bring them to you!"

When the Bull Demon King heard this, he laughed coldly, put away the iron roller with a flick of his wrist, and said: "Then you wait here, old cow, I will collapse the Naihe Bridge!"

King Yama gave a bitter smile but said nothing.

The Bull Demon King snorted coldly when he saw this, and immediately turned around and left the Yama Palace.

After leaving the main hall, the arrogance on his face disappeared in an instant, and he said with a bitter melancholy: "What should we do? Are we really going to hit the Naihe Bridge?"

At the same time, King Yama hurriedly ordered the judge to inform Ksitigarbha Bodhisattva.

But before the judge could get up, he saw the statue of Tingting under Ksitigarbha's throne suddenly jumped out of the void, landed in the main hall, and said, "I have seen King Yama!"

As he spoke, he stood up and bowed to King Yama.

King Yama hurriedly walked out from behind the table, held his hands in front of Titing in return, and said with a wry smile: "Since Titing is here, he must already know the request of the Bull Demon King! I wonder if the Bodhisattva has any suggestions?"

After listening to the words, Di nodded and said: "Bodhisattva said that the Niu Demon King begged Li Gui to serve as a subordinate of an emperor in the Yinwu Mountain in Hezhou, Xiniu. The emperor was originally a disciple of Zhen Yuanzi in Wanshou Mountain. Before Zhenyuan The son has obtained a meritorious deed from the Lord Buddha for him. He is one of the ninety-nine and eighty-one kalpas. Therefore, you can agree to the request of the Bull Demon King. It should be noted that these one hundred thousand evil ghosts can be rewarded with meritorious deeds after completing the sutra study. Transformation will add merit to your Netherworld!"

When King Yama heard this, he nodded clearly and said in surprise: "I see, I thought that the Bull Demon King was going to swallow these one hundred thousand ghosts!"

Di Ting said: "That bull demon king is very unusual. I will leave now, otherwise I will be discovered by him! If that bull demon sees me, he will definitely tangle with me!"

After saying that, he jumped up and disappeared into the void.

When King Yama saw this, he took a deep breath, turned around, returned to the table, and said, "Go and invite the Bull Demon King back, and you will know that I have agreed to his request!"

When the judge heard this, he bowed to King Yama and trotted out.

He originally thought that the Bull Demon King had already left this place, maybe he had already reached the Naihe Bridge and was about to hit the bridge.

But when he came out of the palace, he saw the Bull Demon King standing with his back to him.

When the judge saw the back of the Bull Demon King, he immediately knelt there with his legs weak and stammered: "Grandpa, Grandpa, the Bull Demon King, Grandpa, King Yama, please come in!"

The Bull Demon King immediately turned around and strode toward the palace with an arrogant smile.

In the blink of an eye, he jumped over the kneeling judge and entered the Hall of the King of Hell.

When King Yama behind the table saw the Bull Demon King coming back, he said in a cold voice with no expression on his face: "I thought about it for a while, and for the sake of our friendship, I agreed to this matter, but this is the only time! If there is Next time, just swallow me too!"

After saying that, he took out a dark ball from his arms and said: "This Nether Prison contains a hundred thousand ghosts who died in battle. Take it and throw it to the ground when you use it!"

After saying that, he threw the dark prison of the netherworld towards the Bull Demon King.

After the Bull Demon King took it casually, he laughed and said: "As the saying goes: 'Send Buddha to the West', gloomy old man, if you send the old cow again, I will be filled with ghost energy and eight hundred zombies! Then I will leave!"

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