Unify all heavens

Chapter 810 Rebellion!


Along with a thunder, the dark sky was instantly torn apart by a thunder dragon!

And beneath the Tianxiahui building, at the end of the dark and winding underground corridor leading to hell, is a prison made of the hardest materials in the world.

Duanlang is locked here

On both sides of the wall of this corridor, there is an oil lamp every two feet.

At this moment, the oil lamp suddenly flickered on and off, and Duanlang, whose whole body was tied tightly with cold iron chains, seemed to feel something. He suddenly raised his head and looked at the dark roof of the prison.

And in a certain pavilion above the Tianlao, Xiongba also slowly opened his eyes!

He seemed to feel that Duan Lang was looking up from the sky prison dozens of feet below his feet, so he suddenly sneered: "Duan Lang, he has come back. I need you to help me to eradicate him together! From now on, you and I How about father and son working together to take charge of the world?”

As he spoke, he slowly stood up from the chair, looked out the window with his hands behind his hands, and said with a smile: "I have ruled the world for eighty years, and have more than a million zombies under my command! Now I have gathered the Immortal God, Emperor Shitian, Twelve Panic and Jue Wushen combined the powers of these existences into one body, and even swallowed hundreds of thousands of zombie kings (celestial beings) with nameless skills. Now he has become an emperor! If you help me, we, father and son, can definitely eradicate him ! Truly become the master of this entire world!"

"Zombies have no humanity, so why not be loyal?"

"Since Youruo died three years ago, I have only had you as a relative. Now is the time for you to serve me. If you are still stubborn, I can't bear it, but I can only give you black hair. People!"

His voice seemed to have some kind of magical power. Although it didn't even leave the room, it penetrated dozens of feet of the ground and resounded in Duanlang's ears.

In the sky prison, Duan Lang, whose whole body was chained by cold iron chains, laughed loudly as if he had heard a big joke after hearing Xiong Ba's words.

After a few breaths, he stopped laughing and said sarcastically: "Xiongba, don't forget, who gave you everything you have now? Since the Lord can give you these, he naturally has the strength to take them away!"

"Although you have broken free of Lord Jiang Fei and your master and servant, and swallowed the consciousness of heaven, in the eyes of the master, you are still a watchdog after all!"

In the pavilion dozens of feet above Tianlao, Xiongba laughed loudly after hearing Duanlang's words, and then said: "This is why so many existences have been swallowed up by me, and even you, Duanlang, are locked in Tianlao. The reason! I have been running rampant in the world for decades. If I always look forward and backward, how can I create a world success? The reason why I have been silent during these years is to figure out everything about him!"

"The realm of the Immortal God was still higher than me back then, but it only took me three years to devour him!"

"After Twelve became a zombie in panic, his level was higher than mine, but I also swallowed him!"

"Forty years ago, when I broke through the master-servant chain with Jiang Fei, I saw from his memory that our master encountered a crisis that was enough to make him fall!"

"Thirty years ago, Jiang Fei fell into a deep sleep!"

"And now, our master's strength is probably still at the level of the Corpse Ancestor Realm!"

"Isn't the golden scale a thing in the pond? How can I, the tyrant, submit to others?"

When he said this, Xiong Ba calmed down and slowly shook his head and said: "I originally thought that you, Duan Lang, were a talent, but I was mistaken!"

After that, he ignored what Duan Lang said and flew out of the window, landing on the high platform of the three-point teaching field in the blink of an eye.

On the stage, when the young man in black saw Xiong Ba coming, he nodded slightly and said respectfully: "Father!"


Xiongba nodded slightly, then smiled kindly and said: "Long Teng, in the past few years since I have been away, you have handled the affairs of the gang in an orderly manner, and your strength has also improved to the Zombie King realm. Now, it is time for you and me, father and son, to work together!"

As early as thirty years ago, when Xiongba discovered that Duanlang had second thoughts, he resurrected the dead god who died eighty years ago, tampered with his memory, and carefully trained him.

At this time, after hearing what Xiong Ba said, Catching God nodded slightly expressionlessly, and then raised his head together with Xiong Ba, looking at the sea of ​​clouds that was torn apart by the thunder dragon before.

At this time, it was only a few minutes since the thunder sounded. But the sun has illuminated this dark world.

During this period, terrifying figures flew out from various places in the Tianxiahui and landed on the Three-Point Teaching Field.

The Tianxiahui disciples scattered across the mainland of China seemed to have received some notice. At this moment, they all put down what they were doing and flew towards the Tianxiahui at the fastest speed.

As the number of zombies on the three-point training field gradually increased, a familiar figure of Xiong Ba finally appeared where the sea of ​​clouds was torn apart.

After seeing Li Qing's figure, Xiong Ba felt an inexplicable panic in his heart.

But he quickly suppressed the panic, and said with a gloomy look: "The matter has come to this, today even if the 750,000 zombie kings I have trained over the years are destroyed, he must be kept! Otherwise, he will As long as I see Duanlang, my forty years of planning will come to nothing!"

After thinking of this, Xiongba gave Long Teng a wink, and then both father and son knelt down and said respectfully: "We welcome the Lord back!"

After they finished speaking, the millions of zombies on the Three-Point Teaching Field all knelt on the ground and shouted coldly: "We welcome the return of the Lord!"

Their voices were extremely loud, resounding all around in an instant and echoing high in the sky.

After Li Qing, who was falling, heard these shouts, the gloom in his heart that he had accidentally been plotted by the God of Zombie faded a bit.

Then a smile appeared on the corner of his mouth, and he quickly landed on the stage where only Xiong Ba and his son were.

At this time, a Zombie King-level zombie in the distance carried a golden dragon chair, quickly came to the stage, knelt down on the ground, and said coldly: "Master, please take a seat!"

After Li Qing glanced at him, the smile on his face became even bigger, and he smiled at Xiongba and said: "Yes, you did not disappoint me, you actually trained so many zombie kings!"

After saying that, he slowly turned around and sat on the dragon chair.

At this time, Xiong Ba bowed forward, showing a trembling look, and said to Li Qing: "Your Majesty, the Immortal God and Duan Lang rebelled thirty years ago, and even their subordinates were deceived. In the dark, I almost ruined the Lord’s eternal plan!”

Li Qing was startled when he heard this, and then looked at Xiong Ba with a hint of ridicule.

It's just that Xiong Ba was lowering his head, so he didn't see it.

At the same time, Long Teng looked at the densely packed zombies under the stage and nodded slightly.

In an instant, dense crowds of zombie kings suddenly flew up from under the stage, flying towards Li Qing with ferocious faces!

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