Unify all heavens

Chapter 736: Scheme against each other!

Although the Bull Demon King was smiling bitterly, he had already begun to think in his heart.

"Junior brother and I are teachers and brothers, and we have great kindness to him. Why don't we retreat at this moment and ask him to punish me as the deputy leader? He sees this old cow and I have been on Jueshen Ridge. For the sake of carrying him out after suffering so much, I will definitely not be punished severely!"

After thinking of this, the Bull Demon King let out a long sigh, showing a sad expression on his face, and then looked up at the bright moon hanging in the night.

Under the moonlight, his eyes were filled with tears.

When the relationship was almost brewing, the Bull Demon King slowly spoke in a deep tone, "Junior Brother, Lao Niu knows he has made a big mistake!"

When he finished speaking, he took a long breath and raised his head higher, as if to prevent the tears from flowing out.

"You are the hope of our Jie Cult, and now you are the deputy leader. As a senior brother, Lao Niu is very happy. You have lived up to my hard work. You have been locked up in your cultivation. You climbed up the Jueshen Ridge with your body, and went down to the dark side." I walked into the pond dozens of times, risked drowning to find you and carried you ashore, and endured the pain of being struck by thunder and fire to carry you down the mountain!"

When he finished speaking, he shrugged his shoulders a few times, raised his head higher, and said in a deep voice: "You are fine!"

Li Qing didn't know when he had dispersed his clones and transformation skills, and turned to look at the Bull Demon King in astonishment.

After hearing the words of the Bull Demon King, the corners of Li Qing's eyes suddenly twitched.

What a good person who lived up to his hard work. He climbed up Jueshen Ridge with his body and went down to the Black Pool dozens of times to rescue him.

If Old Mother Lishan had not told him that there was really no one in the sect who could use him, so she promised him a favor and asked the Bull Demon King to take action, Li Qing might have been moved by him.

It is said that Old Mother Lishan gave the Bull Demon King a bunch of rare and precious fairy grass as a price.

When thinking of this, Li Qing began to sneer in his heart.

However, he did not disturb the Bull Demon King. He wanted to see what tricks the powerful Bull Demon King wanted to play today!

The Bull Demon King has been chattering for a long time.

Still talking at this moment.

And there were already two lines of clear tears flowing down his cheeks, and he looked extremely painful in his heart, as if Li Qing wanted to punish him severely today, just to repay kindness with hatred and not to miss his old feelings.

Li Qing listened quietly without interrupting, but he was already a little impatient in his heart.

At this moment, the Bull Demon King choked and turned around, looking at the Four Swords of Zhu Xian carried behind Li Qing, and then said softly with gleaming eyes: "Junior Brother, what are you carrying on your back are the Four Swords of Zhu Xian? Can you let me touch it!"

As he spoke, he reached forward.


Li Qing moved to the side and politely rejected him with a smile.

The Bull Demon King suddenly looked embarrassed, then slowly raised his head to look at the moon, and was immersed in the previous atmosphere.

He had a look of grief on his face and a look of righteousness in his eyes, and he said categorically: "Junior brother, as the deputy leader of our religion, you can no longer care about the brotherhood as usual! For you! For the sake of interception! Old man! I'm willing to accept my punishment! Even if you imprison me in Jiuyou for eternity, senior brother will have no regrets!"

When he said this, the Bull Demon King breathed a sigh of relief.

He knew that Li Qing would never punish him severely. At most, he would suffer some physical pain.

But he has rough skin and thick flesh, and the pain of his skin is nothing at all!

If the leader of Tongtian was present today, he would never dare to say this, because if he said this in front of the leader, it would be self-defeating, and he might be laughed at by the leader before he finished speaking. A slap in the face will destroy his cultivation, and he will be locked in the Nine Netherworld, never to be seen in the world for eternity!

But Li Qing would not do this.

After all, he had personally gone to Jueshen Ridge and carried Li Qing out of the black water.

Therefore, the Bull Demon King is very confident.

When Li Qing heard the Bull Demon King finally finished his emotion, he shook his head with a wry smile and stood up. Then he patted the Bull Demon King on the shoulder and said sincerely: "Brother, just take care of yourself!"

The Bull Demon King had a look of "shock" on his face when he heard this. He raised his hand and grabbed the corner of Li Qing's clothes and said in a deep voice: "Junior brother, we can't let this matter go like this!"

Li Qing resisted the urge to kick him in the face, gritted his teeth and said: "Let go, otherwise don't blame me for locking you under Jiuyou!"

When Li Qing finished speaking, the Bull Demon King quickly twitched his hand as if he was electrocuted.

Li Qing immediately sneered and said: "Brother, please remember my words, I won't be soft-hearted next time!"

After saying that, he stamped his feet fiercely and soared into the sky.

Seeing Li Qing's figure already flying in the air, the Bull Demon King was in a good mood, with a smile on his face.

In mid-air, Li Qing was also in a good mood.

Although he didn't punish the Bull Demon King, he still dug a hole for him.

This pit is enough to make the Bull Demon King suffer for hundreds of years, or even thousands of years!

He remembered that in the original work, the Bull Demon King lived a very miserable life after marrying the Rakshasa girl, so after hearing that the Long Live Fox King of Moyundong, who had accumulated a fortune of thousands of dollars, was looking for a son-in-law, he became the Rakshasa of the Iron Fan Princess. The daughter then encouraged the Bull Demon King to attend the son-in-law recruitment meeting held in Cuishui Mountain in order to solve the problem of money.

So the Bull Demon King took Princess Iron Fan's hope to participate in the recruitment of a son-in-law in Jilei Mountain. He lived up to his wife's expectations and became the new cave master of Moyun Cave in Jiulei Mountain.

After he got married to the jade-faced fox, he began to hand over the money in the cave to Princess Iron Fan in Cuiyun Mountain from time to time to support his family.

If not, Red Boy would have starved to death.

And at dusk today, the idea Li Qing came up with for the Rakshasa girl was enough to put the Bull Demon King in debt.

If the Bull Demon King marries the Rakshasa girl back like in the original work, then he will definitely owe a lot of money to the Demon King. After all, he is alone and has no money at all.

The so-called mountain pass was actually set up by Li Qing for the Bull Demon King.

The other demon kings had no idea what the Rakshasa girl looked like, so they probably spent the money on three or five levels just to join in the fun.

But Rakshasa Girl will set up dozens of levels on Cuiyun Mountain!

These demon kings will never spend such wasted money.

But the Bull Demon King is not necessarily so.

After all, he saw the true appearance of the Rakshasa girl and was already filled with lust.

Therefore, in order to marry a Rakshasa girl, the Bull Demon King will definitely borrow money from other demon kings at high profits to go up the mountain.

After all, he is a majestic and powerful Bull Demon King. If he doesn't offer some benefits, how can he make friends in the future? Why go out and meet people?

In this way, even if Princess Iron Fan gave all the money received from those levels to the Bull Demon King to pay off her debt, it would still not be enough.

As soon as he thought about it, Li Qing couldn't help but shake his head. He had already begun to worry about the future of the Bull Demon King.

"It seems that my senior brother will have to tighten his belt in the future."

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