Unify all heavens

Chapter 705: Earthly Immortal Realm, Two Saints Discuss Tribulation!

Let's say that when Li Qing followed the Antarctic Immortal to Yuxu Palace, in the Earthly Immortal Realm, in Hezhou, Xiniu, a figure with a painful expression and wearing a yellow gauze appeared under a fairy mountain.

He did not disturb everything in the world. He seemed to exist, but also seemed not to exist. He entered when he encountered rocks, mountains, or trees.

All physical objects are passed by this barefoot figure.

Thousands of peaks arranging halberds, tens of thousands of people spreading their wings, dead vines and old trees, rare flowers and auspicious grasses, tall bamboos and pine trees, all the fairyland scenery did not stop his steps for a moment.

Cranes, phoenixes, unicorns, divine dragons, black apes, white deers, golden lions, jade elephants, all kinds of fairy birds and mythical beasts also seemed to ignore his presence, as if they were unaware of it.

This figure is obviously a physical entity, but it is also like an illusory existence. It passes directly through the various mythical beasts and birds that are wandering, playing, crawling and dormant, but they are not aware of it.

Every step he takes is consistent with all things, the distance is exactly the same, and the speed is the same.

No hurry, no hurry, no slowness, no hurry.

Gradually, he came to a stone staircase made of bluestone slabs.

There is a stone tablet in front of the ladder.

The letter is a couplet like a riddle:

Lingtai Fangcun Mountain, the slanting moon and the Samsung Cave!

He stood quietly in front of this stone monument for a moment, then stepped onto the stone stairs with his bare feet.

At the end of the stone staircase is a closed cave door.

Even though the cave door was closed, it didn't stop him from walking through the door.

When you walked into the door, you saw three Taoist boys standing on the left and right sides.

The six Taoist boys were talking quietly about things at this time.

"I heard that Senior Brother Wukong disrupted the Peach Festival and was imprisoned in the sky prison."

The sound gradually faded away and then disappeared.

And his figure finally came to an unpretentious courtyard.

In front of the courtyard gate there is a stone tablet with six characters:

Practicing means cultivating the mind.

While he was standing in front of the stone tablet, in the main room of the courtyard, a translucent figure identical to Subhuti's was slowly sitting on top of Patriarch Subhuti, who was sleeping sideways on the bed. Then he said with a calm face: "Fellow Taoist, please come into the house. I have been waiting for you all night. I thought you would come late at night, but I never thought that you would come here in the daytime!"

When the voice fell, the figure also passed through the door and entered the house.

Then he bowed to the translucent figure sitting on the bed and said, "Fellow Taoist!"

As soon as he finished speaking, he said: "The Supreme Being has noticed that you stole the elixir to help Wukong!"

Subhuti, whose figure was translucent, immediately shook his head and said with a smile: "I didn't hide it from him in the first place!" After saying this, his smile became even brighter and he said: "But you, my Taoist friend, were a little more cautious, and you actually came here to meet me in a dream. See!"

The look of suffering on Taoist Jieyin's face became even more intense under these words. He looked like he was shrouded in sorrow. He shook his head and said, "Teacher was summoned by Tongtian not long ago with the 'Ask Heaven to Listen'. Now the whole world It’s all in the eyes of the teacher. If I come here with my true body, you and I will definitely suffer a great disaster! You need to know that you and I have also swallowed red pills!”

Patriarch Subhuti, whose figure was translucent, immediately said: "Although the red pill can cause the saint to fall, it is not harmful. After all, when the saint falls, the world will be in chaos. Teacher will not do this!"

Jie Yin shook his head again and said: "It was true in the past, but it is different now. Master Jie has a disciple named Li Qing, who is a zombie from another world. He presented to Master Jie the origin of a magic weapon that can travel between the heavens and all realms. Using this origin, you can Traveling to and from other realms will allow us and the Hunyuan Great Luo Jinxian to take another step forward!"

When Patriarch Subhuti, whose figure was translucent, heard this, his face was immediately filled with horror, and he asked urgently: "How did you know about this?"

Jie Yin sighed: "I heard the message between Li Qing and Master Jie. You and I rebelled against Taoism and established Buddhahood, intercepting the destiny of the Eastern Land, so they hid this matter from you and me!"

Subhuti took a deep breath and remained silent for a long time.

Jie Yinze continued: "You and I must not ignore this matter. Although the teacher conforms to the way of heaven and becomes a saint of heaven, he has lost himself. Therefore, he will definitely get the origin and go to other worlds to imitate the great god Pangu to prove the way. From then on Eternal freedom!"

"Sanqing also wants to get this thing, come and conform to the way of heaven in other realms, and avoid the disaster of red pill! At this time, Li Qing has been taken to Yuxu Palace by the Antarctic Immortal!"

"Among the Three Pure Ones, Tai Qing does nothing and does everything. Although Li Qing left elsewhere, he is still under his control. The Supreme Pure One is self-willed and good at defeating all laws. He has taught Li Qing that all things are invincible. Although Yuqing is arrogant, he is ruthless and resourceful. He has always been on good terms with Taiqing. If Li Qingruo goes to another place, he will never come out again! After all, how can Shangqing be defeated by one person? Guo Yuqing and Taiqing join forces!"

When Subhuti heard this, he couldn't help asking: "What method do you have?"

He immediately put his hands together and said with a pained look on his face: "The Tathagata is about to pass away. This son is destined to my Western religion. He should join our religion and respect the Buddha!"

Subhuti was startled when he heard this, then frowned and said, "How can you and I defeat the Three Pure Ones?"

Jie Yin said again: "Three Pure Ones, you and I agree, only Emperor Wa is single, so I can explain this matter to Emperor Wa!"

Subhuti nodded slowly, stroked his beard and said, "Good!"

When he finished speaking, he didn't know what he thought of. He frowned and asked: "Where is the teacher?"

Before he finished speaking, he said: "Don't worry about this, I have already thought about it!"

After saying this, he nodded to Subhuti with one hand and the other.

In an instant, all the doubts on Subhuti's face disappeared, replaced by a smile, stroking his beard and saying, "Yes!"

Jie Yin also nodded and smiled, saying: "I'm waiting for you here!"

When Subhuti, whose figure was half-transparent, heard this, he stroked his beard and lowered his head, looked at Subhuti who was sleeping on his side, and said to him, "I'll have to trouble my fellow Taoist fellow Taoist with the morning class tomorrow!"

He put his hands together and nodded slightly.

When he raised his head, the translucent Subhuti had disappeared. So he walked a few steps forward, sat on the bed and slowly lay down, his figure gradually merged with Subhuti who was lying on his side.

At this time, the translucent Subhuti had already traveled an unknown number of miles in an instant and arrived at the Wa Palace in Taisutian, thirty-three days away.

He was outside the palace, but his thoughts had already reached the palace, awakening Nuwa who had been sleeping for a hundred years.

Immediately, Subhuti's voice sounded in Nuwa's mind.

In just a short moment, she already knew the cause and effect.

So before she even opened her eyes, her thoughts had already crossed the distance between heaven and earth and reached Beiming.

At the same time, Subhuti had already left and went to the Great Thunder Sound Temple in the West. He stayed to receive the Buddha. He slowly opened his eyes, raised the corners of his mouth slightly, stood up from the Nine-Rank Lotus Platform, and bowed in worship. He whispered: "Please God listen!"

As soon as the words "please listen" came out, a wordless momentum came from somewhere and pressed on him. Then a light and shadow appeared in front of him out of thin air, and his voice was stiff and without any fluctuation: "What's the matter?"

First update!

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