Unify all heavens

Chapter 751 Quasi-Saint War! (middle)

Zhen Yuanzi!

That was one of the three thousand guests of Zixiao Palace, a big shot known as the ancestor of the Earthly Immortals!

In the past, whether it was the War of Ten Thousand Immortals or the War of Conferring Gods, the whole ancient world was almost in full swing. Even saints had to visit the human world every now and then, and countless great masters died.

But even so, no one dared to go to Wuzhuang Temple to provoke.

Sanxiao didn't know the specific reason, but he vaguely knew that no one except a saint would dare to approach Wuzhuang Temple.

Even they, who were so arrogant that they dared to take action against the saint, did not dare to set foot on Longevity Mountain!

As soon as they thought about this, they couldn't help but secretly marvel in their hearts.

"I thought that this little junior brother just got lucky and had good fortune, but I didn't expect that he would be so favored by the saint!"

Just when they were thinking of this, Old Mother Lishan, who was standing in front of the three of them, suddenly had a thick smile on her face. She took a step forward with a rather emotional expression, bowed slightly and said with a smile: "Great Immortal Zhenyuan, it's been a long time." ~"

Whether it was Jin Ling Holy Mother or Sanxiao, they hurriedly took a step forward after Old Mother Lishan said this and bowed: "Greetings to the Great Immortal Zhenyuan!"

When they finished speaking, Zhen Yuanzi slowly walked out of the void, followed closely by Ancestor Hongyun and Li Qing.

As early as when he was walking in the void, Zhen Yuanzi heard the greetings from Lishan Old Mother and the others, so as soon as he walked out of the void, he nodded and said: "You guys are polite!"

After saying that, he looked at Old Mother Lishan, with a faint smile on his face, and said with a bow: "We have not seen each other for a thousand years, Taoist friend Lishan has become a quasi-sage. I am very happy to congratulate you! If the saint knows this, he will definitely be happy in his heart!"

Old Mother Lishan quickly returned the gift and said with a smile: "The Great Immortal is so complimentary!"

After saying that, he bowed to Patriarch Hongyun and said, "I've heard of Patriarch Hongyun for a long time, but I didn't want to meet him today!"

When Patriarch Hongyun heard this, his usual good-guy smile suddenly appeared on his face. He took a step forward and cupped his hands and said, "Fellow Taoist, you can just call me Hongyun!"

When Old Mother Lishan smiled, Holy Mother Jinling and Sanxiao bowed to Ancestor Hongyun at the same time.

Ancestor Hongyun smiled and waved his hand, asking them to stand up. Then he looked at the sea of ​​​​blood not far away and sighed: "This guy from Styx is actually here today!"

Zhen Yuanzi, who was beside him, raised his fly whisk and said coldly: "Hongyun, please wait here for a while, I will go meet him!"

Ancestor Hongyun nodded with a smile and said: "Zhen Yuanzi, just go ahead, I will be here to hold the battle for you!"

Zhen Yuanzi glanced at him, but ignored him. Instead, he said to Old Mother Lishan: "Fellow Taoist Lishan, please!"

Mother Lishan quickly returned the gift with a smile: "Immortal Zhenyuan also invites you!"

After saying that, the two of them rose from the ground together and flew towards the sea of ​​blood.

At the same time, the angry Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng and the Patriarch of Styx stopped their hands and looked warily at Old Mother Lishan and Zhen Yuanzi who were flying towards them.

Although Old Mother Lishan came to Lingshan Buddhism from the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, the friendship between the two parties was not very deep.

At this moment, although the ancient Buddha of Ran Deng was on guard in his heart, a strong smile appeared on the surface, and he bowed to Old Mother Lishan and Zhen Yuanzi and said, "I have met these two Taoist friends!"

At the same time, Patriarch Minghe asked in a cold voice with a sinister look on his face: "Why don't you two fellow Taoists wait for a moment? After I kill this Lantern Leader, I will come to entertain you two fellow Taoists!"

Although Old Mother Lishan had a smile on her face, her smile was extremely cold.

When Patriarch Minghe finished speaking, she said: "Fellow Taoist Minghe, you don't need to be polite. I was invited by my junior brother to see you off to reincarnation!"

Ancestor Ming He shrank his eyes instantly, turned to look at Zhen Yuanzi, and asked in a cold voice: "Where is Fellow Daoist Zhenyuan? I ask myself that I have never offended Fellow Daoist. In the past, Fellow Daoist Hongyun, Fellow Daoist has come to the sea of ​​blood to join me. It’s over, why are you here?”

Zhen Yuanzi smiled faintly, waved his fly whisk casually, and said: "It just so happens that Pindao was invited by his disciples to come to the Sea of ​​Blood to send Fellow Taoist Styx into reincarnation!"

Just when the ancestor of Minghe looked ugly, he heard Zhen Yuanzi stroking his beard and smiling: "However, if fellow Taoist tells Pindao about the traces of Taoist Mosquito, Pindao will immediately look back. After this incident, come back to Netherworld Blood Hai apologizes to fellow Taoist!"

"Ha ha ha ha!"

Ancestor Styx immediately burst out laughing with anger on his face.

After a few breaths, he stopped laughing, squinted his eyes and said, "You three, do you still want to find traces of Master Mosquito? Do you think you are saints?"

After saying that, his whole body's momentum suddenly rose, and he roared with a ferocious face: "Sea of ​​blood! Soaring to the sky!"

The moment the words were spoken, the vast sea of ​​​​blood below, which had finally calmed down, suddenly exploded. At this moment, the entire sea of ​​​​blood, accompanied by a deafening "rumbling" sound, struck the three quasi-sages from bottom to top.

When the ancient Buddha Ran Deng saw this, his eyes narrowed and he secretly shouted: "No, this guy from Styx is going to fight for his life!"

As soon as he thought of this, he immediately fled towards the void.

Even though he was a quasi-sage, he didn't dare to resist Styx's desperate blow!

At the same time, Zhen Yuanzi had a stern face, raised his sleeves and stretched out his hands. Leng shouted: "Press!"

As he spoke, he suddenly turned his palm and used his vast cultivation to suppress the ninety-thousand-mile vast sea of ​​blood, preventing it from rising upwards.

Old Mother Lishan on the side also suddenly took action, using a crutch to point towards Ancestor Styx.

Ancestor Styx narrowed his eyes and struck forward with the two swords in his hands.

Even though he had been fighting against the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng for a long time and had consumed a lot of his cultivation, he was still not something that a newly promoted quasi-sage like Old Mother Lishan could resist.


He blocked the crutch that Old Mother Lishan pointed at him with one sword, and slashed horizontally towards Old Mother Lishan's belly.

Old Mother Lishan quickly retreated, and then spurted out a wave of green fire from her mouth, burning towards Ancestor Styx.

"Superior divine fire?"

Ancestor Styx gritted his teeth and backed away, then suddenly turned around and rolled up the surging sea of ​​blood. He disappeared into the sea of ​​blood and became one with the sea of ​​blood, forming a mighty bloody waterspout, rushing straight towards the sea of ​​blood. Clear the fire.

Although the Supreme Divine Fire is powerful, the Netherworld Blood Sea is not unworthy of its reputation.

In just an instant, the high-purity divine fire was dispersed by the bloody waterspout. Even Old Mother Lishan was hit by the sudden attack of the waterspout, spurting blood from her mouth and flying backwards.

"Senior sister!"

In the distance, when Li Qing saw this scene, his expression changed drastically and he shouted, then he jumped and flew towards Old Mother Lishan.


Ancestor Hongyun quickly spoke to stop him.

But he was slow for a moment, and when the words came out, Li Qing had already flown behind Old Mother Lishan and caught her.

At the same time, the bloody waterspout was like a giant bloody python, twisting and turning in mid-air and rushing towards Zhen Yuanzi.

Zhen Yuanzi narrowed his eyes when he saw this, raised his hand and waved the fly whisk, and threw it forward!


In an instant, a loud thunderous noise was heard.

This bloody tornado was instantly destroyed by Zhen Yuanzi with a whisk.

When countless blood-colored water droplets splashed everywhere, Zhen Yuanzi also waved his sleeves and used the magic of the world in his sleeves!

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