Unify all heavens

Chapter 793 The brothers from Baihuling escaped from the trap, and Wuzhuang Guanwu stole ginseng! (m

As Guanyin Bodhisattva and Sun Wukong Zhu Bajie left in the clouds, the smile on Old Mother Lishan's face immediately disappeared. She glared at Li Qing angrily, raised her hand and tapped his forehead with her finger, shook her head and said, "You You, please stay calm for a while and don’t bother the Buddhist scripture seekers. When the Buddhist scripture collectors and disciples pass by your corpse mountain and ghost ridge, no matter how hard you make things for them, I won’t say a word! But! During this period, you are not allowed to cause trouble to them again! Otherwise, I won’t be surprised if Lord Tathagata Buddha comes in person next time!”

Li Qing nodded when he heard the words and said in a deep voice: "I will obey senior sister's teachings!"

Old Mother Lishan nodded slowly and said: "I know that the monkey is looking for trouble this time, so I can't blame you, but this time it won't be the same! Presumably because of this disaster, the monkey will not take the initiative to provoke you again in the future! "

Li Qing nodded lightly and continued: "Speaking of which, I still need to trouble my senior sister with something!"

Mother Lishan was startled for a moment, then smiled and said, "Let's talk about it!"

Hearing this, Li Qing looked at the White Tiger Cave behind him, and then said: "I have already taken the White Bone Demon under my command. Judging from the route of the pilgrims, after leaving Wuzhuang Temple, they will come to Baihu Ridge. Even if the White Bone Demon does not go there, If you take the initiative to provoke them, the monkey will take the initiative to subdue the demon because of this incident!"

When he finished speaking, Li Qing also smiled and said helplessly: "Senior sister will not let me provoke them, so I have to go back to my barren mountain to retreat. But after I leave, I hope that senior sister can save the life of the white-bone spirit! Mo! Let her fall into the hands of monkeys!"

After hearing this, Old Mother Lishan began to think about it. As the only quasi-sage of the Jie Sect, when several saints decided to spread Buddhism to the East, the leader of the Tongtian Sect also mentioned it to her. Therefore, Old Mother Lishan knows that the White Bone Demon falls into the category of body and Tao destruction during this calamity.

"However, as long as the general direction remains unchanged and there are some interludes in the middle, the Western religion will definitely not blame me!"

With this thought in her mind, Old Mother Lishan nodded slowly and said with a smile: "Okay, I will accept this! I will definitely save her by then!"

Li Qing immediately held up his hands and said with a smile: "Then I'll bother senior sister with this matter. Junior brother, take your leave!"

After saying that, he turned into a rainbow light and flew towards the corpse mountain and ghost ridge.

He disappeared in the blink of an eye.

After Li Qing left, Old Mother Lishan looked back at the White Tiger Cave, and then dissipated into a breeze.

And at this time, Sun Wukong and Zhu Bajie also returned to Wuzhuang Temple.

After a hard meal in Baihu Cave, they all settled down. After returning to Wuzhuang Temple, they went to worship Tang Sanzang together. They all smiled when they saw the breeze and the bright moon. Of course, they had other thoughts in their hearts. Don’t mention it.

At this moment, in a certain wing of Wuzhuang Temple, Qingfeng and Mingyue avoided Tang Sanzang and his disciples and quietly gathered together.


After Qingfeng closed the door, he asked Mingyue with a puzzled face.

"Junior brother, why did you ask me to avoid those monks and come here?"

Mingyue replied in a low voice: "To be honest, senior brother, the master returned to the temple not long ago, but after hearing that you were captured by a monkey, he left again. Before leaving, he told me to endure it for the time being until he returns. Deal with these monks again!"

Qingfeng was overjoyed when he heard this and said quickly: "Master, did you really say this?"

Mingyue pretended to be angry and said with a straight face: "What did I trick you into doing?"

Seeing this, Qingfeng quickly apologized, and then said happily: "Okay, okay! When Master comes back, we must give these monks a good meal to relieve their anger!"

Mingyue nodded first, and then said: "I asked you to avoid them this time because there are other important things!"

Qingfeng was startled when he heard this and asked in confusion: "What's the matter?"

Mingyue did not answer directly, but quietly walked to the door, slowly opened the door, went out and glanced around, and then slowly closed the door.

In the yard, Zhu Bajie was passing by humming a song while holding a pile of firewood.

"I think back then I was Marshal Tianpeng. I got drunk and made a mistake. Alas, Gao Laozhuang fought injustice and eliminated harm. It was you who recruited me as your son-in-law. It was your own arrangement. But now you say that I am a monster~"

Just as he was singing and shaking his head, his two cattail-like pig ears trembling back and forth, he suddenly saw the bright moon quietly peeking out from a wing not far away.

After seeing this, Zhu Bajie immediately covered his mouth, hid behind a tree with his body trembling, and peeked secretly.

When he saw Mingyue's strange appearance, he became suspicious.

Although he was mistakenly cast into a pig fetus, his mind was still very bright.

Seeing Ming Yue acting weird now, she secretly wondered if the two Taoist boys were plotting against their master and apprentice. After all, they had bullied these two Taoist boys since they came to Wuzhuang Temple.

When he thought of this, he quietly came to the door of the wing, then tilted his head against the paper window and listened.

In the wing, Mingyue whispered: "Master ordered us to receive Tang Monk and pick ginseng fruits for him to eat to show our old feelings. He also taught us to guard against his subordinates. As expected, those three have fierce faces and rough tempers. You are not here These days, that pig-headed guy has made things difficult for me in every possible way! Now that Master is coming back, if he knows that we didn’t use ginseng fruit to receive the great monk, he will definitely blame us!"

After hearing this, Qingfeng jumped down from the chair and said anxiously: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go pick ginseng fruits to quench his thirst!"

After that, he took the gold hammer and the alchemy plate, put the silk handkerchief on the bottom of the plate, and went out.

Outside the door, Zhu Bajie wanted to hide after hearing this.

But the place was very empty, and there was nothing else except the tree where he was hiding before.

In his anxiety, he suddenly had a flash of inspiration and said "change" on the spot, and he immediately turned into a big blue stone.

At this moment, as the door was opened inward, Qingfeng Mingyue rushed out.

Because they were afraid of being blamed by Zhen Yuanzi, they didn't look around. As soon as they went out, they walked quickly towards the back garden, but they didn't find Zhu Bajie who had turned into a big bluestone.

After arriving at the back garden, they first bowed to the unconscious Ancestor Hongyun in the ginseng fruit tree according to the rules, and then the breeze climbed up the tree and used the golden hammer to knock the fruit; the bright moon waited under the tree with a red plate. catch.

In the blink of an eye, two fruits fell from the tree and were caught by the bright moon in the pill plate.

Then the troops were divided into two groups. Qingfeng went to release the golden hammer, while Mingyue walked to the front hall with the alchemy plate.

In the hall, Tang Sanzang was reading scriptures.

Mingyue entered with courtesy, placed the alchemy plate on the small table in front of Tang Sanzang, cupped his hands and said: "Master Tang, our Wuzhuang Temple is in the remote mountains and deserts, and there is nothing to offer. I have two pieces of earth ritual fruit, which can be used to quench my thirst." !”

Upon hearing this, Tang Sanzang thanked him, put down the scripture in his hand, and prepared to get the fruit.

But his hand only reached halfway, and he quickly retracted it, his face suddenly changed, and he said tremblingly: "Good! Good! This year is full of youth, so why do you think you are eating people in this view? This person is under the age of three dynasties. How can my children quench my thirst?"

When he said this, he was also thinking in his mind: "The day before yesterday, Wukong said that this temple master has a disciple who is a demon. The poor monk didn't believe it. Now, at a glance, this temple master is really a Taoist who cannibalizes human flesh!"

After thinking of this, he got off the bed and retreated more than three feet.

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