Unify all heavens

Chapter 678 The six demon kings are all panicked! (Down)

Let's talk about the Monkey King using the magic of the sky and the earth, holding a pillar that looks like holding up the sky, and transformed into a giant of ten thousand feet! Not only did it frighten the demon kings and wild monsters on Huaguo Mountain, but also the monkeys and mountain spirits. His reputation spread throughout the three realms!

After shrinking his body, he and the monkeys got drunk for a long time.

Afterwards, all matters of reward and punishment were entrusted to the four monkeys to maintain, while he flew into the clouds and mist, traveled around the world, visited heroes and made many wise friends.

He also went to the mouth of the Guanjiang River to make friends with the True Lord Xian Sheng Erlang.

But since the Xiansheng Erlang Zhenjun came back a few days ago, he stayed at home alone to thank guests behind closed doors. No matter who came, he could not be called out.

The Monkey King went to the Corpse Mountain Ghost Ridge in Hezhou, Xiniu, to visit Li Qing. But Li Qinggui, as the Heavenly King, has been staying in the Heavenly Court and has not returned for several years.

The monkey king had no choice but to wander around.

Unknowingly, he made friends with the six demon kings of the demon clan, including the Bull Demon King.

So he drank with these six demon kings day and night and competed in martial arts.

Think of that thousands of miles away as just the road to the palace. It is said that you can cross three thousand miles with a nod of your head, and there is still more than eight hundred miles to go.

After half a year of this, the Monkey King suddenly thought that he needed to invite the six demon kings to his Huaguo Mountain for a gathering.

After the four generals in the cave arranged a banquet, he went to invite the six kings to have a drink.

During this period, the four monkeys killed cows and horses, offered sacrifices to heaven and earth, and danced and sang with the monsters, waiting for the arrival of the six kings.

When he was young, the Monkey King led the Bull Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Cow Demon King, the Jiao Demon King, the Peng Demon King, the Lion Camel King, the Macaque King and the Tamar King back, and they started drinking happily on the Flower and Fruit Mountain.

When he was drunk, he didn't know whether the Bull Demon King was very drunk. He suddenly smiled stupidly and said: "Brother, you have just returned from studying art, otherwise you would have been able to catch up with the great event of the demon clan hundreds of years ago!"

"Back then, the demon kings from the four major states in the southeast, northwest and northwest gathered together and had a great time drinking and having fun every day!"

When the Monkey King, who was also drunk and dim, heard this, he waved his hands here and there and said with a smile, "Can it be called a grand event without me, Sun Wukong, participating?"

The other demon kings only said that he was drunk, and they all laughed, but they did not answer him.

After a while, the laughter stopped, and the Peng Demon King, who was sitting not far from the Bull Demon King, laughed and said: "Brother, please don't mention that demon. If he hears it and comes here to disturb our interest, what should we do? "

The Bull Demon King immediately waved his hand and said with his tongue tied: "There is no emperor, no emperor, he is the king of heaven at the moment, and he is drinking under the waiter of the palace goddess. He will never hear me say anything about him!"

When he finished speaking, he looked at the Monkey King who was holding the handle of the wine pot and raising his head to drink, and said with a smile: "My dear brother, I know you are superb in martial arts. All the demon kings were so frightened by him that they accepted his status as demon king! Do you have such strength?"

When he finished speaking, he suddenly stood up, looked at the Monkey King, and said loudly: "Although you and I are also demon kings, the difference between this demon king and the demon king is much greater. You need to know that he is a demon king." 'The two words are unusual, but they are the king of the demon clan that thousands of demon kings agree on! Where did you, the Monkey King, have the courage to say, 'Without you participating, it wouldn't be a grand event?'"

The five demon kings on the side all looked at each other in shock after hearing what the Bull Demon King said. They always felt that the Bull Demon King at this time was different from before, but they couldn't see any difference.

What made them even more confused was that what the Bull Demon King said now seemed to be irritating the Monkey King.


As soon as the idea came to their mind, they heard a 'bang'.

The five demon kings heard the sound and looked towards the field, only to see the Monkey King smashing the wine bottle in his hand on the ground, and they didn't know when he took the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand.

Although drink was dripping from the corner of his mouth, flames were almost spitting out of his eyes.

He even laughed angrily and said: "My old grandson is endowed with seventy-two earth-shaking powers. He can come and go a hundred thousand miles in a single step. There is a way to heaven, and a door to earth. There is no shadow of the sun and moon when he steps, and no hindrance when entering gold or stone. Water cannot drown you, and fire cannot burn you. The iron rod in your hand can reach up to the thirty-third level and down to the eighteenth level of hell with just a sway!"

"Why can't you say this?"

When the five demon kings heard this, they knew that the Monkey King had been aroused by the Bull Demon King. They quickly smiled and raised the wine bottle and said: "Monkey King, don't be angry, don't be angry, drink up this glass of wine first!"

At the same time, he also winked at the Bull Demon King and told him not to mention this matter again.

But the Bull Demon King seemed unable to see the eyes of the five demon kings. He looked directly at the Monkey King who was about to drink a glass of wine and said with a smile: "Xian brother, let me ask you, if you have such ability, can you live forever?"


The Monkey King, who had already put the wine glass to his lips, heard this, and the anger in his chest suddenly ignited again. He smashed the wine bottle to the ground, glared at the Bull Demon King and said, "Old Sun, I have long learned how to avoid the three disasters." , has jumped out of reincarnation, and is not among the five elements! Who dares to say that Lao Sun cannot achieve immortality?"

Seeing this, the Peng Demon King quickly stood up and complained to the Bull Demon King: "Brother, you have drunk too much. Sit down quickly and sober up!"

After saying that, he pulled the Bull Demon King to sit down.

He even turned around and smiled at the Monkey King: "Brother, if you have such ability, you will naturally live forever. Even Lord Yama of the Tenth Palace will not dare to capture your soul!"

The Monkey King immediately snorted and returned to his seat.

But at this moment, the Bull Demon King who had already sat down suddenly shook his head and sneered: "Haha, avoiding the three disasters is just hiding after all, and it is not as good as the one who dare not come to the three disasters."

As soon as he said these words, the five demon kings all changed their expressions and secretly shouted, 'No! ’


The Monkey King, who had already sat down, was furious when he heard this. He kicked the stone table in front of him away with one kick. He even jumped up and came to the Cow Demon King in an instant, holding the Ruyi Golden Cudgel as thick as a bowl. Pointing directly at the Bull Demon King's face, he gritted his teeth and said, "Tell me his name? Old Sun will definitely challenge him!"

The Bull Demon King was pointed in front of the door with an iron rod, but he didn't think anything of it. Instead, he calmly picked up the wine cup in front of him and drank it all in one gulp. Then he said lightly: "You don't need to go look for him, he is already here!"

Upon hearing this, the five demon kings, who were already frowning, all stood up and looked at the Bull Demon King with panic on their faces.

Demon King Peng stuttered in fear.

"Brother, don't, don't make jokes!"

The Bull Demon King chuckled and looked up at the sky.

Including the Monkey King, the other demon kings also raised their heads and looked at the sky.

But he saw a figure as big as a sesame seed falling rapidly from the sky.

After seeing this figure, even the Demon King's voice trembled.

He smiled coquettishly and stammered: "Brothers, I suddenly remembered that something happened at home, so I'll take a step ahead."

When he finished speaking, Demon King Peng said with a surprised look on his face: "Is this happening?"

After saying this, his expression changed again, and he said: "Actually, I just remembered that my ancestor taught me to go back early!"

After saying that, he looked at the clear sky and said with a smile: "I think it's getting late, so why don't we two go back together!"


The Demon King nodded fiercely, and without saying a word, he suddenly flew out of Huaguo Mountain.

The Peng Demon King hurriedly followed and disappeared in the blink of an eye.

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