Unify all heavens

Chapter 732 Rabbit

After the Bull Demon King finished speaking, he bid farewell to all the demon kings and reminded them again and again that if Lord Demon Subduer Star comes here later, they must not tell that he has been here.

After saying that, he whistled to call the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast resting in the distance, and prepared to ride away.

But just as he was sitting astride the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, which had always been obedient, remained motionless and had no intention of leaving.

"You evil beast, don't wait any longer, take me away as soon as possible!"

The Bull Demon King immediately cursed with an ugly expression,

He no longer dared to waste time. After all, he knew that Li Qing knew magical powers such as shrinking to an inch. If he lingers for a while longer and Li Qing sees him in such high spirits, he will definitely suffer.

Thinking of this, he narrowed his bull's eyes and patted the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast's head threateningly.

But after being patted twice by him, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast didn't look like it was about to leave. Instead, it looked at Li Qing, who had transformed into an iron-eating beast, with fear in its eyes.

The Bull Demon King had a look of surprise on his face when he saw that the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast hadn't left yet. Then when he found that the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast's eyes had been focused on Li Qing, he shook his head helplessly and said: "You evil beast, if you don't want any delicacies after sending me back to the mountain, why bother staring at a flower bear!"

After saying this, he held fists with many demon kings, then pulled the rope hidden in the soft fur behind the neck of the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, and shouted: "Go back to the mountain!"

Under his tug, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast still refused to move at all.

This time, the Bull Demon King's face finally turned ugly, then he grinned and said to Li Qing in a very cold tone: "My dear brother, it seems that this water-avoiding golden-eyed beast likes you very much. You might as well go with Lao Niu and leave this place for now! After three to five days, Lao Niu, I will send you back to this place!"

Li Qing did not reply to the Bull Demon King immediately. Instead, he squinted at the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast, and then took a step forward as if he remembered something.


At his step, the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast seemed to have encountered something extremely frightening. It widened its eyes and growled, then subconsciously took a step back, with its tail caught in its crotch!

When Li Qing saw this scene, he suddenly understood and thought to himself: "This water-avoiding golden-eyed beast must have recognized me!"

At the same time, the Bull Demon King looked at the behavior of his water-avoiding golden-eyed beast and couldn't help but feel doubtful.

Before he could think about it, Li Qing had already secretly plucked a hair from his thigh, then rubbed his fingers faintly, and said in his heart, 'Change! ’

Immediately, he saw the hair that he rubbed into gray fell to the ground without causing any presence of the demon king, and then disappeared.

The next moment, I heard a cold shout coming from the distant clouds:

"Listen to the demon kings below, is the powerful bull demon king here?"

The Bull Demon King, who was about to jump off the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast to ask, changed his face the moment he heard this sentence, and then hurriedly jumped off the blue-water golden-eyed beast, and instantly transformed into a tawny rabbit, and stretched out his hind legs. Then he jumped into the grass, and at the same time, a very weak voice sounded in the ears of many demon kings: "Dear brothers, please give Lao Niu some time to burn a stick of incense! Lao Niu will definitely thank you very much later!"

Until the Bull Demon King's voice sounded, many demon kings present seemed unresponsive.

Everyone stared blankly at the patch of grass where the Bull Demon King transformed into a rabbit and disappeared, as motionless as a sculpture.

Li Qing sneered when he saw this, and then moved his fingers slightly.

Then I saw a young man wearing a blue robe appear next to the blue water golden-eyed beast in an instant, standing with his hands behind his hands, and then looked around calmly with a pair of eyes, and sneered: "I asked the Bull Demon King earlier But here, why don't you say anything? Your bones have been refined in vain!"

At these words, the dozens of demon kings around him all swallowed their saliva, smiled timidly and apologized, bowed and said, "Please forgive me, the Corpse Demon King!"

At this moment, they still had the same green eyes as before. They all lowered their eyebrows and did not even dare to straighten their waists for fear of being noticed by 'Li Qing'.

They had heard that the Corpse Demon King in front of them had entered Beiming some time ago and killed the Yu Tao King, the Macaque King, the Peng Demon King, and the Lion and Camel King in front of the ancestor Kunpeng of Beiming. The famous demon king, but the Kunpeng ancestor who was in the quasi-sage realm didn't even dare to show his face.

In addition, they have also heard that Li Qing was shackled by the Heavenly Dao by the Taoist ancestors. In this world, he will never be able to realize Daluo for the rest of his life!

But even so, the Corpse Demon King in the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal Realm can kill the entire Demon King in the Earth Immortal Realm effortlessly!

Therefore, when they saw 'Li Qing', they were all respectful and did not dare to have any conflict.

'Li Qing' sneered after hearing this and said: "Excuse me? As long as you tell me where the powerful Bull Demon King is hiding, this matter will be solved!"

Upon hearing this, these demon kings with their heads lowered exchanged glances with each other, and then saw Huli Demon King taking a deep breath, stepping out cautiously, and then after arriving in front of 'Li Qing', His knees softened and he knelt down and said with an apologetic smile: "The little demon pays homage to the Corpse Demon King. We did not see the powerful Bull Demon King come here. We only saw his old man's water-avoiding golden-eyed beast coming here alone!"


'Li Qing' narrowed his eyes, then raised his head and looked around, looked at the other demon kings with a sneer, and said, "But is that so?"

When he finished speaking, he added: "You must think carefully before answering. After all, you only have one life! If I find you lying, then I will have no choice but to send you to accompany the four demon kings!"

After he spoke, all the demon kings around him nodded quickly, as if they had made an agreement, and said in unison: "We dare not deceive the corpse demon king. The powerful bull demon king has indeed never been here!"

The Bull Demon King, who transformed into a tawny rabbit and hid in the grass, finally breathed a sigh of relief after seeing this, felt relieved, and secretly said: "Good brother!" After that, he turned around and jumped into the distance. .

Li Qing's real body, which had transformed into a historical iron-eating beast, had been paying attention to the Bull Demon King in the grass. When he saw him preparing to escape, he sneered. While all the demon kings' eyes were focused on his fake body, Slowly taking a few steps back, it turned into a breeze and chased after the Bull Demon King from the direction he left.

He didn't notice that this scene was all seen by the demon king who was disguised as a man.

Immediately, I saw the demon king's eyes roll, as if he thought of something, and the corner of his mouth curled up as if he was watching a good show.

And at this moment, 'Li Qing', who was standing in the open space, nodded slowly and said: "In that case, I believe what you say!" After saying that, he flashed and sat in front of the Bull Demon King. On the tree stump he was standing on, a cold and kind smile spread across his face, and he beckoned: "Don't be restrained, everyone. Just stay the same as you were before. Since the water-avoiding golden-eyed beast is here, Presumably my senior brother will come over soon!"

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