Unify all heavens

Chapter 69 Corpse poison spreads!

As night gradually fell, a scent suddenly spread in the village.

After smelling the fish fragrance, Wangcai, who was already hungry, suddenly woke up.

After Wangcai woke up with a start, he subconsciously looked at his house built of broken wooden boards. After realizing that the scene was not in a dream, his face became ugly.

Smelling the aroma of fish, his stomach couldn't help but growl.

"Wuzang Temple, Wu Zang Temple, stop calling me. No matter how you call me, you won't get anything to eat!" He touched his belly helplessly as he spoke.

Because he could no longer sleep, he rested his arms on his head and looked up at the night sky through the roof of his house, which had a large piece of wood exposed.

Compared with the misery of Wangcai, several villagers not far away are happy.

The middle-aged men were sitting on the benches like uncles, drinking low-quality wine and picking up a piece of fragrant fish with wooden chopsticks and eating it into their mouths. Then he reached out and touched his child's head hard, with a happy smile on his face.

Then he started chatting with the neighbors who were standing at the door and had finished eating.

After three glasses of wine, the atmosphere became lively.

There was endless laughter everywhere.

As time passed, they had eaten most of the fish on the tables from door to door, and then the atmosphere reached its climax.

At this moment, the face of a child at one of the dining tables suddenly turned ugly. Then he slowly lowered his head, shrugged his shoulders, and made a "haha~" sound that sounded like crying and laughing at the same time.

After hearing the sound, the first thing to react was the woman on the side.

She thought her child had a fish bone stuck in his throat while eating fish, so she quickly put down her chopsticks and reached out to pat her child's back. She scolded her: "We still have a lot of fish! Why are you eating so quickly?" ?”

Just when she patted him on the back, the boy suddenly raised his head, revealing his blue face, and then rolled his eyes upward.

After seeing the boy's appearance, everyone present was shocked, and then they shouted: "Quick! Give Er Gouzi some water!"

"What kind of water should I give you? Why don't you quickly feed me some food and remove the fish bones!"

After hearing the neighbor's suggestion, the woman hurriedly picked up a piece of rice with chopsticks and fed it to the boy.

Just when her hand was about to reach the boy's mouth, the boy suddenly opened his mouth and bit the woman's hand.


The woman suddenly screamed and dropped the chopsticks in her hand.

When the man on the side saw this, he immediately opened his eyes and slapped the boy on the head, shouting angrily: "You unlucky boy! What are you doing?"

After being slapped by the man, the boy gradually let go of his mouth on the woman's hand, then stared at a pair of eyes rolled up, and suddenly rushed towards the man with a ferocious expression.

Because the wooden bench was not very strong in the first place, when the boy pounced on it, the man screamed and fell backwards to the ground.

The moment he lay on the ground, the man cursed with a livid face: "Damn it, I'll beat you to death for being an unfilial thing today!"

He was about to stand up as he spoke, but before he could stand up, the child climbed onto his chest first, then grabbed his neck tightly with both hands, opened his mouth and bit him.

At the same time, the other companies are also playing out the same story.

Their children would suddenly bite their parents crazily while eating.

The people around who were watching the excitement were so frightened that after being stunned, they all hurriedly stepped forward to pull him away.

When an aunt was hugging the boy's body hard and trying to pull him off his father, she didn't notice that the woman behind her who had been bitten by the boy suddenly lowered her head.

The neighbors' attention was all on the child, so they didn't notice the woman's change.

At this moment, the woman suddenly shrugged her shoulders and made a sound of 'hehe~hehe~'.

Then she raised her head, showing the same expression as the boy, with a blue face and rolled her eyes upward.

An old man at the door noticed this and hurriedly shouted to the boy: "Er Gouzi, get off your father's body quickly. See how angry he makes your mother!"

Just as he was speaking, the woman seemed to be going crazy, and suddenly rushed into the old man's arms with her teeth bared.

Before the old man could react, the woman opened her mouth and bit the old man's neck, causing him to scream.

After hearing the screams, several neighbors hurriedly looked back.

However, at the moment they turned back, several neighbors behind them who had eaten fish also suddenly started to bite them frantically.

When similar things happened to other people's homes, the whole village suddenly became chaotic, with screams and cries of pain everywhere.

Uncle Liu, who lived not far from these people's homes, got out of bed when he heard the sound, frowned, opened the door and came out to watch. As a result, a green-faced woman suddenly broke into his arms.

After feeling the soft impact on his chest, Liu Bo's old face suddenly turned red, and then he pushed the woman 'hard' with both hands, while looking at the others nervously, and said straightly: "Erya's mother , you. What are you doing?"

Just when he was about to say something, he felt this woman put her mouth close to his neck.

Liu Bo was shocked for a moment, and then he widened his eyes and was about to push her away when he felt a sudden pain in his neck.

At the same time, other people in the village hurriedly came out of their houses to check after hearing the sound. As a result, as soon as they opened the door, one after another, people with rolled eyes and blue faces rushed into their arms. middle.

The village that was full of laughter not long ago suddenly emitted endless screams at this moment.

After hearing the sound coming from outside, Wangcai glanced at the door and ignored it, continuing to look at the dark night sky above his head.

At this moment, there was a sudden sound of forceful tapping on the wooden door.




After hearing the sound, Wangcai thought it was someone in the village telling him what to eat. At that moment, he put the quilt over his head in anger and covered his ears at the same time.




Until the wooden door was shaken by the beating, Wangcai pretended not to hear it. He just covered his ears tightly and thought to himself: "I will leave the village early tomorrow morning! Otherwise sooner or later I will starve to death!"

Thinking like this, his eyes became sleepier and sleepier.

I don't know how long it took, but when there was no sound from outside the door, Wangcai had fallen asleep again in his home.

He didn't know that the door outside had turned into another world at this time.

Not only the neighbors who talked to him on weekdays, but also Uncle Liu, who had just finished talking to him, looked like he was rolling his eyes and showing his fangs.

Here is the third update, please recommend, collect, and read!

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