Unify all heavens

Chapter 766 Wake up!

Li Qing felt as if he had had a long, long dream.

In the dream, he turned into a six-winged black mosquito, and with countless companions, in a chaotic environment surrounded by white-gray mist, they attacked an extremely towering being like eggs hitting rocks.

That being wielded a golden giant ax that looked like a mountain, killing the beings that frightened him one after another.

The blood of those beings was almost scattered throughout the land of chaos. Drop after drop of blood, which was larger than his body, was blown around in the void by the hurricane driven by the existence when he wielded the giant axe.

Li Qing felt that he didn't even have the guts to get close to that being. Even if he was floating far away, the ancient and powerful aura of that being frightened him both physically and mentally.

But the instinct coming from deep within his body allowed him to carry this boundless fear and spread his wings to slowly approach that existence.

And when he got close, that being seemed to be tireless, and kept killing gods and demons one after another with that mountain-like giant axe!

He was so huge that Li Qing couldn't even see his entire figure. The only thing he could see was the golden light flashing across the sky and the splashes of blood!

Because he had to resist the fear deep in his heart, Li Qingfei flew very slowly.

Because of this, he was always hit by blood and then wrapped in blood.

In order to get close to that existence, Li Qing could only absorb all the blood wrapped around his body.

A pool of blood.

Two pools of blood.

Li Qing didn't know how many times he was wrapped in blood dropped from high altitude.

He only knew that he had to follow his instinct and get closer to that existence!

So, he sucked up pool after pool of blood.

Gradually, his body changed and his thinking became clearer.

He didn't know when, but some obscure content appeared in his mind out of thin air.

Li Qing didn't know what these contents were, but he always felt that it was good for him, so he began the difficult process of understanding them.

And as he understood, Li Qing suddenly discovered that the existences that frightened him in the past also exuded aura that attracted him.

Finally, when there was no more blood in the chaotic space, Li Qing's cold eyes looked at those powerful beings.

He lay dormant for a long, long time, until the majestic being began to pant. He flapped his wings and flew onto the back of an innate god and demon with a single horn on his head and many legs outside his body. Then he followed his instinct, He thrust his mouthpart into the back of the god's neck.

The blood sucked in from the mouthpart was so wonderful that he forgot everything else and could only keep sucking.

Therefore, he did not notice that beside the majestic being who had existed since ancient times, at some point, only the god and demon who was lying on his back was left.

At this moment, this god and demon has been sucked into an empty shell by him!

Perhaps because he accidentally helped that majestic being, he became the only one among the three thousand innate gods and demons who survived unscathed.

Li Qing didn't know all this.

Because, after he digested the power in his body and opened his eyes, that majestic existence fell!

Then he saw that being's eyes turning into the sun and moon, his blood turning into the sea, his flesh turning into mountains, and his bones turning into gold.

From then on, the light air rose and became the sky, while the turbid air fell and became the earth.

But when that existence turned into countless light points and dissipated, a little light point integrated into his body.

This point of light was as hot as fire and as cold as water. The next moment it merged into his body, he was knocked unconscious by an incomparable surging force.

At this point, the picture was broken, and the scene of Lishan Hall gradually appeared in front of Li Qing's eyes.

Li Qing blinked subconsciously and then woke up.

At this moment, he was somewhat shocked to find that there was a layer of seven-colored light outside his body.

"Could this be what Senior Sister did?"

Li Qing thought about this with a little curiosity on his face, and then slowly sat up.


When he sat up, the light shield shattered and turned into countless colorful light spots that merged into his body.

Then, an extremely hot breath and an extremely icy breath appeared in his body at the same time.

At the same time, a force so powerful that it shocked Li Qing himself forcibly suppressed these two strange auras!

At this moment, Li Qing felt as if he could destroy the world with just a wave of his hand.

He shook his head violently, throwing this unrealistic thought out of his mind.

At the same time, Mother Lishan's disciple in white was coming to the main hall to check on Li Qing's condition on the order of Mother Lishan.

When she walked to the door of the hall, she happened to see Li Qing shaking his head.

The expression of the woman in white suddenly changed, she immediately stood up and flew up, and went to notify Old Mother Lishan as quickly as possible.

After a while, Old Mother Lishan walked quickly to the main hall on crutches.

When she entered the hall, Li Qingzheng opened his mouth with a complicated expression and touched the four fangs in his mouth with his fingers.

After seeing this scene, Old Mother Lishan beamed with joy and said quickly: "Junior brother, you finally woke up!"

When Li Qing heard this, he quickly took his fingers out of his mouth, jumped off the bed, stood respectfully, bowed to Old Mother Lishan with a smile on his face, and said, "Thank you, senior sister, for your help!"

Old Mother Lishan nodded with a smile and said: "Now that you've woken up, come with me and find an open space to test the power of your new teeth! Let's see if you still have the majesty of being the number one killer in the world!"

Li Qing nodded slightly and said, "Yes!"

After that, he followed Old Mother Lishan out of Lishan Hall and flew to a small peak outside Lishan Mountain.

After landing on the mountain peak, Old Mother Lishan stood with a stick and faced Li Qing. Then he touched the crutch in his hand and said with a slow smile: "Although this crutch is not a treasure, it is also the root of a sacred tree. Its hardness is no different from that of a quasi-sage magic weapon. Please try to see if you can bite it. !”

After saying that, he threw the crutch towards Li Qing.

Li Qing casually raised his hand and took the crutch in his hand, then looked at it for a moment, then bit it in one bite.

He didn't notice that Mother Lishan looked very surprised when he caught the crutches easily.

However, this look of surprise was fleeting and was replaced by a deep smile.

At this moment, Li Qing had already opened his big mouth and tentatively bit on the crutch.

Because it was just a test, he didn't use much force.

But the moment the crutch came into contact with the fangs, there was only a "click" sound. This crutch, which was said to be as hard as a quasi-sacred magic weapon, was directly shaken to pieces by the fangs!

Suddenly, Li Qing's eyes widened.

Opposite him, the smile on Old Mother Lishan's face froze.

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