Unify all heavens

Chapter 714 You...you are...(first update)

Chapter 714 You. You are (first update)

Ming means sea.

The water is deep and black, it is the extreme north, call it Beiming!

There is also a fish, its name is Kun. The Kun is so big that I don't know how many thousands of miles it is. It turned into a bird, and its name was Peng. I don't know how many thousands of miles there are on the back of a Peng. It flies in anger, its wings are like clouds hanging from the sky. It is a bird, and the sea will migrate to Nanming. Nan Ming is also Tianchi. When Peng moved to Nanming, the water hit him for three thousand miles, and the force surged upward for ninety thousand miles!

Since this sea is home to the ancestor Kunpeng of the ancient heaven, gods and ghosts retreat, and few beings dare to approach.

But to him, this vast northern world is just a bathing pool!

The reason is that not even the so-called Patriarch Kunpeng dared to be disrespectful to him!

Because, his name is the Golden-winged Dapeng!

When it comes to seniority, he is one generation behind Master Kunpeng. When it comes to strength, he is thousands of miles behind Master Kunpeng.

However, his nephew is Tathagata Buddha!

His mother is the first phoenix in the world!

Later, he got the energy of heaven and earth to unite, and then the peacock was born with him!

Therefore, few people in the world dare to provoke him!

Over time, the golden-winged roc developed an arrogant character.

At this moment, he was gliding over Beiming in his original form, and the hurricane blown by his wings turned Beiming, which had been peaceful for countless years, into huge waves, thunder and lightning!

This was regarded as his provocation to Kunpeng, but Kunpeng still ignored it!

This further contributed to the prestige of the Golden-winged Dapeng.

He hovered over Beiming week after week, and the strong wind whipped up by his wings caused a huge and terrifying whirlpool to appear in the center of Beiming!

The vortex grew larger and larger, and spread to the entire Beiming.

At this moment, the golden-winged roc roared loudly, transformed into a young man, laughed and jumped into the whirlpool.

Previously, he heard Lord Maitreya say that the source of the trouble in Hezhou, Xiniu, was in Beiming!

Therefore, he, who had been bored in the Thunder Sound Temple of Xitian for a long time, came here to find the source and play with the Peng Demon King for a while!

North Ming is very deep.

Very deep.

It was so deep that the golden-winged roc created a terrifying huge whirlpool on the sea surface, but the seabed of Beiming remained calm and unaffected.

But for some reason, the seabed today is colder than usual.

Even King Yu Tao, who was leaning against the stone wall outside the cave and yawning, was frozen out of his sleepiness and couldn't help but shudder.

He glanced at the Lion Camel King and Macaque King who were fighting fiercely more than ten feet away, and couldn't help but said: "Brothers, have you ever noticed today?"

Before King Yuwan finished speaking, he suddenly shut up and moved quickly to the side with a changed expression.


The moment he moved away, five finger prints were scratched out by something unknown on the stone wall he was leaning on.


King Yu Tao subconsciously screamed.

But before he could finish his words, he heard another strong sound of wind coming toward his face.

He subconsciously bent backwards, trying to avoid the attack by using an iron bridge.

But the moment he bent back, a green and black palm appeared out of thin air and tapped down at lightning speed.


King Yu Tao's chest, as hard as iron, was torn into pieces like a piece of tissue under this palm.

At the same time, his heart was quickly pulled out by that palm,


In the horrified and frightened look of King Yu Tao,

That blue-black palm clenched hard!


In an instant, flesh and blood turned into mud!

The look in King Yu Tao's eyes suddenly turned gray, and then his body was thrown backward.


When he hit the ground, the Lion Camel King and Macaque King who were fighting a dozen feet away subconsciously stopped and looked back.

And at the same time, an invisible figure was rapidly approaching the two of them at a strangely fast speed.

"Good brother!"

The macaque king who was the first to react exclaimed, then jumped up with his stick in hand.

But the moment he jumped up, an invisible hand grabbed his ankle and hit him hard on the ground.

At that moment, there was only a "thud" sound, and the macaque king was so smashed that he bared his teeth.

The lion camel king was shocked when he saw this, and he quickly pulled out a nine-ring machete from his waist and ran towards the macaque king with a livid face.

But he didn't know that in front of him, Li Qing glanced at him with lifeless eyes, then raised his hands and put his palms up. When the Lion and Camel King stopped for the third time, he also quickly moved his palms back. One pull, and then, like lightning, it stretched forward.


As this sound suddenly sounded, the body of the Lion and Camel King was shaken, and then the nine-ring machete in his hand fell from his hand and hit the ground of the square paved with bluestones with a 'clang'.

At the same time, he slowly lowered his head at an extremely slow speed.

He looked at his chest with a complicated expression.

I saw a blue-black palm stuck on his chest.

In an instant, the expression of the Lion and Camel King changed again and again.

From confusion, to surprise, from surprise to horror, and then to fear!

At this time, with a 'pop' sound, the blue-black palm was pulled away from his chest and held his heart.

"Plop, plop."

Looking at the still-beating heart, the look in the Lion-Tul King's eyes slowly faded, but his thinking sped up strangely. In an instant, he recognized the owner of this palm, and then his face was blank. He murmured: "You, you are, Li"

When he said this, his body gradually became cold, and then darkness enveloped his eyes.

At that moment, there was only a "bang——" sound, the body of the Lion and Camel King was smashed back, and silence fell.

Until he died, his eyes were not closed, and there was a rich look of confusion on his face.

And at this moment, the green and black palm clenched again, crushing the heart that was still beating 'Plop-Tong-Plop-Tong' into a pulp.

As for the Macaque King, who was watching all this happening, the grin on his face had disappeared at some point, and was replaced by deep fear.

His eyes were wide open, and he trembled as he said, "Brother, brother, no, it's none of my business, everything is the Peng Demon."

The macaque king cannot see,

While he was speaking, one of his feet had already been raised high, and he stepped down hard without any hesitation!

So, just in the middle of what he said, his chest collapsed with a 'click', and instantly a stream of blood poured out of his throat and poured into his nostrils and eyes.

The world in front of him was stained with blood.

Before the Macaque King could finish speaking, blood clogged his mouth, causing him to make a "ho ho" sound.

The sound of 'ho ho' only appeared for a few breaths, and the eyes of the macaque king turned gray. Only the palms spread out on both sides of the body were still twitching from time to time.

When everything returned to calm, a loud laughter suddenly sounded from high up.

"Hahahaha, Brother Peng, I'm here to find you!"

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