Unify all heavens

Chapter 633 Eight Hundred Miles of Corpse Mountain and Ghost Ridge!

Wen Zhong, an important official of the Shang Dynasty, has a diamond to protect his body, so he is invulnerable to swords and guns.

Sitting down is a black unicorn that can travel thousands of miles in a moment. He is also proficient in the Five Elements Escape Technique, and has three eyes on his head, and a magical power between his eyebrows. The white light can be several inches long, and he can tell the difference between evil, loyalty, and human heart.

He was good at using both male and female whips. When he was young, he studied under the sect of the Jinling Holy Mother of Biyou Palace in Jiejiao. After studying for 50 years, he came down to assist the Shang Dynasty. Later, he died in Juelongling during the expedition to Xiqi.

Because of Wen Zhong's powerful magical power and uprightness, he was named the Nine Heavens Ying Yuan Thunder God Pu Hua Tian Zun on the list of gods, supervising and leading the twenty-four righteous gods of the Lei Department to control thousands of thunders in the world!

When he was in the human world, Wen Zhong had a fiery temper. He used his whip to punish King Zhou of Shang from childhood to adulthood. But after becoming a god, his temper did not improve at all, which frightened all the twenty-four thunder gods in the Thunder Department.

If there is anything wrong at all, the thunder whip will fall on these twenty-four thunder gods.

But now, the position has been changed.

The one who was punished was no longer the twenty-four righteous gods of the Lei Department, but Wen Zhong.

At this moment, Wen Zhong, who was in his 60s, was sitting on a platform in a sea of ​​clouds with his upper body bare and coldly shouted: "Hit!"

The twenty-four righteous gods of the Lei Department standing beside him all looked at each other in shock at his words, and none of them dared to step forward to punish Wen Zhong.

Wen Zhong looked around them with a fierce look, and shouted again: "Come on!"

After saying this, a thunder god smiled bitterly and sighed: "Tianzun, even if you commit a crime, you should not be punished by me. Instead, you should report to Your Majesty, and your Majesty will issue the order to whip the god, and then we dare to take action. !”

When Wen Zhong heard this, he immediately sneered and said, "Since you don't dare to carry out the execution, then just count them!"

As he finished speaking, he made a gesture with his hands and said calmly: "Wen Zhong, Heavenly Lord of the Thunder Department, you removed the thunder calamity a few breaths ago. If you know the law and break the law, the crime will be increased by one level! Eight hundred lashes!"

After saying this, he recited the formula and used his magical power to summon thunder and lightning.

At that moment, there was only a 'click' sound, and then a twisted thunder whip suddenly appeared out of thin air, and hit his back with a 'pop' sound.

Wen Zhong didn't even frown, and called out a thunder whip again without changing his expression.

At that moment, another thunder whip appeared out of thin air from behind him and struck him hard.


One thunder whip dissipated, and then another appeared, hitting Wen Zhong hard on the back.

Just when he was being struck by thirty thunder whips, a sinister voice suddenly came from Wen Zhong's ears.

"Jiutian Yingyuan Thunder God Puhua Tianzun listens to the order. I am Li Qing. Quickly disperse the thunder clouds on Yinwu Mountain. In addition, Yinwu Mountain will be renamed Corpse Mountain from now on. I hope you know!"

Wen Zhong, who was being punished with his eyes closed, suddenly changed slightly after hearing this voice, and then his eyes twitched and he suddenly stood up. With a dark face, he raised his hand to push away the sea of ​​clouds below, his eyes on his forehead downwards. one look.

At that moment, he saw his zombie uncle on Hidden Mist Mountain (Corpse Mountain), standing on the top of the mountain with his hands behind his back, looking up at the thunder clouds above his head.

Wen Zhong looked around, and the white light from his divine eye shot out, shining on the mountain of corpses. He saw that there were eight hundred zombies on this mountain of corpses. In addition, there were tens of thousands of fierce ghosts howling in anger, wandering rampantly in the mountain, changing It looks like a mountain.

I saw that the mountain peaks that were originally filled with white mist were replaced by the aura of hell ghosts in the blink of an eye due to the methods of these tens of thousands of evil ghosts. Immediately afterwards, the grass and trees on the mountain were dead, and the rocks were stained with blood in an instant.

What was a wonderful peak in the human world turned into a ghostly mountain in the blink of an eye. Everything on the mountain was extinct. Within a few breaths, there was no longer any living thing in the 800-mile mountain of corpses.

After seeing this scene, Wen Zhong twitched his cheeks and responded with a respectful black face. Then he used his magical power to disperse the thunder clouds over the mountain peak, and then returned to that mountain with a cold face. On the square platform of Yunhai, he gritted his teeth and said: "Wen Zhong, Tianzun of the Lei Department, add more sin to sin, and be whipped three thousand times!"

Immediately, he saw thunder whips appearing out of thin air, hitting him one after another.

Below, after Li Qing transmitted the message to Wen Zhong, he saw the thunderclouds in the sky disperse instantly. However, because there are many shadowy things on the mountain, although the thunderclouds have dispersed, the mountain is still covered with layers of shadowy energy, making it impossible for the sun to shine through.

At that moment, I saw that the entire 800 miles of Corpse Mountain and Ghost Ridge had turned into a zone where the sun could not penetrate. The entire 800 miles of land became a howling wind, and the ghosts screamed incessantly! The roar of zombies echoed in the wind.

This eight hundred miles of land seems to have become another netherworld. Although it is in the human world, there is no sunlight and it is plunged into darkness all day long.

Li Qing didn't know that after Wen Zhong agreed to what he said, he punished himself with a dark face. He was still secretly laughing in his heart and said that the identity of the direct disciple of Lord Tongtian indeed had some benefits!

As soon as he thought about it, he rose into the sky and visited the eight hundred miles of land with a satisfied look on his face.

As far as the eye can see, zombies are splitting wood to build coffins and digging holes to find dens. Li Gui is changing the scenery on the mountain every moment.

The demon kings who were still a little resentful under the notification from the Mountain God Land immediately changed their expressions when they saw the corpse mountain in the distance, and ordered the little demons under their command to withdraw into the distance.

In just a few hours, there were no more monsters in the three thousand miles around the corpse mountain!

However, Li Qing does not know these things for the time being.

Because after searching for the eight hundred miles of land, he returned to the cave with satisfaction, stamped his feet and drove the mountain god's land away from its position, and then began to make plans.

It had only been a day or two since he left the vicinity of Wanshou Mountain, which meant that the stone monkey had only been born for a day or two.

At that moment, he frowned and said to himself: "The monkey had to stay in Huaguo Mountain for more than three hundred years before he went to sea to become a disciple. Then he stayed in Fangcun Mountain for several decades. When he was taken away by the underworld, his lifespan was 342 years old. After that, he went to the Heavenly Palace three times, and was conferred the title of Bi Mawen by the Jade Emperor for the first time. He stayed there for fifteen years (fifteen days in heaven), and served as Qi for more than 180 years (one hundred and eighty days in heaven). The Great Sage of Heaven was imprisoned in the Bagua Furnace for forty-nine years (forty-nine days in heaven) by the Supreme Being. According to this calculation, he was already about 587 years old before he was pressed under Wuzhi Mountain. Wuzhishan It took me five hundred years to suppress Tang Sanzang!"

Li Qing's eyes suddenly widened at the secret passage, and he gritted his teeth and said, "Do I have to wait on this mountain of corpses for more than a thousand years before I can meet Tang Monk?"

When he finished speaking, he had a headache, thinking about how to spend the next thousand years.

At this moment, a voice full of surprise was heard outside the cave.

"Junior brother, why did you transform this Hidden Mist Mountain into a mountain of darkness and ghosts in the world after not seeing you for half an hour?"

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