Unify all heavens

Chapter 754 Battle against Taoist Mosquito! (superior)

After seeing Taoist Mosquito finally appear, Old Mother Lishan, who was protected by Zhen Yuanzi's land book and clothes, suddenly narrowed her eyes. When there was a hint of anger flashing in her eyes, her face that always wore a smile finally changed. So livid!

"Mosquito, Tao, Man!!!"

She said the name of Taoist Mosquito one word at a time, gritted her teeth, and then swung her crutch to break the lichen on her body from the inside out!

When Zhen Yuanzi was shocked when he saw this, Old Mother Lishan had turned into a shadow, approaching the motionless Taoist Mosquito flying above the surging sea of ​​blood at a speed that was difficult to distinguish with the naked eye.

“Fellow Taoist, no!!!!”

With the incident of Madonna Guiling being sucked dry by Taoist Mosquito, Zhen Yuanzi couldn't help but exclaimed when he saw Old Mother Lishan flying towards Taoist Mosquito regardless of the situation.

Although Zhen Yuanzi's exclamation reached Old Mother Lishan's ears, Old Mother Lishan not only didn't hear it, she opened her mouth and yelled angrily: "Master Mosquito, give back my junior sister Guiling's life!"

When she finished speaking, she also waved her sleeves and suddenly swept towards Taoist Mosquito!

Not far away, Zhen Yuanzi immediately changed his color when he saw this scene, and said with shock on his face: "This is... the world in the sleeves???"

As soon as he finished speaking, the void around Taoist Mosquito began to twist, and then the world turned upside down!

Mother Lishan was actually a self-taught master. After watching Zhen Yuanzi use the Qiankun within her sleeves twice, she learned how to use this magical power that shocked the three worlds!

In the distance, Holy Mother Jinling and Sanxiao saw this scene and shouted in unison: "Sister, I'm here to help you!"

After saying that, the four of them took to the air and flew towards Old Mother Lishan.

Before the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit arrived, she grabbed two swords from the void, gritted her teeth and threw the swords forward, using her sword-guiding skills to move the two swords into a sword formation, blocking the mosquito Taoist figure from flying backward. .

At the same moment, Sanxiao was not behind either, each opened his mouth and spit out three streams of blue sea of ​​fire, covering the figure of Taoist Mosquito!

When Ancestor Ming He, who was not far away, saw this scene, he said urgently: "Master Mosquito, I'm here to help you!"

After saying that, he ignored Zhen Yuanzi who was about to attack him, and suddenly threw Yuanbi and Atu in his hands towards the sword formation set up by the Golden Spirit Mother!

The moment Yuanbi and Atu left their hands, Zhen Yuanzi also stabbed him on the shoulder with a jade dust ball (zhu).

Although Patriarch Minghe is a quasi-sage, the sea of ​​blood is about to dry up at this moment, and the two swords of Yuantu Abi have also left his hands. His strength is out of ten, so he was directly pierced by Zhen Yuanzi with the jade dust zhu. Shoulder bone.

Even Zhen Yuanzi himself was startled when the jade dust ball (zhu) pierced the shoulder bone of Ancestor Minghe.

When Patriarch Minghe, who was gritting his teeth and enduring the pain, saw the stunned Zhen Yuanzi, he took the opportunity to turn around and put a palm print on Zhen Yuanzi's chest to repel him.

At the same time, the Ancient Buddha of Ran Deng, who had already hidden his figure and had been watching the battle in the dark, suddenly appeared at this moment and hit the Ancestor Ming He on the head with his glazed lamp, which was flying towards Mother Lishan and the others. superior.


The Ancestor Styx, who had not expected that the Ancient Buddha of Burning Deng would sneak up on him, was stunned for a moment by the impact of the glazed lamp, and even his body staggered.

Upon seeing this, the Randen Ancient Buddha who succeeded in the sneak attack immediately sneered and poured his boundless cultivation power into the lamp. The light on the glazed lamp instantly rose. At the same time, the Randen Ancient Buddha said with a gloomy face: "Fellow Taoist Styx River, I will send you to reincarnation right now, poor monk!" As he spoke, he raised his hand and smashed the lamp down.

In an instant, Ancestor Styx was hit and fell to the ground!


With a loud noise, a huge bottomless pit was instantly smashed into the ground!

At the same time, the mosquito Taoist, who was surrounded by digital beings, vibrated the six wings of his body rapidly at this moment, making a strange sound.

Under this voice, the eyes of the Holy Mother of the Golden Spirit, which were originally full of anger, suddenly became confused. Beside her, the sky was all ordinary.

Old Mother Lishan was shocked when she saw this, and immediately tied up the Golden Spirit Mother and Sanxiao with spiritual power as a rope, and then wanted to retreat.

Just as she retreated, Taoist Mosquito's pair of cold compound eyes stared at her, and at the same time, the vibrating sound of the six wings accelerated again!

Ordinary mosquitoes have only one pair of wings. When flying, their wings vibrate 594 times per second. This speed is enough to vibrate the air and make a "buzzing" sound. The Mosquito Taoist has six wings. The total number of vibrations of the six wings in an instant reaches a terrifying 270 million times, which is five million times the number of vibrations of ordinary mosquito wings!

Therefore, at this moment, a formidable coercion instantly fell on many beings present, making them feel as if they were trapped in a quagmire, and it became extremely difficult to move in the air.

At the same time, one after another strange and powerful sound waves enveloped them instantly.

The Golden Spirit Virgin Mary and Sanxiao, who had been shocked earlier by the sound of Mosquito Taoist's six wings vibrating at the same time, showed even more pain in their eyes at this moment.

At this time, blood slowly flowed out of their ears.

But as soon as the blood came out of the ears, it was blown away by strong winds.

Taoist Mosquito seemed to have exploded all the accumulated cultivation of countless Huiyuan in an instant. When the three quasi-sages were unable to move, he seemed to have lost his strength and fell directly into the sea of ​​blood below.

In fact, the blood sea at this moment is actually more appropriately called a blood pool.

The reason is that Li Qing has been keeping this vast blood in the sea of ​​blood with the Netherworld Blood Coffin.

Compared to the 90,000-mile sea of ​​blood that was so filthy and shocking when he first arrived at the blood sea, the depth of the blood sea at this moment was only less than thirty feet, and the width was reduced to three or four miles.

It's not that Li Qing doesn't want to go out and help, it's just that he knows in his heart that apart from the quasi-sage, there is Daluo Jinxian. As the weakest being in the room, if he comes out of the sea of ​​​​blood, he will not be able to help, and he may become Zhen Yuanzi. Being dragged down by Mother Lishan.

Therefore, even if he really wanted to watch a quasi-sage battle, he could only stay quietly in the sea of ​​blood and try his best to collect the sea of ​​blood into the Netherworld Blood Coffin. In this way, after he left this world , when you return to the Prison Immortal Realm, you can rely on the foul smell in the sea of ​​blood to break through the current realm in one fell swoop.

Li Qing's current goal is no longer to attain enlightenment, but to


After all, in the world of Journey to the West, even Ancestor Hongjun, who is a saint of heaven, has seen it. If his goal is still Da Luo Jinxian, then the day of becoming a saint will definitely be far away!

How big your heart is, how broad your future will be!

This is what Patriarch Hongyun said to him when he gave him flat peach and ginseng fruits a few days ago. Li Qing kept these words in his heart.

Although Patriarch Hongjun placed shackles of heaven outside his body, he also concluded in the name of heaven that he would not be able to attain Daluo in this life!

But Li Qing not only wants to realize Daluo, but also wants to realize his own path and become a quasi-sage, even a saint, or even above a saint!

He deeply remembered the look that Patriarch Hongjun had on him at that time, which was full of disgust and coldness.

Zombies, can’t they covet the holy way?

Li Qing doesn't believe in this evil, so he wants to become a saint as a zombie and go to settle the score with Hongjun!

After all, before Hongjun became a saint of heaven, he was just an innate god and demon trembling under Pangu's axe.

There are two more updates, but they should be in the middle of the night. You can watch them tomorrow morning. . .

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