Unify all heavens

Chapter 726 What if...Wutian!

Chapter 726 If it were Wutian!

In the Tongming Hall, Nezha held the Killing Immortal Sword, Immortal Trapping Sword, Absolute Immortal Sword, and Immortal Killing Sword with his body of three heads and six arms. Under the eyes of the Jade Emperor and all the immortals, he exchanged the Qingping Sword, the Six Soul Flag, and the Innate Fishing Drum with the Golden Spirit Mother. , Chuanxinsuo, and the exotic flowers and plants planted in Biyou Palace in the past.

For Jie Jiao, this matter is neither a loss nor a gain.

After all, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian originally belonged to Jie Jiao.

The Green Ping Sword, Six Soul Flags, and even the Innate Fishing Drum and the Heart-piercing Lock are all useless in the eyes of the Tongtian Cult Leader, but it is a pity to discard them. As for the exotic flowers and plants grown in Biyou Palace, they are of little use.

After all, the Biyou Palace is no longer there, and all the disciples have fled to the four major states, each one claiming the title of king or ancestor. What else do they need these exotic flowers and plants for?

As far as Chanjiao is concerned, they just used Jiejiao's things to exchange with Jiejiao and avoided a catastrophe in heaven. It can be said to be a big profit!

Moreover, all the immortals and gods present knew that the Jade Emperor would also privately award four separate rewards to Guangchengzi, Chi Jingjing, Yuding Zhenren, and Daoxing Tianzun.

However, these things cannot be said openly.

At this moment, Nezha took the exchanged treasure, bowed to the Jade Emperor, said goodbye, and then went to send it to his uncles and uncles.

The Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit held the Four Swords of Zhu Xian with red eyes and choked with sobs.

In fact, not only her, but also the Jie Jiao immortals in the immortal classes on both sides also had red eyes. If they were not in the Tongming Palace at this moment, they might have held their heads and cried.

Jiejiao succeeded with the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, but also failed with the Four Swords of Zhu Xian!

After so many years of going around in circles, the Four Swords of Zhu Xian finally returned to Jiejiao again.

After the long case, the Jade Emperor looked at the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit who was kneeling down below. There was no trace of violence in her body. She was holding a sword in her arms and was feeling sad. He also breathed a sigh of relief.

This calamity,

It’s over!

With this thought in his mind, he opened his mouth and said: "Master Doumu, now that you have exchanged the Four Swords of Zhuxian as you wished, please retreat! Never rush into the palace so recklessly in the future. If there is a next time, I can only order you. Confined in Doumu Palace, you are not allowed to leave the palace even half a step!"

Upon hearing this, the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit below put away her sad thoughts, respectfully thanked the Jade Emperor, and then left.

Also at this time,


In the palace of Mother Lishan.

Li Qing was kneeling in front of Old Mother Lishan, looking down at the ground.

Opposite him, Old Mother Lishan said with a cold expression on her face, "Junior brother, I am punishing you on my behalf today, do you have any objections?"

Li Qing slowly shook his head when he heard this.

He already knew the mistake he had made from his memory, so he willingly accepted the punishment.


Mother Lishan nodded heavily, then raised her crutch in her hand and hit Li Qing on the back suddenly.


With her crutch, Li Qing was knocked forward, face to face.

Old Mother Lishan took back the crutch and said calmly: "This crutch is to stop you from having evil thoughts and disturbing the secret of heaven! It will cause the saints to come together, causing the teacher to be deprived of his freedom and imprisoned in Zixiao Palace!"

When she finished speaking, she raised her crutch high again and hit Li Qing on the back.

The huge force shook the ground beneath Li Qing until cracks appeared.

Old Mother Lishan took back her crutch again and said calmly: "This crutch will help you kill four demon kings and five hundred Arhats! It will almost bring disaster to my disciples!"

When she finished speaking, she slowly turned around, turned her back to Li Qing and said, "The punishment has been passed. Get up!"

Li Qing stood up silently and continued to kneel.

The moment he woke up, he noticed something different about Old Mother Lishan.


Become a Buddha!

Li Qing didn't know the cause and effect, but he knew that Lishan's mother's becoming a Buddha was definitely related to him.

Therefore, he felt very guilty.

If a mortal becomes a Buddha, the whole world will celebrate!

But when Old Mother Lishan became a Buddha, it was a disaster that cut off the religion!

Because besides Li Qing, she is the only one of the direct disciples of Lord Tongtian who has neither been on the list of gods nor has joined the Western religion. She is the hope and symbol of the Jie sect!

But now, this hope is shattered and the symbol has collapsed!

Although there are still many disciples in Jiejiao who have neither been on the list of gods nor joined Buddhism, but have become kings and ancestors in the earthly immortal world.

But they,

It’s not the true biography of Jiejiao!

Mother Lishan joined the Western religion,

It means that none of the direct disciples that Lord Tongtian accepted when he established the sect in the prehistoric era has inherited his mantle!

When thinking of this, Li Qing felt even more guilty.

Mother Lishan didn't know what Li Qing was thinking. She thought that Li Qing was still struggling with the fact that he could not attain Daluo in this life. Therefore, at this time, she slowly said: "Junior brother, you will stay here first." Next, I will teach you all the magical books and teachings in Biyou Palace! Now, you are my only hope in Biyou Palace! Don’t be as unrestrained as before! Because the heaven of our Biyou Palace has already Collapsed!"

"In the past, the leader was Heaven!"

"However, the leader was taken away by Dao Ancestor more than a hundred years ago!"

"In these more than a hundred years, I have been the master of heaven!"

"But not long ago, I joined the Western religion!"

"So, before you grow into a towering tree, I, Biyou Gong Wutian!"

"And you!"

When she said this, Mother Lishan slowly turned around, gritted her teeth, and said word for word: "To become the new heaven of Biyou Palace, you must take on the name of a disciple of the saint and protect my millions of disciples of Biyou Palace! Until .Reestablish Jiejiao!"

Mother Lishan trembled all over as she said these last four words, and she even pointed the crutch hard to the ground, making a huge 'bang' sound.

After hearing this, Li Qing shook his head and chuckled.

The laughter was full of decadence.

"Sister, I can't bear this heavy responsibility, I am a zombie!"

He was almost whispering these last words.

The words that Daozu Hongjun said that day in front of all the saints have been deeply imprinted in his mind, taking root in his heart like a demon!

The Taoist Patriarch said: "Zombies do not enter reincarnation and do not belong to the five elements. They are not gods, ghosts, monsters, demons, humans, or immortals. They have nine orifices but cannot become immortals or gods throughout their lives!"

"Therefore, gods hate it, ghosts hate it, monsters resent it, and demons hate it. Heaven has abandoned it!"

After hearing Li Qing's low murmur, Mother Lishan slowly raised her hand and pointed at Li Qing with trembling fingers. She gritted her teeth and said, "Because there is a God, God will abandon you! If it is, What about Wu Tian? What if you are Tian?"

When she finished speaking, she raised her crutch and pointed it at the sky, and said bitterly: "If you become heaven! If you surpass heaven! Then those who are abandoned by heaven will also become the favored ones of heaven! What is not a god, a ghost, or a god? You are a demon, not a demon, not a human, not an immortal. You have nine orifices but you will never become an immortal or a god for the rest of your life! Is your goal to become an immortal or a god? Do you lack the imperial title?"

"If you are lacking, I will throw your evil deeds of abandonment and abandonment into reincarnation and make you reincarnate as a human being! Let you become an immortal and a god! Let you become the ancestor of ten thousand Buddhas!"

"Although my Jiejiao religion is extinct, I still have the power to make a person become an immortal, a god, and a Buddha!"

When she finished speaking, she narrowed her eyes, put her wrinkled old face in front of Li Qing, stared into Li Qing's eyes, and said in a deep voice: "Now, tell me, do you want to be a god or a god?" Become a human! Or go to the immortal world and become king and ancestor like those trash!"

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