Unify all heavens

Chapter 697 Making trouble in Lingxiao!

When the Jade Emperor, who was sitting high on the throne of Lingxiao, heard what Li Qing said, he nodded slightly and said, "Where is the monster monkey now?"

Li Qing bowed and said, "He is in my sleeves!"

The Jade Emperor said: "Let him out!"

Hearing this, Li Qing waved his sleeves and released the Monkey King imprisoned in his sleeves.

The moment the Monkey King flew out of Li Qing's sleeves, he pulled off a handful of monkey hair and transformed into seventy or eighty Sun Wukongs, each wearing a golden chainmail and carrying a wishful golden cudgel.

These monkey kings were writhing, some bared their teeth and leaped towards the Jade Emperor, some carried sticks and rushed towards Sanqing, and some even picked up golden cudgels and hit the immortals on both sides.

In an instant, the angry shouts of some gods and Buddhas were heard one after another in the huge Lingxiao Palace.


"Be bold!"

When they shouted angrily, the Jade Emperor was really angry at the Monkey King who rushed towards him.

Immediately, his face turned livid and he suddenly slapped the table and said angrily: "What a monster monkey, are you deceiving me when there is no one in heaven?"

After saying that, an indescribable powerful aura suddenly erupted from his whole body, suddenly shaking the Monkey King who was already rushing in front of him into flying ashes!

At the same time, the monkey king who was rushing towards Sanqing below had also been swept into three monkey hairs by Sanqing waving his sleeves.

Only the gods and Buddhas standing in the immortal classes on both sides did not dare to use their magical powers without receiving the Jade Emperor's decree. He was just busy dealing with the Monkey King in front of him.

At this time, Sun Wukong's true body had already disappeared and flew to Nantianmen on a somersault cloud.

On the throne of Lingxiao, the Jade Emperor saw that none of the immortals in the immortal class below showed their true abilities. Instead, they were busy dealing with the monkey queens. He immediately said angrily: "Get the monster monkey quickly!"

After hearing the Jade Emperor's decree, those gods and gods who were originally in a hurry all resorted to amazing means.

First, Lord Huodexing, whose eye sockets were turned black by a random punch from the Monkey King, then breathed out the Three Flavors of True Fire and burned the Monkey King who was about to hit him again with his punch, directly to ashes. There was also Taibai Jinxing who couldn't help but smile as the monkey king pulled his beard all over the place. He used a whisk to sweep the monkey king back to his original shape.

Then I saw the eight immortals in the cave using their own means to repel the monkey king. Zhao Gongming, who was not far away, hit the monkey king in the face with a steel whip, causing the monkey king to stagger back and turn into a monkey. hair.

Then the Nine Heavens Yingyuan thunder spread across the sky. Wen Zhongze snorted coldly and called out dozens of thunders. As the thunder light surged, all the monkey kings in the Lingxiao Palace were turned into charred ashes amidst the rumbling thunder. .

After the thunder disappeared, there was no longer a Monkey King in the Lingxiao Palace.

At this time, the Jade Emperor had already stood up and said with a livid face: "The demon monkey is so bold and demonic that he disrupted the Peach Saint Assembly in the front and made a big fuss in the Lingxiao Palace in the back. His crime is unpardonable and his clan must be punished! According to the decree, the four heavenly kings, together with King Li and Prince Nezha, ordered the twenty-eight constellations, Jiuyao Star Official, Twelve Yuan Chen, Four Extremes God of War, Five Directions Revealed, Four Values ​​of Merit, East and West Stars, Two Gods of the North and South, and Four Mountains. There are 100,000 celestial soldiers in total, and 18 sky and earth nets are laid out to catch the monster monkeys from the lower realms and go up to heaven to kill them!"

When the Jade Emperor finished his words, all the above-mentioned gods bowed down to accept the order, immediately mobilized their troops and left the heavenly palace.

After these immortal gods left, the Jade Emperor looked at Li Qing again and said, "It is hereby decree that the demon-subduing Heavenly Lord has accomplished a feat in capturing the demon monkey. However, the Naigen has not gone far enough and has not yet reached the realm of Daluo. Now, Conferred the title of Lord of the Earthly Evil Stars of Doubu, and the commander-in-chief of the Seventy-two Earthly Evil Stars! He is in charge of the murderous duties in the world!"

Li Qing immediately received the order to thank him.

Then he saw the Immortal Class on the left, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, waving to him with a smile and calling him over.

When Li Qing joined the Immortal Class and stood next to the Golden Spirit Mother, the Golden Spirit Mother blinked her eyes and laughed softly: "Junior brother, from now on you are under my control!" After saying that, he straightened his face. , pretending to cough softly, and said: "Earth Evil Lord Li Qing, ordered you to come down to earth to participate in the recruitment of a Rakshasa daughter's son-in-law after the peach festival, um... there must be no mistake!"

When Li Qing heard this, he was immediately stunned and felt a headache. He couldn't help rubbing his eyebrows and said: "Senior sister, is this Rakshasa girl? Could it be that she was the one you said a hundred years ago who was moved by the mortal heart and had her immortal bones removed and brought down to the mortal world? The wind god?"

Upon hearing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit nodded and said with a winking smile: "Exactly! Junior brother, don't worry, that Rakshasa girl is of top quality in both figure and appearance. She also has a banana fan she got in the prehistoric times, even a big one. Even Luo Jinxian couldn't stand her slap, so he slapped his opponent thousands of miles away!"

Li Qing couldn't help but smile bitterly after hearing this.

What is this thing called?

Shouldn't the Rakshasa girl be the wife of the Bull Demon King?

He just beat up the Bull Demon King earlier, but now he wants to fight with him for his wife.

If the Bull Demon King knew all this, he would definitely come to him and fight for his life.

As soon as he thought about this, he smiled bitterly and said: "Senior sister, can you change your order? I really have no interest in male love and female love. Even if I were to go down to earth, I would voluntarily give up on the matter of recruiting a son-in-law! I will lose your face, senior sister, but What should I do?”

The Holy Mother of Jinling raised her eyebrows when she heard this, and said in a solemn voice: "Junior brother, you are not only going to participate in the recruitment of a son-in-law, but you must also try your best to fight for it, because this matter is of great importance! Moreover, this is the order of the leader. Yes! If you refuse, you will definitely be punished by the leader!"

Li Qing: (╯ ̄Д ̄)╯╘═╛

And at this moment, the Jade Emperor didn't know what he said, and all the gods and Buddhas in the immortal classes on both sides were smiling and walking in groups towards the outside of the hall.

Li Qing really didn't want to stay with the Golden Spirit Mother, but she just ordered him to come down to earth to participate in the Rakshasa daughter's recruitment, and she was actually able to involve the leader of Tongtian.

If he was ordered to have a red boy with a Rakshasa girl tomorrow, wouldn't it mean that he would tear out all the ancestors of Hongjun?

With these thoughts in mind, he couldn't help but speed up. He walked up to a burly god general and stopped him. He cupped his hands and said, "May I ask, your Majesty, where are you going?"

The god general was two heads taller than Li Qing, so after hearing the words, he slowly lowered his head, and then a smile appeared on his face. I don't know if it was sarcasm or congratulation, and he said lightly: "Who is it? It turns out that This is Lord Li Tianjun who has just been conferred the title of Lord of the Earthly Evil Star by His Majesty! You are guilty of disrespect by such an honorable title!"

As he spoke, he raised his head, lowered his eyes, looked down at Li Qing and said: "You are just a little Xingjun, and someone is one of the Four Saints of the North Pole, Marshal Tianpeng under Emperor Ziwei!"

After saying that, he raised his hand and put it on Li Qing's shoulder, pushed him away casually, and said calmly: "After you understand the dignity and inferiority, come and ask someone!"

Li Qing was pushed and staggered without checking. Then he raised his brows and sneered: "What a Marshal Tianpeng!"

After saying that, he suddenly waved his sleeves and stopped in front of an old immortal who was about to leave the temple. He raised his hands and asked with a smile: "May I ask, where are you going?"

When the old immortal with a peaceful face saw that it was Li Qing who stopped him, he immediately returned the courtesy and said with a smile: "It turns out to be Li Tianjun. His Majesty just mentioned that the flat peach party will be reopened, so I am about to go to Yaochi to taste flat peaches!"

After saying that, he stroked his beard and said with a smile: "Li Tianjun, if you have nothing important to do, just go with me!"

Li Qing immediately agreed with a smile.

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