Unify all heavens

Chapter 807 Daluo Jinxian!

Perhaps because the purple coffin of the past merged with the Netherworld Blood Coffin refined by Tongtian Cult Master in the Sea of ​​Blood, the purple coffin has undergone slight changes.

For this reason, at the foot of Baihu Ridge, when Saint Taiqing wanted to get rid of Li Qing, Li Qing called for the purple coffin, and his body was broken into countless light spots, and he returned to the Immortal Prison World after a long absence from the world of Journey to the West.

Although Li Qing has stayed in the world of Journey to the West for hundreds or thousands of years, only one month has passed in the Immortal Prison World.

At this time, at the bottom of the huge valley in the Corpse Mansion, seventy-two purple coffin inheritors were all imprisoned on a circular platform at the bottom of the valley. In addition to them, there were Xing Tian and Xia Geng who were still sleeping.

In the open space under the round platform, hundreds of thousands of disciples of the Corpse Palace were building attic caves, and the remaining one hundred elders of the Corpse Palace were flying in the air.

"Hurry up! Don't wait any longer. Judging from the time the Palace Master entered the Purple Coffin Thunder Gate that day, he will be back in three to five days!"

"And those purple coffin inheritors in the formation must be guarded. Although their cultivation has been abolished by the palace master, they still cannot be underestimated!"

Under the shouts of these elders, all the disciples started working anxiously.

But at this moment, a deafening thunder suddenly sounded in the cloudless sky!


Under this thunder, all the disciples and elders of Corpse Mansion subconsciously raised their heads and looked at the sky with wide eyes!

After the thunder, a light door surrounded by thunder and lightning suddenly appeared in the sky.

An elder of the Corpse Palace, covered in black robes, suddenly became excited when he saw the light door, and said in a trembling voice: "Palace Master! The Palace Master is finally back!"

They didn't know that the Palace Master of the Corpse Palace had already been strangled to death by Li Qing, and that the Palace Master that day was a corpse possessed by the Zombie God.

So, when the elder finished speaking, another elder said with excitement: "After the palace master returns this time, all the heavens and realms will still be controlled by my Corpse Palace!"

When he finished speaking, all the disciples of Corpse Mansion who were still busy cheered.

Amidst the cheers, an elder with a majestic face stretched out his hand and pressed down in the void several times to stop the cheers of the disciples.

When everything calmed down, the elder stroked his beard and said: "You will form your formation and follow the other elders to welcome the return of the Palace Master!"

After he finished speaking, the disciples below all lined up in formation, waiting for the return of the 'Palace Master'.

At the same time, an elder approached and whispered: "Great Elder, do you need to report to the palace master about the blood corpse massacre of all the creatures in the Immortal Prisoner World? After all, she has already destroyed the Immortal Prisoner Tower. With her strength, , you should be able to return to heaven at any time!”

After hearing these words, the majestic elder frowned and said, "Let me think about this for some time. The most important thing now is to welcome the master of the palace back and take us to rule the rest of the world!"

After hearing this, the elder nodded slightly, then turned and left.

At this moment, the light door in the sky suddenly grew larger, and then an extremely terrifying aura emanated from the light door.

In an instant, all the corpse palace disciples and elders flying in the air were pressed to the ground by this aura.

Suffocated by this breath and unable to move, the elders had a look of fanaticism on their faces, and one by one they shouted in a hissing voice: "Welcome back to the palace master!"

At first, only the one hundred elders shouted, but after three or five breaths, all the disciples screamed.

After a few breaths, their voices became unified, and the six words "Welcome back to the palace master" immediately echoed in the valley, with lingering sounds.

Then, amidst their loud voices, countless light points floated out from the light door, and then quickly condensed together at a speed visible to the naked eye.

In just an instant, the shouting and shouting from below suddenly stopped, and everyone looked at the figure in the sky with frightened expressions and disbelief.

At the same time, Li Qing lowered his head and said softly: "Taiqing. After all, you still don't have the ability to chase me!"

After saying this, the corners of his mouth were filled with a hint of solemnity.

Although Saint Taiqing was unable to chase him back to the Prisoner's Immortal World, he could return to the Westward Journey world at any time to settle accounts with Saint Taiqing!

As soon as he thought about this, his eyes fell on the people below, then moved away, looking around.

Unknowingly, Li Qing's eyes were closed tightly and his arms were spread wide, enjoying the feeling of waves of corpse energy in his body!

During this period, densely packed thick iron chains appeared outside his body. These iron chains were the rules and divine punishment set by Hongjun that day.

Hongjun is the way of heaven in the world created by Pangu, so his words are the law of heaven!

He said that as long as Li Qing traveled to the Western World for one day, he would never be able to set foot in the Daluo Golden Immortal Realm! Then Li Qing really couldn't move forward an inch!

Even though he ate a lot of immortal fruits, drank a lot of immortal wine, smelted the Four Immortal Swords, and devoured all the cultivation and magical powers of Taoist Mosquito, his cultivation level was still that of the Nine Heavens Mysterious Immortal!

But Hongjun's words are only effective in the world of Journey to the West. Now that Li Qing has returned to the Immortal Prisoner Realm, the vast amount of cultivation accumulated in his body is like a torrential wave, rolling, powerful, and impacting outside his body. The chains of damnation!

As a result, the Corpse Mansion disciples and elders below watched helplessly as dense iron chains suddenly appeared and appeared outside Li Qing's body!

Whenever these iron chains appear, they twist like snakes.

If it were the world of Journey to the West, at this time, these snake-like iron chains would have borrowed power from Hongjun and used the entire world to suppress Li Qing's cultivation!

But now, the distance between the Immortal Prison World and the World of Journey to the West is immeasurable!

These iron chains naturally cannot borrow power from Hongjun!

Therefore, when the boundless power in Li Qing's body accumulated to a certain level, it would explode like a flame, impacting those iron chains!



Under this terrifying cultivation level that had been suppressed for thousands of years, these chains began to twist and shake violently.

When the iron chain vibrated, the sound vibrated the void in the Prisoner's Immortal Realm, causing countless dark cracks in the void around Li Qing.

At this moment, Li Qing suddenly widened his eyes and roared ferociously.


As the word rang out, all the iron chains outside his body exploded in an instant!


At the same time, a monstrous momentum emanated from Li Qing, shaking the entire prison world, causing the world to tremble in this short moment!

Immediately afterwards, Li Qing's body slowly fell to the ground, and his whole body was filled with anger.

Then, he suddenly raised his head, screamed strangely, and jumped forward!

The moment his feet landed on the ground, the four fangs in his mouth, which were smelted from the Four Swords of Zhu Xian, grew outward at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, he gradually bent over, and a boundless sea of ​​blood emerged from his eyes!

His body gradually swelled, making his face more ferocious, and hairs emitting black smoke grew out one after another on his palms and legs.

Then, he let out a strange cry again, and jumped forward again!

When he landed, his muzzle protruded forward, and two horn-like things gradually grew on the back of his head. During this period, fluffy hair also appeared on his neck, and his neck gradually stretched, and his skin became cracked. The skin and flesh at the cracks hardened in an instant, forming shiny scales that looked like fish scales.

Then, there was another strange cry, and another jump!

This time, Li Qing did not fall to the ground, but soared straight into the sky and suspended in the air!

Then, his figure became dozens of times larger, covering the sky above the entire valley!

In the valley, the disciples and elders of the Corpse Mansion were suppressed by a more terrifying aura than before after Li Qing changed his appearance.

It was better for some elders who had stronger cultivation. Like those disciples, in this aura that was like the power of heaven, blood suddenly flowed from all the seven orifices, and then with a 'bang' sound, the body exploded into a pile of sticky flesh and blood!

In fear, these elders raised their heads with difficulty and narrowed their eyes to look at Li Qing high in the sky.

At that moment, Li Qing's appearance turned into a dog-like mouth, deer-like horns, camel-like head, rabbit-like ears, shrimp-like eyes, lion-like hair, snake-like neck, mirage belly, carp-like scales, and front paws. A mythical beast that looks like an eagle and has tiger-like hind claws!

In just an instant, the expressions of these elders changed drastically!

How could they not recognize that Li Qing had now made a breakthrough in cultivation and evolved once again, becoming a rare divine beast in the world - Jian!

According to ancient rumors, after the Emperor Ba has survived for thousands of years, he will scream strangely and leap three times before transforming into a beast. Huan can fight gods and Buddhas, eat dragons and phoenixes, spit fireworks from his mouth, and the gods are unstoppable!

There are also rumors that Jian is in the golden fairyland of Daluo, but he has transcended Daluo!

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