Unify all heavens

Chapter 772 Li Qing refines corpse!

The Bull Demon King has been very busy recently.

Ever since Li Qing told him about marrying the daughter of the Long Live Fox King the day before yesterday, he had become busy.

After all, he had not been in contact with the Long Live Fox King for a long time, and he needed to find someone to inquire about the recent situation of the Long Live Fox King.

Therefore, in the past two days, Cuiyun Mountain has been full of little demons.

Although Princess Iron Fan was confused when she saw this, she had no time to pay attention. After all, Hong Hai'er was born not long ago and cried all day and night. Even a true immortal like her was exhausted.

Therefore, she had no idea that the Bull Demon King was already interested in taking a concubine.

When Li Qing learned that Tang Sanzang had left Chang'an and was heading towards the Five Elements Mountains, he had the intention of leaving.

It happened that the Bull Demon King was busy recently and had no time to entertain him, so he said goodbye to the Bull Demon King and his wife at nightfall and returned to his cave home overnight.

Cuiyun Mountain is not far from Corpse Mountain Ghost Ridge, only tens of thousands of miles away. However, Li Qing flew for nearly three hours, and only set from the clouds when the red sun rose in the east, and arrived at his 800-mile barren mountain. .

Then he stood on the top of the mountain and suddenly raised his sleeves, throwing out all the corpses collected that night.

Amidst the sound of "whirring", human corpses fell from the top of the mountain one after another and rolled down halfway up the mountainside.

Some of these corpses were highly decomposed, and when they were smashed halfway up the mountainside, the pieces of flesh fell all over the ground. Some of them had only a withered skeleton left, which fell apart when they hit the ground, and their skulls rolled down the hillside. Others were blue all over, their bodies were hard, and they made a dull 'bang' sound when they landed.

When no more corpses flew out of his sleeves, Li Qing put down his arms and looked down halfway up the mountain.

These corpses were found in various mass graves during his travels to the four major states last night, in order to cultivate these corpses into zombies and then guard the mountains and mountains.

He originally planned to look for zombies directly, but strangely enough, now that the earth is full of spiritual energy, and the four major states are known as the fairyland, monsters will definitely be born in deep mountains and old forests. As a result, he searched for a whole night, but he didn't even get a chance. Not a single zombie was found.

In desperation, Li Qing had no choice but to cultivate it himself.

Fortunately, there have been constant wars in the world in recent years, so there is no shortage of corpses.

It's just that not many of them are in good quality. Most of the corpses have become piles of dead bones, and only a small part is just usable.

He only found more than 800 corpses that night.

After looking at these corpses for a few times, he slowly spread his arms on both sides, then clenched his fists tightly to condense all the corpse energy, and then let out a loud roar, exploding all the gathered corpse energy.

Suddenly the wind and clouds changed color, and a black mist flame swaying like a flame appeared outside Li Qing's body. Then the black mist rose into the sky, forming a pillar of black mist that connected the blue sky above and the ground below. The originally clear sky, under the pollution of the fog pillar, spread at a speed visible to the naked eye and dyed the blue sky ink in just a few minutes!

The clairvoyants and wind ears who were ordered to observe the world, as well as various ghosts and gods, were all shocked when they saw this scene, but soon they discovered that the person who caused this shocking scene was the former Demon-Suppressing Lord Li Qing. As a result, the clairvoyant became blind, the clairvoyant became deaf, and all the ghosts and gods also pretended to be blind and deaf and turned a blind eye to this scene.

At this time, a strong wind suddenly rose around the Corpse Mountain Ghost Ridge, coming from a distance like an overwhelming mountain, blowing all the woods under the mountain to tilt, and even rolling up the corpses halfway up the mountain, like a Like a huge tornado, it started to wrap around the mountain at Li Qing's feet!

Li Qing slowly lowered his arms, raised his right foot and stamped the ground fiercely, shouting like thunder: "Change the world and change the world, turn Yang into Yin!"

The moment he said these words, within the scope of the eight-hundred-mile Corpse Mountain Ghost Ridge, which had become a barren mountain with dry ridges, dead trees grew new leaves, the loess turned black, and the green grass was stained with blood.

At a glance, the ground within the 800-mile boundary of this mountain was completely covered with black soil. The dead trees were covered with new green leaves. All the grass on the ground was blood-colored, and a layer of light black mist shrouded it. In this 800-mile boundary, the Corpse Mountain and Ghost Ridge, which had been deserted for many years, once again turned into a ghost on earth!

The land master and mountain god of this mountain were so frightened that they left their bodies and moved away eight hundred miles away with their luggage.

When everything calmed down and only the tornadoes swirling around the mountain were left, Li Qing made seals with both hands and shouted: "The Yin Qi condenses the Yin body, the corpse Qi destroys the three souls, the seven souls control the sun, and when the corpses wake up! "

When he finished speaking, the corpses that were swept around the mountain in the wind were all shrouded in Yin Qi and corpse Qi.

The color of their body surface first changed to black, then to cyan, and then to white at a speed visible to the naked eye.

When the color of the body surface of these corpses was fixed at blue-black, granulation sprouted from the original broken parts of these corpses, and then grew strangely, and the mutilated corpses suddenly opened their eyes, and then roared and fought for each other's bodies. Those with missing heads pulled their heads from other corpses, while those with missing arms pulled their arms from other corpses.

Under the influence of Yin Qi and Corpse Qi, the heads, limbs, and bodies that had been snatched away began to sprout flesh the next moment they were placed on their bodies, and they grew together in the blink of an eye.

More than 800 corpses were reduced to 700 complete corpses in just a few minutes!

As for the mutilated corpses whose arms and heads had been pulled away, the fleshless corpses used sharp nails to dig out pieces of flesh and place them on their bodies.

Half an hour later, everything returned to calm.

And the corpses, all black and in ragged clothes, stood up in the tornado, looking at Li Qing on the top of the mountain without blinking with those pale eyes without a trace of color.

A cold smile appeared on Li Qing's face at some point, and his extremely cold eyes looked around at the corpses. Then he spoke and said in a cold voice: "Yin Qi gathers seven souls, corpse Qi points. Corpse eyes, open them!”

The moment he said these words, the huge tornado that originally carried these corpses immediately penetrated into these corpses.

At this moment, I saw that under the stimulation of Yin Qi, the corpses suddenly grew a layer of fine white hair on their blue-black skin, and then the nails on their hands also grew.

In just half a stick of incense, these seven hundred corpses turned into white corpses under the stimulation of Yin Qi!

But their changes are not over yet

In a short period of time, the white hair on these corpses was dyed black by Yin Qi, and then fell off, and then another round of changes began!

It took Li Qing more than ten years to evolve from a white *** to a flying zombie!

And these corpses, under his influence, turned from a corpse into a flying zombie that could fly into the sky and escape from the earth in less than two hours!

The state of these zombies, so far, has completely satisfied Li Qing.

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